7 years of O4 Coworking… in numbers!

Our O4 Coworking is celebrating its 7th anniversary! So let’s give the floor to the representatives of O4, who decided to tell us about themselves… Numbers. And there’s a lot to be proud of!




There are currently 167 of us, even though we are 1 coworking space and we are only 7 years old! How is that possible? The answer can be found in the O4ian satisfaction surveys, which we have been systematically conducting for years, and this is confirmed by the fact that although the pandemic caused a temporary regression in office leasing, in subsequent quarters of 2020 we observed a systematic rebound. On the occasion of the 7. On the occasion of the birthday of O4 Coworking, we had to sum up. Since the end of winter this year, we have been able to celebrate everyday life together at work again, and in July we rented the last, 65th year. office. Take a look at what we got out of these numbers.


We’re still growing

During the first half of 2022, 37 companies joined O4 and thus we are approaching a situation in which the O4 Coworking team will be left without an office. However, this is good news for us, the companies that are with us are gradually growing and it also happens that they migrate between spaces – from smaller to larger ones. Since February 2015, almost 500 companies of all sizes have passed through our coworking space. Currently, the O4ian community consists of about 1400 people who meet in an area of about 4000 m2. In the second quarter of 2022, we broke our sales record.




We like to learn

Those who are with us know that O4 Coworking is not only about offices and desks, but also about shared time, integration, networking and workshops – that is Warsztatownia.


Since 2018, two years before the creation of O4 Flow – a coworking space for women, 79 per cent of women have been working in the EU. The participants of our workshops were women. Among the most popular topics, chosen by about two-thirds of people, were: project management, personal branding, self-presentation and negotiations. Others willingly participated in trainings in the areas of creativity, communication and e-commerce.


The temporary switch to webinars during the pandemic increased the reach of the Workshop. 2020 was a record-breaking year in terms of the number of participants. We still prefer to learn in autumn. Our research shows that it is at this time of the year that the Workshop is most popular.


In general, live workshops win over online ones. They are chosen by 59 per cent. Participants. With the passing of the pandemic, there is also less and less interest in webinars – from a few hundred people to 20 during a webinar.


We are stationary and … Virtually

It’s been two years since we launched our virtual office service. This year, since August, we have expanded its scope and customers have more options, such as flexible access to desks, conference rooms on preferential terms, as well as the attractions of Olivia Centre – Olivia Garden or the observation deck.


After the change of packages, about 70 per cent. of customers have opted for the GOLD option, which, in addition to the registered address and correspondence handling, also provides access to the space and access to the attractions of Olivia Centre.


Dynamic changes and crises cause various bumps, but so far the upcoming recession has turned out to be the time of the greatest growth for us.





What will the 8th year bring for O4 Coworking? We look at it with great curiosity and we are ready for the next challenges.



More about O4 COWORKING


Olivia Garden awarded the prestigious 2022 European Property Awards!

Our phenomenal Olivia Garden, the only exotic garden in Poland located in the heart of the business center, has been awarded the prestigious 2022 European Property Awards, in the “Landscape Architecture” category. The winners were: Malinowski Design Urban & Landscape, which he is the author of the project and Olivia Centre – the investor and operator of the garden.


The competition, which dates back to 1993, brings together the best projects from all over Europe. Every year, several thousand investors from all over the world submit their applications, and the winning projects are selected by a jury consisting of real estate market experts, architects, journalists and investment advisors. The projects compete in four categories: investment, architecture, interior design and the real estate market, where the achievements of industry leaders are awarded.


Olivia Garden is a carefully designed space with an area of nearly 800 m2, filled with thousands of tropical plants, representing over 150 different species of plants from such exotic countries as Indonesia, Australia, New Guinea, Madagascar, Malaysia, Borneo, Costa Rica, Venezuela, and the tropical forests of the Amazon. In addition to numerous plants reaching 2-3 meters in height, more than 30 large trees have been planted in the garden, the largest of which reach up to 11 meters above the ground.


Olivia Garden
is the result of innovative thinking about the nature of the workplace, where the proximity of nature has a positive effect on well-being and work efficiency. The project was created in response to the needs of the residents of the business centre and for the residents of the Tri-City, for whom it is another attraction and a proposal to spend their free time.


