About! SUMMER: Play Jerk | 10.07

Date: 10.07.2024
Time: 17:00
Reagan Park (or Sports Hall at 30 Wąsowicza Street)
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

We cordially invite you to join us in training to play jerk (it is the oldest Polish sport). You don’t need to have experience, fitness or equipment to join the Tri-City team – all you need is willingness! You will learn everything on the spot.


Trainings take place every Wednesday at 5:00 p.m . in Reagan Park (or in the Sports Hall at 30 Wąsowicza Street, when the weather does not allow for outdoor training).


The trainings are free and open to everyone.


Join the Club of the Game of Palant “PSPal Trójmiasto” This is a mega team and they will certainly teach you everything.
They have something to be proud of:) They are not only the best in Poland, but they are even in the Guinness Book of Records!


More about the Club



Max. Number of participants
PSPAL Tri-City
PSPAL Tri-City
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