Labour market in Pomerania region is dynamically developing and its constantly improving statistics make recruiting new candidates for work more and more challenging. Human resource managers have to put a lot of effort to prevent already employed workers from looking around for a new employer.
However, what makes employees happy, can be a headache for employers and companies’ HR departments. For it means that it will be getting more and more difficult to find new workers. Additionally, it won’t be easy to keep already employed persons for a longer period of time.
That is why, the heads of human resource managers are already full of ideas how to make company’s image attractive and to improve working conditions effectively. During the conference dedicated to all HR-workers – Yes, We Can! you will have a chance to find out which of them are effective and which of them are worth implementing into corporate reality.
We are talking to Krzysztof Kunicki, one of the speakers during the event and the organiser of the project, about HR specialists’ needs in Pomerania region and about skills, which guarantee getting a great job. We are also discussing and wondering why the biggest strength of every company is well-chosen, talented stuff and why it is worth to participate in the event in Olivia Business Centre.
Monika Bogdanowicz (Olivia Business Centre Communication): Who needs a good HR today? Why did you decide to organise “Yes, We Can!” conference?
Krzysztof Kunicki (Job Office, Employment Office in Gdańsk)*: Who needs a good HR today? I think every company does. For sure the ones, which want to recruit valuable workers and develop thanks to them. The idea to organise experts’ debate in some way derived from HR specialists’ needs.
It may sound like a simplification, but nowadays many companies identify good HR services for example with high remuneration, additional health insurance or Multisport card. Until recently, such solutions attracted candidates effectively. However, today they are treated as a kind of standard benefits. In such a situation, HR specialists ask themselves what else can be done. What can attract the best workers effectively and keep them for longer. This is the issue we would like to talk about – the most interesting trends and proven ideas for better HR.
MB: What does a current situation in labour market look like, if we look at it from the centre of business environment, where Job Office and the Centre of Talent Development – event’s organisers – have their headquarters?
KK: Labour market is an area, which is changing very dynamically. Not so long ago, companies recruiting specialists for different kinds of positions didn’t have any problems with finding potential workers. They didn’t always meet all employers’ demands, but at least they were recruited. Unfortunately, today the situation is different.
It is very difficult to recruit candidates even for such positions, which don’t require high qualifications. It also significantly touches international corporations and so called big business, which, because of its character, searches for candidates with certain kind of knowledge and skills, even language ones.
MB: What are, currently, the biggest challenges for people who recruit workers and develop human capital in Pomeranian companies?
KK: There are several challenges. When it comes to the most important ones, I can safely indicate two – searching for right workers and keeping them in a company for a longer period of time. It is no secret that conditions in labour market are currently dictated by people who are looking for jobs. The best ones can pick through many job offers, that is why HR specialists don’t have an easy task to deal with. They have to attract candidates more effectively than their competitors. However, this is not the end of challenges.
We are living in a very mobile world. Especially young people have different approach to employment than, for example, their parents who could work in the same company their whole lives. Today, changing workplace is nothing unusual. That is why the role of HR specialists is to develop such an offer to make the best workers stay in a company as long as possible.
MB: Which elements of the programme do you think are the most important for participants and which element distinguishes your event?
People who want to share their knowledge and experience, always make any conference, debate or discussion panel unique. This case isn’t different. We invited to the discussion a group of extremely interesting people, who have been working as HR managers in international environment for many years. In short, real experts in their profession. Such a description fits perfectly Konrad Lipski from State Street Bank or Ewa Mandryk, who developed her career, among other companies, in Intel.
Of course, there will be more speakers, but I think that speakers have the same motto: it doesn’t matter how difficult our challenges will be, we can do it, in short, Yes, We Can!
Krzysztof Kunicki: master of laws, administrative law attorney, employee of Employment Office in Gdańsk (GUP), business client advisor in JOB OFFICE. He studied law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk and participated in many specialist training courses within the scope of recruitment, coaching and career counselling. He specialises also in administrative law and proceedings. He works in the scope of labour market, recruitment and selection of candidates for certain positions. He develops and implements promotional and marketing strategies of GUP and is constantly cooperating with business clients. In his work, he focuses on professionalism, improving the quality of services and comprehensive consulting in the process of recruitment and selection.
Job Office has its headquarters in Olivia Six building located in the Olivia Business Centre complex, within Olivia CONNECT space (13th floor). Here are the most important pillars of JOB OFFICE’s business activity: pre-recruitment, comprehensive information on services offered by Employment Office in Gdańsk, counselling in the scope of choosing the best form of employment and promoting employment office’s e-services. JOB OFFICE is a partner of all companies from IT, BPO and SSC sectors, which currently offer a wide range of possibilities to develop career. Within the scope of JOB OFFICE’s offer, employers can use “tailored” services, resources and HR knowledge, as well as a full range of financial forms of support Specialists from Job Office respond to different employers’ needs. More information:
“Yes, We Can!” conference, September 6, 2017, Talent Development Center, Olivia Business Centre (ground floor in Olivia SIX building).
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