Olivia Garden has been divided into 4 zones to offer space for various activities. In the shade of the Bucida Bucerasblack olive nestled in the vast mezzanine, there is a TiKi-style bar, serving fresh cocktails and light oriental cuisine. The garden is perfect as a space for social and business meetings, independent work and rest, as well as for lectures, workshops or concerts, as it has an amphitheatre, tables hidden among dense vegetation and comfortable relaxation areas.


“I am very pleased that the work we have done together is so highly appreciated, this time by the jury of the European Property Awards ,” says Dariusz Malinowski from Malinowski Design Urban & Landscape. – It also shows that such solutions are expected by users. Guests who have already visited our garden know that it is an extraordinary “jungle” in which a person feels full comfort and plants develop luxuriantly. It is a truly living organism in which we have provided the plants with ideal growing conditions. This is evidenced literally and figuratively by the fruits of our labor, as we more and more often harvest papaya, pomegranate or cocoa fruits growing on trees in the garden. And they are not at all there just for decoration, because once they are ripe, they end up in the kitchen or Tiki bar, where exotic cocktails are prepared to make them. I would like to thank everyone who took part in the project for their passion for work and determination.


The aim of Olivia Garden is to provide a new quality of spending time, work and relaxation in direct connection with nature, regardless of the season and weather conditions. The glazed body has a characteristically sloping roof, referring to the architecture of the top of the Olivia Star building, at the base of which it is located, and the historic body of the Olivia Hall, with which Olivia is adjacent. The Malinowski Design Urban & Landscape studio is responsible for the interior design design, and the Design Anatomy studio was responsible for the implementation. Work on the final concept lasted many months and involved not only architects and botanists, but also an interdisciplinary team of specialists, consulting solutions with the residents of Olivia Centre.


After months of operation, Olivia Garden has already become a mature project, and the plants have already undergone full acclimatization, so they are growing lushly, creating a unique impression on all guests, who can try sweet and juicy papayas – says Bogusław Wieczorek, Olivia Centre’s representative. It is very important that this space is appreciated by our residents, who use it on a daily basis as a place offering respite, relaxation, but also a space that allows for concentration and stimulates creativity. It is an absolutely unique project, which is also appreciated by numerous Tri-City residents and tourists. This is particularly important to us, because we want everyone to feel at home in Olivia. That’s why we’ve been developing features that appeal to a wide audience for years and that attract guests all day, 7 days a week. Particularly popular is the observation deck, which is located on the 32p. Olivii Star, prestigious restaurants of 33p. or the conference and event center from the 34. Floors. It is worth recalling that these spaces have already been awarded in the European Property Awards competition in 2020, and previously won the award of the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship as the event of the year.


  • Residents of Olivia Centre, owners of the My Olivia application, use Olivia Garden and the Observation Deck free of charge.
  • Guests buy a ticket, which provides an extraordinary experience in Olivia Garden and allows them to visit the Observation Deck.


Run or march to help. We invite you together with the Santander Foundation!

On September 24, the V Charity Run NORTHERN HELPS will take place. It’s a respite run and you can take part in it! On your own feet – running or walking – on a bike, rollerblades or scooter… Do it the way you want and help build the Respite Care Centre for family caregivers, which is being built in Gdańsk on the initiative of the Hospice Foundation.


We run, we walk, we ride together!

This is the fifth time that the Santander Foundation has organised a run for the Gdańsk Hospice Foundation. The four previous editions were attended by 4623 people. 227k was raised. £. This year, we invite you to participate in two formulas: stationary and virtual.

  • Stationary , i.e. you can run with the employees of both Foundations, covering a distance of 7.4 km, from Work Cafe Santander in Olivia Centre to Plac Zebrań Ludowych.
  • Virtually, which means you can run in any part of the world where you happen to be.


What is the purpose of the run? Lofty!

Support for the construction of the Respite Care Centre, which is being built in Gdańsk on the initiative of the Hospice Foundation. The Respite Care Center is a place that will provide care for sick children and adults, and give their families a moment of rest. People who take care of sick relatives at home tend to be tired, burnt out, and overloaded with responsibilities. Just like all of us, they need at least a short vacation, a moment of respite, during which they can rest, take care of their needs and simply recharge their batteries. The Respite Care Center wants to admit its first residents as early as 2023. Learn more.


