
Olivia is a partner of OnkoRejs Granicami Polish

OnkoRejs Granicami Polish is a nationwide march for oncological patients and healthy people supporting them. It was created to activate people with cancer and show them that cancer is not a death sentence and that everyone should have dreams and make them come true, as well as to publicize the importance of preventive examinations and show that it does not matter how old you are, what your social status is, how much you earn, where you live; Cancer can affect any of us. This year, Olivia Business Centre is proudly the patron of the event.

The bill also removes the stigmas associated with oncological disease. It shows that cancer can be cured and despite the disease it is possible to live a normal life enjoying life, working, traveling, acting for the benefit of others. That you don’t have to lie in bed waiting to die, but you can do a lot of good for yourself and for others. The project consists in the preparation and organization of a 7-day march, which will take place from 25 June to 1 July 2017. It will include 34 routes, each of about 100 km, and a special bicycle route. Groups of 5-10 people will march on each route. Each route will be looked after by route coordinators who are also oncological people or their relatives and want to help create Oncorejs Granicami Polish. But the organization of this project will only be possible thanks to the joint work of the national coordinator, the regional coordinators and the participants of the march.

If you can’t go and you want to help organize the OnkoRejs Granicami Polish you can support us with a donation paid to the following account number: 27 1750 0012 0000 0000 3227 5494, Onkorejs Foundation – I Choose Life, KRS: 0000597569, SWIFT RCBWPLPW

March Event

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