Discover your inner child… with Olivia!

Date: 07.06.2022
Time: 11:00
Olivia's Patio
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

Who among us does not remember with nostalgia childhood years… Beater, playing gum, skipping rope and hopscotch, mysteries, bottle caps and hide and seek. Exchanging colourful pieces of paper (who had a binder with them?), colourful braids, onion hairstyles, ribbons in their hair and bright scrunchies… And in kindergarten? Immortal groats with cherry juice and fruit compote. And the best sandwiches in the world, those prepared “quickly” by your mother or grandmother – bread with sugar and cream. We grabbed the “kromal” and woo, we ran back to the playground, the meadow, the garden behind the house or straight to the neighbor.


And after that introduction… Remark… Welcome to the day when we will all go back in time! It will be cool, cool and each of us will be able to REDISCOVER THE CHILD IN OURSELVES!


On 7 June in Olivia, Children’s Day For Us, That Is for Adults!


Below is a list of our fantastic Olivia Companies who said “Yes! Let’s take part!” and which will remind us “how it used to be” (i.e. in the past, in the past; after: Dictionary of the Polish Language online,


Here’s what they offered! Thank you and we can’t wait. More details in a moment, but get ready to take a leap into the past. We will see you on June 7 , 2022, Wednesday, on Olivia’s patio, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


Plan of attractions/stands of event partners



Santander Driving Simulator (With Time Ranking!)delicious coffee tasting
White Kitten, soap bubbles, hopscotch games (also in Spanish), bouncy gum (remember “Tens”?)
City Fit treadmill – after all, we were rushing to our friend’s house in a few seconds and running stationary bikes to feel the wind in our hair
Silent Design

braiding colorful braids – ladies

Patterns on the head – gentlemenonion hairstylesPonytails with colorful terrycloths


Speednet stand with… popcornflipper (with prizes for the best results)

Live cooking: sweet waffles with marshmallows, jelly beans, colorful sprinkles and fruit (splendor)

pasta with strawberries





Something else (to be determined!)



An electric show car with the possibility of going inside – it’s a bigger version of a battery-powered car:)

yacht – as above, only it is a watercraft:)

Mobile basket basket

3×3 players

Throwing Contest

Balls for Challenge Participants



O4 Coworking networking in the O4 style
Nike oculus, or virtual reality – it’s more for those who were a child not so long ago…a stand with electric skipping ropes that measure the number of jumps
RPG Club, presentation of games, presentation of RPG characters and figurines, invitation to RPG games workshops


That’s it for now, just by way of introduction, so that we can prepare. After all, you have to find comfortable shoes (they are probably in the basement); grow your hair a little and warn your boss (gentlemen) that you will return to the office with a zigzag behind your ear; postpone a meeting with a very serious contractor to Tuesday (ladies) to go crazy on June 7 with a storm of hair, into which we will weave a colorful moulin. And warn your family that you’re going to come home from work extremely happy and you’re going to watch your beloved movies and cartoons from your childhood all evening. We recommend that you do it with your loved ones. It’s going to be a great opportunity to reminisce as a family, isn’t it?


See you! Admission. No registration for the event is required.


Max. Number of participants
Olivia Centre
Olivia's Communications Department
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