We are waiting impatiently, because in a moment the debut album of the Olivia Centre Choir “Good Tony” will see the light of day. Of course, in front of us – and above all in front of the Choristers – Premiere concert! It will be a unique concert, because it will be a charity concert. We believe that it is worth doing good and we are convinced that #RazemMozemyWiecej, so this concert , as you can guess, will not be the first to support a noble cause. And so, let’s recall the charity concert debut of the Olivia Centre and Friends Choir – “Heart with Ukraine”. And we immediately invite you to the ” Good Concert” on December 6 on the 34th floor of Olivia Star.
The news of the war in Ukraine fell on us overnight. Everyone tried to help as much as they could: with their knowledge, talent, free time, helping hands. At that time, on the initiative of the Olivia Centre Choir (the originator of the event was Wiktoria Pagieła, the conductor of the Olivia Choir, who lives permanently in Poland and comes from Zhytomyr), we started working on a charity concert “Heart with Ukraine”. We engaged artists, created a script, and organized a safe space. It was a touching and unique event – on March 28, 2022, on the stage of the 34. Almost 100 artists performed on Olivia Star’s floor.
The concert was attended by: Zoya Rozhok, soprano from the Ukrainian National Opera; Sviatoslav Kondrativ, a well-known Ukrainian violinist and composer; Viktor Korunnyy, French horn player, soloist of the Lviv Philharmonic; Artem Storozhuk, a graduate of the Academy of Music Pyotr Tchaikovsky in Kiev and Liana Kasyun-Korunna, a Ukrainian pianist, graduate of the Lviv Academy of Music.
The artists were accompanied by Polish musicians and singers: the Cantores Veiherovienses choir conducted by Tomasz Chyła and the Olivia Centre Choir. We heard: Emilia Osowska – mezzo-soprano, Krzysztof Pawłocki – guitar ( Les Femmes); Art’n’Voices team; mezzo-soprano Marta Jundziłł, alto countertenor Jakub Borowczyk; flutist Magdalena Burkiewicz; Martyna Chomuszko – piano and pianist Maciej Baczyński.
The concert began with the performance of the Prayer for Ukraine by all the artists. “Great and only God, save Ukraine,” is how the song begins. The music was composed over 130 years ago by Mykola Lysenko, the founder of the Ukrainian national opera.
All proceeds from the tickets went then, as we promised, to the Regional Coordination Centre Gdańsk Helps Ukraine for the purpose of layettes for small children.

This is how it was during the first charity concert, and today we invite you to another unique event. It will be a truly “Good Concert ” and a unique concert, because it will be a charity concert promoting the debut album of the Olivia Centre Choir “Good Tony”. Dozens of performers from many, very, very different companies from Olivia have been united by a great passion for music and the artists will share this passion with you on December 6th, to… make the world a little better. The goal is noble – to support the construction of the Respite Care Centre, and each of your donations to the fundraiser we have just launched (link to it below) is to help in its implementation.
By donating to the fundraiser, all proceeds from which will support the construction of the Respite Care Center being built in Gdańsk on the initiative of the Hospice Foundation, you can choose a “prize” that will be:
- a concert ticket,
- a concert ticket and a CD of the Olivia Choir,
- CD only.
You can also simply choose no prize, but make a donation and help the Hospice Foundation.
Jeżeli chcesz odebrać dwie nagrody, dokonaj dwóch odrębnych wpłat.
Jeżeli potrzebujesz trzech, dokonaj trzech odrębnych wpłat, itd.
Each donation over PLN 20 allows you to enter the charity concert of the Olivia Choir (choose such a prize in the fundraiser if you want to take part in the event)
Each donation over 30 PLN allows you to collect the debut album “Dobre Tony” (choose such a prize in the fundraiser if you want to be the owner of the debut album of the Olivia Choir)
Each donation over PLN 50 is an opportunity to collect a package: a CD with a concert ticket (choose such a prize in the fundraiser to take part in the event and collect the Choir’s CD during the concert).
You can also support the construction of the COW without choosing any of the rewards.