Date, place, formula of the event

The 5th Charity Northern Run Helps will take place on September 24, 2022 (Saturday). Depending on the chosen formula, participants should complete the planned route in the following hours:

  • Stationary run in Gdansk at 11.00 – 13.00

START at 11.00 Work Cafe Santander Gdańsk, Olivia Centre, al. Grunwaldzka 472

GOAL at 13.00 People’s Assembly Square Gdansk, Oliwa Gate

  • Global Virtual Run in Hours 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Central European Time (CEST).

The participant starts anywhere in the world, between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. (CEST), in compliance with the applicable regulations (including the provisions of the Road Traffic Law, the Civil Code and the site regulations) and the necessary safety measures in force in the country in which he or she is currently staying during the race.





The participant will cover a distance of 7.4 km by running or walking. It is permissible to cover the distance on rollerblades, bicycles, scooters and other forms of physical activity.


Entry fee

The entry fee for one Participant is the minimum 20 PLN. But it is possible to deposit more because the goal is worth it! Children and adolescents up to 18 years of age free of charge.



People who cannot take part in the Run but want to support the construction of the Respite Care Centre in Gdańsk
can make a payment to the Foundation’s account
. All donations made to the Santander Foundation between 1 and 30 September will be donated to the Hospice Foundation for the construction of the Respite Care Centre.



Olivia, definitely more than a business!

Surely you have noticed, if you follow our activities, that for years we have been consistently expanding the offer of functions friendly to the employees of our center, residents of the Tri-City and tourists. We regularly introduce new services to make your life and work much better. On the premises of Olivia there is a public botanical garden – Olivia Garden, a very popular observation deck (at a height of 130 meters above the ground), 8 restaurants, a medical center and a pharmacy. We also have a kindergarten and a school. There is a beauty salon, an Energa customer service point and a Talent Development Centre. There are also a car wash and a grocery store. Now, our non-business character will also be emphasized in the name, which from May 2022 is Olivia Centre, and it is complemented by the slogan “More than business”.


Olivia Centre, with all its amenities, is increasingly becoming an important part of Gdansk. Over the years of development, 12,000 jobs have been created in our area, to which should be added the employees of co-operating companies. Olivia is home to the offices of over 200 companies, including the world’s largest corporations, such as Amazon, Bayer, Nike and EPAM; medium-sized companies from over a dozen industries, but also small and micro-enterprises, mainly concentrated in the O4 co-working. Olivia’s development policy includes the gradual introduction of new amenities, which make this place an increasingly fashionable location, where it is pleasant to spend time with family and friends not only during the week, but also on weekends. Importantly, the consistently implemented plan of diversifying the functions available in our area allows us to define Olivia Centre as a place not only for business and work, but also for recreation, entertainment and integration.


In 2020, the opening of the observation deck on the 32nd floor of Olivia Star was awarded by the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship as the event of the year. The status of a place for meetings and non-professional interactions is also confirmed by concerts in the event center, located on the 34th floor of this building. Such stars as Krzysztof Zalewski and Daria Zawiałow, have already performed on Olivia Star’s stage. In Olivia, there are also active clubs for the development of passions (sailing, volleyball, photography, running) and a choir, bringing together employees of companies with offices here and residents of the Tri-City, who are not professionally related to Olivia.


“From the very beginning, Olivia has focused on integration with the city and the development of a lively and active community ,” says Bogusław Wieczorek, Plenipotentiary of the Management Board of Olivia Centre for Urban Development. public relations. We want everyone to feel welcome here. Certainly, the commissioning of Olivia Garden, the observation deck and the restaurant on the top floors of Olivia Star was a milestone in making our space more attractive, but we can assure you that many people will find interesting proposals here on a daily basis, allowing them to feel at home. The slogan “More than business” also emphasizes that the community of employees of companies from Olivia is a collection of wonderful people who combine their strengths and competences to develop their interests. It is also a group of social activists who are actively involved in a number of noble and useful initiatives. During the pandemic, they themselves initiated a collection of computers for children at risk of digital exclusion during the period of remote learning. For years, they have been organizing the Kropelka Energii campaign, which took place last month for the 47th time. They also actively participated in the collection of gifts for Ukrainians in Olivia. During the season, our patio is alive with active events: concerts, chillout zones and other numerous attractions are organized.


