Today, work is a hot topic of analyses and a permanent source of interest of individuals, representatives of companies, business and media environments. The key point is to enable business environment to have permanent access to current knowledge on the newest solutions in HR sector, which may be useful for managers and staff which manages companies.
Thanks to Olivia Business Centre’s cooperation with HR Club, a periodic event organised by Marcelina Godlewska from ABSL (Association of Business Service Leaders) and Richard Piskorz (BNP Paribas), we will have an opportunity to participate in Tri-City in a meeting concerning the newest directions in the sector. It will be held on September 21st in Olivia Sky Club (you need to register by contacting ABSL –
During the event there will be presented for example a report on applications in business, in HR sector, the newest technologies: artificial intelligence. The guests of HR Club will be for example the developers of Emplocity platform – Krzysztof Sobczak and Arkadiusz Talun.
Emplocity is an advanced solution, which integrates labour market on the level of workers and employers and significantly enhances competitiveness of the above-mentioned segments. By introducing the technique of inverted recruitment, it offers effective recruitment tools, creating an attractive alternative for old-fashioned HR techniques and being an innovation in the field of costly headhunting processes.
If we look at the process of job hunting from a worker’s perspective, we can see a picture of the large number of job offers, very often in the absence of possibility to use them in the place of residence or impossibility to fulfil some criteria (for example language ones). If we look at it from employer’s perspective, we can see a huge number of data for analysis, which is necessary to recruit a worker efficiently. Very often, this task effectively blocks HR departments and their effective support of business development. To be able to join real needs and possibilities of companies and workers, the solutions of the future are being designed. They are now available in Poland, for example, due to companies which invest in innovations in business.
You are kindly invited to read the interview with Krzysztof Sobczak, Emplocity CEO, who will be the guest of the periodic event organised by ABSL – HR Club.
How to find the right worker and new job more effectively thanks to new technologies?
Monika Bogdanowicz (Olivia Business Centre Communication): New technologies are more and more boldly pushing their way into our lives and areas, in which, until now, people played a dominant role. Growing demand for the process of effective headhunting – for companies and very often tedious searching for a proper place/position – by workers, make recruitment more and more difficult. That is why, we have higher expectations on both sides of this process. What is more, the newest technologies and Internet 4.0 are stepping in: artificial intelligence, automation and virtual reality. How and in which aspects can your project help companies and workers?
Krzysztof Sobczak (Emplocity CEO): The main reason to use our solution is time efficiency. Most people don’t have enough time to search for a job, especially when they are already working somewhere. Browsing job offers, applying and managing this process are very often a full-time activity. Our bot will do it for you. It will be anonymously presenting your candidacy to hundreds of employers.
Only when they express their interest in inviting you to recruitment process and – what is very important – when your expectations concerning the offer are met; for example benefits, remuneration, form of cooperation etc., the bot will ask you if you accept the invitation and want to share your personal details. Entire heavy lifting connected with communication and candidate’s job hunting is transferred to the bot, at the same time inverting the rules of recruitment process.
What is more, when it comes to companies, our system supports the most difficult steps of recruitment and selection of candidates and helps make right decisions without prejudices or cognitive errors. We analyse huge amount of market information and data from diverse sources. Thanks to that we enable our clients to effectively conduct decisive processes connected with employment. We use the newest technological solutions to help employers automate recruitment process, influence the improvement of candidates’ satisfaction and increase the recruiters’ productivity. Our services make it possible to significantly reduce the time needed to recruit workers and are an alternative to a traditional offer of recruitment agencies.

A change in HR sector
MB.: Your company wants to revolutionise the whole headhunting process, mainly thanks to the use of artificial intelligence. How did you come up with the idea of such a business project and what exactly triggered its creation? What contributed to the next stages of its development?
KS: The idea resulted from our previous negative experiences. We realised that recruitment process is frustrating, ineffective and time-consuming for both parties. A candidate wastes a lot of time reading unrealistic job offers and participating in conversations with their authors. Browsing websites and offers is tedious and time-consuming. It feels like nightmare for me. They all look the same, we don’t know what we are going to do, for how much and whether our application reaches an employer. We came to the conclusion that this is a task which a machine can do better than a human being.

MB.: Is the application designed exclusively for Polish market and only for HR sector? Who else can benefit from using it?
KS: Currently, we are concentrating on the Polish market, but of course in time we will take into account a global variant, considering the scalability of this solution. Both medium and big companies with HR departments can use it, but we also have an offer for smaller organisations, which also search for workers, however they don’t have people dedicated to recruitment. Such a peculiar, external and outsourced HR department is an invaluable support for them.
MB.: Do we know the effects of using the app by workers and what scale of operations/reaching people do you aim to achieve within the next months, year. How many companies and people will have been using Emplocity within 3 years?
KS.: Within three years we would like to become the third most important player in recruitment market along with, LinkedIn or GoldenLine. This is our plan. We need a real support of robots and artificial intelligence in recruitment processes.
MB.: How do companies and HR specialists react to the possibilities of solutions offered by your company? Do you manage to build trust for such ways of supporting their work? Which obstacles do you encounter while convincing people that the application has many advantages?
KS: Already now, we are receiving many enquiries from employers both via e-mail and phone. These are companies of different size and from different sectors, less or better known brands, but they have one thing in common – all of them have problems with reaching right candidates.
During meetings with them we often hear that solutions that are available in the market, such as recruitment websites or business social networks don’t actually work and an alternative is needed, which will enable to reach people who don’t have their accounts on, GoldenLine or LinkedIn. On Facebook there are about 10 million people in working age, whom we are able to reach thanks to our Emplobot, which functions in Messenger. That is why, there is a huge potential to act and HR specialists usually approach it with a lot of enthusiasm. It is worth mentioning that in the middle of the year we asked 300 representatives of HR sectors about their approach to new technologies, including artificial intelligence in recruitment. As many as 72% of surveyed people claim that nowadays you need to implement new technologies on the stage of reaching candidates and acquiring their applications. Additionally, only 5% of recruiters think that robots will deprive them of work. It shows that a vast majority treats it as a real support in these most time-consuming activities during recruitment process.
To sum up, companies come to us and talk to us eagerly about collaboration opportunities.
MB.: I hope that thanks to your company it will be possible to have a visible impact on changes, which will help people find great jobs and employers find the best workers.
KS.: Such an idea stands behind our everyday work on the development of this project!
Krzysztof Sobczak – CEO, co-founder Emplocity. He is a co-founder of Emplocity and doggedly and faithfully manages the key aspects of its activity, believing in company’s mission. A few years ago, he resigned from originally chosen career path to develop in the direction, which really gives him satisfaction. After working hours, he is a dreamer, traveller, runner, populariser of ambitious initiatives – he finished the most difficult ultra-run in the world called Jungle Marathon (254 km) and raised 130 thousand zlotys for a good cause.
Association of Business Service Leaders (ABSL) – is a leading organisation, which represents modern services for Polish business. It sets standards and directions of sector’s development, which is now the most dynamic branch of Polish economy and provides employment for nearly 250 thousand people, as well as registers growth on the level of 15-20% per year. ABSL focuses Shared Service Centres (SSC), Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO), Research&Development (R&D) and companies supporting sector’s development. ABSL initiates numerous actions which aim to promote Poland as an attractive country that is open for foreign investors.
HR ABSL Club – the mission of HR Club is the integration of the sector within the scope of exchange of good HR practices, referring to legal barriers and stimulating the environment to actions, which will help companies and sectors develop and help Poland become the first choice of location for BPO/SSC operations and desirable workplace.