On 7 September 2015 the infoShare Academy took off. Classes in the exceptional school for future programmers will be arranged in the O4 innovation development space (Olivia Business Centre, Olivia Four building).
Over 12 weeks eight hours a day, in the inspiring atmosphere of O4 (Olivia Business Centre), the students will be getting qualifications to become Web Developers. The bootcamp program provides, inter alia, for studies of modern programming languages, techniques and tools and lots of work in development teams. During the course, the participants will develop a portfolio of their own project; the Academy will be ended with a Hackers Day during which graduates will present their achievements.
Right from the beginning, the InfoShare Academy is committed to intensive and practical education as well as passion, innovation, fantastic atmosphere, cooperation and mutual success. The organisers of the course, developing partnerships with IT companies, support their graduates in finding a job after completion.
“Within 3 months our students will learn how to think and work like programmers. This will be a great adventure and I believe we will change their professional lives. We plan more editions in the future,” says Marcin Pokojski, co-founder and CEO of the Academy.
“The course in this edition covers technologies required to develop web applications. Starting from the appearance of the application (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and ending with its business logic (PHP, SQL). The students will become acquainted with advanced tools used by programmers in their daily work and will get the insight of project management adaptation techniques (Scrum). All of that at one course,“ adds Marcin Pokojski.
In the US there are almost 60 such institutions; recently, upon an initiative by Barack Obama the institutions have been grouped under the auspices of public administration under the “TechHire Initiative” in order to support improvement of education and meeting the market needs to provide the numbers of missing programmers.
In response to the demand of technological companies from our region, the infoShare Academy plans over the next months to train over 100 new programmers ready to take up work when the training is completed. A plan exists to develop the project in other cities in Poland.
“infoShare Academy will operate within O4 – a new space supporting innovation at Olivia Business Centre. This way it becomes an element of one of the four pillars of the new initiate – EDUCATION”, says Marta Moksa, manager of the O4 project. This is another element of the pillar after the continuous training and workshops, the Non-Public Junior High School Thinking Zone and the afternoon educational centre TOC Pracownia”.
Contact person:
Marcin Pokojski / CEO infoShare Academy;
tel.: +48 502 707 164; email: marcin@infoshareacademy.com