Olivia Centre is also an active and engaged neighbour. For 3 years we have been organizing, for example: The Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget, under which we support and finance initiatives that are important to the residents of the Gdańsk Oliwa district (where we operate). We also cooperate with the neighbouring Primary School No. 35 in the organisation of many events and initiatives. During the Covid-19 pandemic, we financed food for hospital employees, medical equipment and protective clothing, as well as two diagnostic centres, which were set up at the hospital in Gdańsk’s Zaspa district and at the campus of the University of Gdańsk.


Discover your inner child… with Olivia!

Who among us does not remember with nostalgia childhood years… Beater, playing gum, skipping rope and hopscotch, mysteries, bottle caps and hide and seek. Exchanging colourful pieces of paper (who had a binder with them?), colourful braids, onion hairstyles, ribbons in their hair and bright scrunchies… And in kindergarten? Immortal groats with cherry juice and fruit compote. And the best sandwiches in the world, those prepared “quickly” by your mother or grandmother – bread with sugar and cream. We grabbed the “kromal” and woo, we ran back to the playground, the meadow, the garden behind the house or straight to the neighbor.


And after that introduction… Remark… Welcome to the day when we will all go back in time! It’s going to be awesome, it’s going to be cool and each of us will be able to do it again DISCOVER YOUR INNER CHILD! On June 7 in Olivia, Children’s Day For Us, or for Adults.


Below is a list of our fantastic Olivia Companies who said “Yes! Let’s take part!” and which will remind us “how it used to be” (i.e. in the past, in the past; after: Dictionary of the Polish Language online, sjp.pl).


Here’s what they offered! Thank you and we can’t wait. More details in a moment, but get ready to take a leap into the past. See you on Wednesday, June 7, 2022, at Olivia’s patio, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


And on June 4, we invite you and your children to the Oliwa Children’s Day with our Neighbor, Primary School No. 35!


Plan of attractions/stands of event partners


Santander Car Driving Simulator (with Times Ranking!)
tasting of delicious coffee
White Kitten soap bubbles
hopscotch (also in Spanish)
jumping gum (remember “Tens”?)
City Fit treadmill – after all, we were running to a friend in a few seconds
stationary bikes to feel the wind in your hair
Silent Design

braiding colorful braids – ladies

Patterns on the head – gentlemen
Onion hairstyles
ponytails with colorful terry cloths


Speednet A position with… popcorn
Flipper (with prizes for the best results)

Live cooking: sweet waffles with marshmallows, jelly beans, colorful sprinkles and fruit (splendor)

pasta with strawberries





Something else (to be determined!)



An electric show car with the possibility of going inside – it’s a bigger version of a battery-powered car:)

yacht – as above, only it is a watercraft:)

Mobile basket basket

3×3 players

Throwing Contest

Balls for Challenge Participants



O4 Coworking O4 style networking
Nike Oculus, or virtual reality – it’s more so for those who were a child not so long ago…
a stand with electric skipping ropes that measure the number of jumps
RPG Club Game Showcase
presentation of characters and miniatures for RPG games
invitation to RPG workshops

That’s it for now, just by way of introduction, so that we can prepare. After all, you have to find comfortable shoes (they are probably in the basement); grow your hair a little and warn your boss (gentlemen) that you will return to the office with a zigzag behind your ear; postpone the meeting with a very serious contractor to Tuesday (ladies) to go crazy on June 7 with a storm of hair into which we will weave a colorful mouline. And warn your family that you’re going to come home from work extremely happy and you’re going to watch your beloved movies and cartoons from your childhood all evening. We recommend that you do it with your loved ones. It’s going to be a great opportunity to reminisce as a family, isn’t it?


See you!


Speednet with the Olivia Centre Cup!

It was two days of great emotions. Over 100 players from 13 teams competed in the 1st Volleyball Tournament for the Olivia Cup. They were fast and tireless! They overcame fatigue and weakness. In the end, Speednet and PwC faced off in the grand finale! Won… Speednet, defeating their rival in two sets (2:0). Silver in the hands of PwC. The third place on the podium was taken by the Bayer team, who fought with the team from Sii in the semi-finals. The MVP of the tournament was Grzegorz from Speednet, playing (really like a lion) with the number 3.


