We sail on Sundays! Welcome!

The whole Sunday under sail! Good company, amazing views and complete ease, because it is you, the crew, who decide (well, also the wind) where you go and when you take a break for a “fish” during the cruise. We sail from the most beautiful marina in Poland, on the Sopot pier.


We cordially invite you, together with Premium Yachting, to unforgettable Sunday cruises on the Bay of Gdańsk. You have no sailing experience? No problem. Everyone who simply wants to sail is welcome.


  • Start: 10:00, Marina Sopot, Plac Zdrojowy 2 in Sopot (at the end of the pier, the yacht is marked with the flag of Olivia Centre).
  • End: 20:00, Marina Sopot, Plac Zdrojowy 2 in Sopot (at the end of the pier, the yacht marked with the flag of Olivia Centre).
  • Route: depending on the weather conditions, the plans include Rewa, Jastarnia, the ditch of the Vistula Spit, Hel…
  • Equipment: layered clothing, comfortable shoes with soft soles, sunglasses, sunscreen and headgear.
  • As an Olivia Resident, you can buy a ticket for an Accompanying Person at the “resident” price (PLN 250).
  • The cost of the cruise does not include entry to the Sopot pier.

Additional information

  • People taking part in the cruise meet a moment before 10:00 in Marina Sopot (at the end of the Sopot pier)
  • Here you will find
    additional information about Marina Sopot.
  • Each time the skipper is waiting for those taking part in the cruise, at the Atena yacht with the flags of Olivia Yacht Club and Premium Yachting.
  • The meeting point is additionally marked with a stall.
  • The course of the sailing adventure is supervised by an experienced sea wolf, Kasper Orkisz.
  • Do you have any questions? Write:


You can find tickets in the My Olivia app and on the
Events website
. Residents have a discount and the opportunity to buy tickets at a promotional price for themselves and an accompanying person.


Olivia Quest – much more than a game that integrates the community

Building an active community still gives office centre operators sleepless nights, while unconventional and consistently implemented activities lead to success. Olivia Quest has just ended: a game that engaged nearly 650 players from 80 companies.


The game was open to all people who work in Olivia Centre in Gdańsk, the largest office centre in Poland. Olivia Quest was a project that lasted 3 weeks and consisted of taking up various challenges and solving puzzles leading to guessing the master password. As many as 645 players took part in the competition, of which 38 people competed for the win in the finals. The winner was Filip Smurawa from Capgemini. Every day, throughout the game, the players had to try to guess the password of the day, to which the tasks scattered throughout the business center led them. All of them were a hint of the main password, for which a financial prize of PLN 1000 awaited the winner.



As Filip Smurawa admits, at first he was not interested in participating in the competition, but it was his colleagues who motivated him to finally try his hand: The initial slogans were relatively simple and this is why the game did not arouse my interest at the beginning. I was mainly inspired to participate by my colleagues from Capgemini and, inspired by their attempts to guess the next passwords, after three or four days I joined the fun. With the following days, the level of difficulty grew, and with it my curiosity. Quite quickly, we came up with the main entry, which undoubtedly helped with the auxiliary entries that led us to the final of the competition.



Maciej Olszewski, director of Olivia’s Communication Department, emphasizes that initiating this type of action is not only satisfaction, but also great fun for the whole team: Once again, the effects of the project proposed to tenants exceeded our expectations. This was the first time we had prepared such a game, so at first we didn’t know how our residents’ employees would receive it, and the numbers are astonishing: the participants made 32,845 attempts to guess the word of the day, and one of the words got a record 1,386 attempts. In one of the companies, as many as 63 players took part in the game, who were puzzled over the slogans we entered. These data show that it is worth implementing such projects, so this edition of Olivia Quest will certainly not be the only one. We hope that in the next editions more participants will join the fun. –Adds. The project was carried out in cooperation with O4 Coworking, from the conceptual side to implementation. This shows that the best ideas are the fruit of joint work.

Since its inception, Olivia Centre has been consistently developing the idea of creating a community in its area. On a daily basis, this group is concentrated in numerous interest clubs, bringing together lovers of photography, creating and editing films, plant care, sports clubs (football, cross-country running, volleyball or sailing), but also in such unique projects as the Olivia Centre Choir, which has a number of performances behind it, released its first album, and in recent weeks gave its first commercial concert, for which tickets were sold out long before the event. The legitimacy of the existence of a close-knit and active community was also confirmed in such exceptional periods as the pandemic or the beginning of the war in Ukraine, when employees of companies from Olivia collected computers for children during remote learning, did shopping for seniors and people in need, or organized a collection of the most urgently needed gifts for those fighting at the front and everything needed by war refugees arriving in Polish. On a daily basis, Olivia’s employees organize blood donations and work for animal shelters, and numerous initiatives allow them to integrate, exchange ideas and inspire the development of new interest clubs.


This is a great value of our project, which is important in recruitment, and even more so as a motivational factor that allows us to retain employees and contribute to higher attendance at work. – says Bogusław Wieczorek, representative of Olivia Centre. The research conducted by us shows that on days when additional events are organized in our centre, the attendance in offices is higher than on days when there are no such initiatives, and this is confirmed by the employees themselves: 64% of respondents make the date of coming to the office dependent on the schedule of additional activities that await them in Olivia Centre. 12% of office employees actively use our offer, and another 12% declare their willingness to join in the near future. These are hard figures, reflecting current trends in work and giving us a basis for developing these projects in the future.


Photos to download




Be ECO with Edyta! Test the machine for the earth!

We invite you to our patio on May 15. From 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., the amazing Edyta Bieniasz-Krzywiec from Bayer (
winner of the Olivia Prize in the Eco category
!) will present the fantastic Machine for the Planet!
You can approach, ask, test, learn everything about how to recycle plastic into everyday objects at home (wow), e.g. combs and buttons.


The event is part of a larger project dedicated to Bayer employees and their families, called Eco Family Days. This is the second edition of EFD organized by the Bayer community, WeCharity and EcoFriends to inspire and encourage people to live in the spirit of ECO.



What’s on the agenda?


Edyta’s team will present (and promote, of course!) the production of everyday objects from materials obtained as part of the HOME circular economy. Of course, with particular emphasis on plastics and bio-waste.


There will also be a mini-workshop (not only for children) with a demonstration of techniques for forming waste plastic using a mobile injection molding machine powered by green energy and creating objects from bio-plastic formed from homemade biomass. You can try to create such a comb or a super button.


And there will be useful advice from our experts on: your own composter and eco-compost for your own use or the pH of the soil.


There will be interesting materials to take!

Olivia Centre

Wednesday, 15.05 | 11:30-13:30


Edyta Bieniasz-Krzywiec and her family run the
EcoFloral Profile
website and it’s worth taking a look there:)








Let’s make Olivia green!

Dear Residents,


As you know, on May 13 we are starting the reconstruction of our patio. We are greening Olivia. For you. We create a wooded space, full of grass and flowers, where you will be able to rest, relax and delight. The project is large, its implementation takes time, so we divided the work into stages.


The first one includes the development of the area between the Olivia Star building and Olivia Six, which will allow us to create a new, functional outdoor space. The works will take several weeks and we will be able to enjoy the refreshed part of the patio in the summer.


We make every effort to ensure that everything runs smoothly and does not interfere with all everyday functioning in Olivia. Access to the revolving door from the Olivia Six side will be provided throughout the duration of our works.


Below we present a visualization of the space after the reconstruction.
Here you will find a plan with an indication of the place where the work will be carried out
(marked in green).



Green Power! Keep your fingers crossed!