
Together for development. An interview with Krzysztof Kunicki, a speaker at the Yes, We Can!

The labour market in Pomerania is developing dynamically, and its improving statistics make it quite a challenge to attract new candidates. HR specialists also have to work hard so that those who are already employed do not start looking for a new employer.

However, what can be enjoyed by employees is a big headache for employers and company HR departments. This means that it will be increasingly difficult to recruit new staff, and it will also not be easy to retain those who are already employed for longer.

That is why HR specialists’ heads are already full of ideas to make the company’s image more attractive and effectively improve working conditions. You will be able to find out which of them are effective and which are worth implementing in the corporate reality during a conference dedicated to all HR professionals – Yes, We Can!

We talk to Krzysztof Kunicki, one of the panelists of the event and the organizer of the project, about the needs of HR specialists in Pomerania, what skills are a guarantee of getting a great job, why the greatest strength of every company are properly selected, talented people and why it is worth being a participant of the event at Olivia Business Centre.

Monika Bogdanowicz (Communication Olivia Business Centre): Who needs good HR today? How did you come up with the idea to organize the “Yes, We Can! ?

Krzysztof Kunicki (Job Office, Gdańsk Labour Office)*: Who needs good HR today? I think that every company, and certainly every company, that wants to acquire valuable employees and develop further thanks to them. The idea to organize an expert debate came from the needs of HR professionals themselves.

Maybe it will be a simplification, but today many companies equate good HR with, for example, a high salary, additional health insurance or a multisport card. Not so long ago, such solutions were effective in attracting candidates, but today all of this is more and more often treated as a standard. In this situation, HR specialists ask themselves what else can be done, how to effectively attract the best and keep them for longer. And that’s exactly what we’d like to talk about – the most interesting trends and proven ideas for better HR.

MB: What does the current situation on the labour market look like, looking from the very centre of the business environment, where the Job Office and the Talent Development Centre – the organisers of the event – are located?

KK: The labour market is an area that is changing very dynamically. Not so long ago, companies recruiting specialists for various types of positions had no problems with finding potential employees, they did not always meet all the requirements of employers, but they were. Today, unfortunately, things are different.

It is very difficult to find candidates, even for positions that do not require high qualifications. This is also strongly felt by international corporations and the so-called A large business which, due to its specificity, is looking for candidates with a certain amount of knowledge and skills, such as language skills.

MB: What are the biggest challenges faced by people involved in recruitment and development of human capital in companies in Pomerania?

KK: There are several challenges. When it comes to the most important things, we can easily point to two – searching for the right employees and keeping them in the company for longer. It is no secret that the conditions on the labour market are currently dictated by job seekers, the best can freely choose from the offers, so the task of an HR specialist is not easy, he must attract candidates more effectively than the competition will. However, the challenges do not end there.

We live in a very mobile world, especially young people have a different approach to employment than, for example, their parents, who may have worked in one company all their lives. Today, changing the workplace is no longer unusual, so the role of the HR department is to develop such an offer that the best employees want to stay in the company for as long as possible.

MB: What elements of the program do you recommend to the conference participants and what is the distinguishing element of your event?

The uniqueness of each conference, debate or discussion panel is always evidenced by people who want to share their knowledge and experience. This case is no different. We invited a group of really interesting personalities who have been dealing with human resources management in an international environment for several years, in a word, real experts in their field. This is certainly how Konrad Lipski from State Street Bank or Ewa Mandryk, who developed her career m.in, should be described in this way. at Intel.

Of course, there will be more interlocutors, but I think that all the speakers share a common motto, no matter what difficult challenges we face, we can do it anyway, in a word, Yes, We Can!

Krzysztof Kunicki: Master of Law, administrator, employee of the Gdańsk Labour Office, business client advisor at JOB OFFICE. He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk and completed a number of specialist trainings in the field of recruitment and selection, coaching and career counselling. He also specializes in administrative law and proceedings. At work, she deals with the labour market, recruitment and selection of candidates for individual positions. She develops and implements promotional and marketing strategies for GUP and cooperates with business clients on a regular basis. In her work, she focuses on professionalism, improving the quality of services and comprehensive advice in the recruitment and selection process.

Job Office is located in the Olivia Six building of the Olivia Business Centre complex, in the Olivia CONNECT space (13th floor). The most important pillars of JOB OFFICE’s activity are: pre-recruitment, comprehensive information on the services offered by the Gdańsk Labour Office, advice on the selection of the best form of employment for employees and promotion of e-services of the Labour Office. JOB OFFICE is a partner for all companies from the IT, BPO, SSC sector, which currently offer a very wide range of career development opportunities. As part of the JOB OFFICE offer, employers can take advantage of tailor-made services, resources and knowledge in the field of HR and a full range of financial forms of support. Job Office specialists respond to the diverse needs of employers. More: https://www.gup.gdansk.pl/

“Yes, We Can!” conference, 6 September 2017, Talent Development Centre, Olivia Business Center (ground floor in the Olivia SIX building).

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