Olivia made it to the quarterfinals. We were eliminated only after a fierce battle with the already mentioned Bayer.


The quarter-final matches were played by:

  • Sii vs Lyreco
  • Bayer vs Olivia Centre
  • O4 Coworking vs PwC
  • Speednet vs Olivia’s Friends

Semi finals:

  • Sii vs PwC
  • Bayer vs Speednet


  • Speednet vs PwC (2:0)

Thank you for this extraordinary time!



Group Stage Results





  1. Sii
  2. Olivia Centre
  3. Telus International
  4. Nike


  1. Bayer
  2. Lyreco Advantage
  3. Ricoh


  1. O4 Coworking (mix: Zaplify, Fellow Finance, Winning Moves, PredictX, O4)
  2. Olivia’s Friends
  3. Aspire Power Club


  1. Speednet
  2. PwC
  3. Oliva & Chill

Children’s Day in Oliwa with our Neighbour!

Together with Primary School No. 35 in Gdańsk Oliwa, we are pleased to invite all small and large Residents and Friends of the Olivia Centre to participate in the Oliwa Children’s Day!


On Saturday, June 4, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


On the playground of Primary School No. 35 (yes, they are our close neighbours), at ul. Wąsowicza 30 in Gdansk


For whom?
For all friends of Olivia Centre and Primary School No. 35

IN THE PROGRAM (among others)

  • Performances of rock bands, including: Tymon Tymański & Kosma
  • Performance of the Olivia Centre Choir
  • “Got Talent” Contest
  • Dance shows
  • Football match
  • Quizzes for the audience
  • Learning to skate


Stands & Workshops

  • Hockey
  • Figure skating
  • Handball
  • Bouncy castles
  • Artistic
  • Reading
  • Baby Zone
  • Fancy Faces
  • Small Builder


Family Competitions

  • Tug-of-war
  • Football matches
  • Orienteering
  • Acrobatic Track


There will also be a Food Truck zone, access to free water for all participants, a café and a lemonade stand.


Mark your calendars, bring your family and friends!

Let’s meet on June 4th!


Agenda of the event:



11:00-11:10 Welcoming all

11:10-11:25 Choir of Residents and Friends of Olivia

11:25-11:30 I entrance of the Gdańsk Umbrella

11:30-11:35 Scottish dance show

11:35-12:00 Generational music – Tymon and Kosma Tymański

12:00-12:25 Got Talent – school edition

12:25-12:45 Quiz about the School, Olivia Centre and the district – (1 of 10)

12:45-12:50 ACK – dance show

12:50-13:10 Zumba

13:10-13:15 Second ascent of the Gdańsk Umbrella

13:15-13:25 Dance performances by students of Primary School 35

13:25-13:35 ACK – dance show

13:35-14:00 Concert Nawia (Ola?)

14:00-14:20 Selection of the nicest graduate

14:20-14:35 Skating pairs on stage

14:35-14:55 Final of the Gdańsk Umbrella lottery, Jerusalem dance

14:55-15:25 Concert Ilia


Exhibition of the Provincial Photography Competition “Oliwa”

Reading Room – School Chronicles


11:00-11:30 Hobby Horse

11:30-12:00 Fun for children

12:00-12:30 Celtic dance workshop

12:30-13:00 Kin-Ball

13:00-13:30 75 Handball Goal Competition

13:00-13:30 Tug-of-war competition for alumni, parents, employees of Primary School 35, residents of OBC

13:30-14:00 Rope Game

14:00-14:30 Family fitness games m.in.: hula hoop circles, jumping in bags parent with child



11:00-14:00 Gymnastic path, trampolines



1:00-12:00 Inline skating lessons

11:00-14:00 School Discipline Stations



13:00-14:00 Volleyball match


Square at ul. Wąsowicza

11:00-15:00 Orienteering


A square behind the pitch

11:00-15:00 Bouncy castles




The “Buddy in O4” Project has been launched

The O4 Coworking community in Olivia Centre has joined forces to help its Ukrainian neighbours settle down. Not only in the coworking space in Olivia, but also in the Tri-City. This is how the “Buddy in O4” project was created to support the Ukrainian community.


Why “Buddy”?


3.9 million people fleeing the war in Ukraine have already reached Polish.* Thus, for the first time in history, the population of Polish has exceeded 40 million. Almost 224,000 refugees from Ukraine have stayed in Gdansk alone.**


– O4 Coworking helps from the very beginning. When people from Ukraine started coming to us, we offered to help them use our workspace for free. In total, more than 30 of our Ukrainian neighbours have already taken advantage of this opportunity. Many people have already declared their continued cooperation and prolongation of their stay at O4 Coworking. However, we wondered if we could do something more for them – says Marta Moksa, Manager of O4 Coworking.


Out of the need for support, not only financially, but also in everyday life and functioning in the local community, the “Buddy in O4” project was born.


“On the one hand, we have noticed that people want to help not only financially. They can share something much more valuable – their free time and knowledge about the Tri-City. On the other hand, we have noticed the problems that people from Ukraine are facing. First of all, difficulties with adapting to a new environment, caused by the language barrier, unfamiliarity with local places, or the lack of a person with whom they could simply spend their free time – emphasizes Karolina Rymarczyk, project coordinator.


According to a survey conducted in the O4 community among Ukrainian refugees, the most common challenges are: learning Polish, lack of friends on site and the lack of opportunities to meet new people, limited opportunities to develop their passions, or lack of knowledge about places in the Tri-City that people from Ukraine would be happy to use.


– Behind the numbers are specific people with their own distinct stories and needs. One of the most common needs is to settle in a new city, a new workplace, a new housing estate. That’s why we at O4 asked ourselves: What can we do to make it easier for them to find their way in the new reality? That’s how Buddy was created,” adds Marta Moksa.


A project to support the Ukrainian community


This project aims to help people of Ukrainian descent who have recently joined the O4 community. It consists mainly in helping to find oneself in a new environment and in facilitating the organization of everyday life. In challenges such as: getting from Orunia to Gdynia, buying Internet access to a rented apartment from a local supplier, visiting a doctor or dentist, understanding the rules in force in offices – a “buddy” can help.


Buddy is a buddy – a guardian of a person from Ukraine. Its task is to support a specific person in what they currently need, depending on what they are struggling with. A friend is also a person with whom you can spend time socializing, go out for pizza, to the cinema, go for a walk, talk about various topics, and at the same time practice Polish and English. Kumpel is a guide that brings the Tri-City world closer. Life in Poland, with a “buddy” by your side, is simply going to become easier.


Engaged O4 Coworking community


The project was joined by 20 people from O4 Coworking, who expressed their readiness in their free time to accompany their neighbours from Ukraine in everyday matters.


At the beginning of June, the first introductory meeting was organized in the coworking space for people who applied for the project so that they could get to know each other better, exchange contacts and declare with whom they would like to undertake further cooperation.


– At the team-building meeting, we used the “speed dating” method, which works great for us in recruitment and conversations between students and potential employers. And so the 16 participants of the meeting had a chance to talk for 5 minutes with each person, and it lasted only 1 hour! After these conversations, everyone chose 3 potential people with whom they felt the most flow. At the end, of course, there was pizza. Our networking experience shows us that nothing brings people together like talking over a meal. Now all that’s left is to put them together in “buddy pairs. I believe that these new acquaintances can bring a lot of good for both parties. – comments Karolina Rymarczyk.


The project is very popular among the coworking community, and there is no shortage of people willing to help their Ukrainian neighbours. People who could not be present at the integration meeting declare their support in further activities. It is also planned to extend the project beyond coworking and invite people from the entire Olivia Centre community:


– The current project is dedicated to O4ians from Ukraine and the O4 community working in our coworking space. However, we are also thinking about telling other companies in Olivia Centre about it. Probably many people from Ukraine employed here would be happy to use the help of a “buddy”. Who knows, maybe soon the name “Buddy in O4” will have to be changed to “Buddy in Olivia” or “Buddy in the Tri-City”? – adds Karolina Rymarczyk.




*data as of 08.06.2022, source: Twitter @Straz_Graniczna

**data as of 01.04.2022, https://metropolie.pl/fileadmin/user_upload/UMP_raport_Ukraina_20220429_final.pdf

Leaders from Olivia Centre and O4 Coworking inspire students from Fregata

Olivia Centre and O4 Coworking, with the first coworking space for women in Poland – O4 Flow, start cooperation with the Fregata Primary School for Girls from Gdańsk Oliwa. The aim is to inspire young women who are just making their first important educational decisions – e.g. about major classes in secondary schools. Thanks to meetings with leaders from large, international corporations and from the world of ICT, students will have a chance to believe that the world of new technologies, engineering and programming is waiting for them and needs them very much.


The first meetings with Beata Stramska from FinestMedia and NordHR and Anetta Lasota from thyssenkrupp aroused enthusiasm from both sides! With great conviction and heart, Beata and Aneta showed how much good awaits women who dare to enter the world of new technologies. And the great attentiveness, class and interest of the girls encouraged the speakers to declare their willingness to continue their support!


– Polish girls still lack real “heroines”. There are not enough female engineers, programmers and bosses in the public space. A live meeting of women who are coping in this world, know it and see how much more women are needed in it, is our work at the grassroots level. There are still many ideas for cooperation ahead of us – we will be able to announce something more soon. It’s great that Fregata cares about promoting the idea among female students that they can become anything they want: a lawyer, a full-time mom, or an IT specialist. The most important thing is that they choose consciously. O4 Flow and Olivia will be very happy to help them by showing them various interesting stories of women from our community – says Marta Moksa, O4 Coworking.

– A few conversations with young people are enough to discover that the concept of authority has become very distant for them. In a world focused on highlighting flaws, they must learn to relearn how to separate what is valuable from what is ideal. To discover that successful people, just like them, face difficulties, moments of doubt, or drops in form. Get to know fascinating biographies and mentors whose experiences they can draw on to build their identity, which doesn’t necessarily mean following the same path. That is why I cared so much about the “Successful Woman” project for students in grades 7-8. These young women are on the threshold of their maturity and the first important choices about their future life path. I am very happy that thanks to the cooperation with Olivia Centre and O4 Flow they can meet so many amazing women, full of passion and having different criteria of success, and yet happy and fulfilled in what they do. Years of support from teachers are not the same as seeing with their own eyes that the world really is their oyster and it is up to them to decide who they will be. And we’ll be looking back on it with pride, and we’re very grateful for this cooperation. – says Monika Wierzbicka, director of Fregata.


We will keep you informed about the next stages of the project.

The third edition of the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget has been launched

The Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget is a programme supporting social initiatives of the inhabitants of Oliwa. The aim of the project is to develop the potential of the district, modernize the common space and support activities integrating the Oliwa community. On 11 June, the call for proposals for the third edition of the budget began.


As in the first and second editions, also this year the pool of funds allocated for co-financed projects will amount to PLN 18 thousand. 12,000 zlotys were donated by Olivia Business Centre, and 6,000 by Andrzej Stelmasiewicz, a councillor of the City of Gdańsk from the area of Oliwa. Both soft projects (organization of meetings, courses or workshops) as well as infrastructure projects that will permanently fit into the character of the Oliwa space can apply for funding. The call for applications in this year’s edition started on 11 June, and you can submit them until the end of the summer holidays. The announcement of the results is scheduled for the first half of September 2022.


In last year’s edition, three projects were co-financed:

  • Christmas Festival at the Market Square in Oliwa, submitted by the City Initiative Association. It is a social and cultural event, which included decorative workshops for children and adults, joint arrangement of space, a Christmas fair and music.
  • Sports and educational path at Primary School No. 35 with Sports Departments Jan Parandowski in Gdansk. The installation enables outdoor fun and learning for all the little inhabitants of the district.
  • Tai Chi in Oliwa, submitted by the Park On Association. The project included 38 hours of Tai Chi classes for people with Parkinson’s disease, caregivers and people willing to conduct this form of activity.


Funding under the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget is granted to projects implemented in Oliwa, most often by the residents themselves and local institutions, and their selection is made by local social activists, city and district councillors who know the needs of our local community very well, so we are convinced that this initiative hits the mark and contributes to the development of Oliwa. – says Bogusław Wieczorek, representative of Olivia Centre. “In the previous edition, we managed to co-finance a wide variety of areas of local activity and we hope that this year will be similar. Together with the residents, we have managed to create a sustainable program for the development of the place where we all live and work. Adds.