Check out the current results of the Olivia Football League!

We would like to remind you that another season of the Olivia Football League is underway. 7 teams entered the competition. They fight like lions! 19 matches have been played so far! Almost 190 goals have already been scored. All matches are conducted by a team of referees selected by the Pomeranian Football Association.


Check the dates and results of the first round matches played so far!


Here’s what the leaderboard looks like (as of December 16, 2022)

History of Olivia’s Football League

  • 2018/19 – DTN Energa / CityFit / Lechia Gdańsk Foundation / thyssenkrupp
  • 2017/18 – CityFit / Lechia Gdańsk Foundation / PwC / HK Finance
  • 2016/17 – Omida / PwC / HK Finance / Bayer
  • 2015/16 – Omida / HK Finance / DTN Energa / OSTC
  • 2015 Spring/Summer – OSTC / Omida / DTN Energa / Bayer
  • 2014/15 Autumn/Winter – OSTC / Dream Team Indestructibles Energa / Meritum Bank / Energa Obrót
  • 2014 Spring/Summer – Dream Team Energa ITE / Energa Obrót
  • 2013/14 Autumn/Winter – Energa Obrót / Bayer
  • 2013 Spring/Summer – Energa / Goyello

Let’s talk about eventworking

On 15 February, Olivia Centre will host an extremely interesting meeting on networking. It will be an excellent opportunity to talk to Bernard Fruga and Artur Sójka, authors of the book “Eventworking”. A short interview with these experts was conducted by Bogusław Wieczorek from Olivia Centre. Welcome!


Bogusław Wieczorek: In his latest book “Eventworking. Or how to effectively use the potential of conferences, fairs and other business events” you prepare readers to participate in such events. Has their meaning and character changed after the pandemic?


Artur Sójka: It seems like an easy question, but it’s a difficult one. From my perspective, it’s both yes and no. Some of the events “returned” after years in an unchanged form. Some, however, are taking advantage of the opportunities created by this difficult period and are enriched with various tools or forms that did not exist before 2020. And then there were mixed events. The ones you can take part in either live or online.


Bernard Fruga: I can see that the temporary, forced cut-off from events has shown how important it is to meet in person. I’ve had experience when during a hybrid event, a participant resigns from online participation and moves to the room, because “it’s not the same energy through the webcam”.


Bogusław: I’m particularly intrigued by the chapter “Turning contacts into relationships and nurturing them”. Do you see value in spending time together on activities whose common denominator is hobbies, interests, sports?


Arthur: Of course! I’ve come across studies that men establish relationships by doing something together, women by talking. And this leads us to the bizarre conclusion that two “guys” can sit “fishing” and not say a word to each other all day, and then say that it was the best day they could have had together. This strengthens their relationship. Women, on the other hand, need to talk. They don’t have to do anything else. I would like to point out that we are talking about certain groups and the conclusions drawn from it, not about each individual individual. It can be different here.


Bernard: Spending time together in a non-professional context seems to be the best way to build a bond and get to know each other better. When asked by the head of the company how to select managers from among a dozen or so employees, I suggested that he go camping with everyone for a few days, and when he returned, it would be clear to him who was suitable for the leader.


Bogusław: At Olivia Centre, we create a lot of spaces for building a community. From the choir, through photography classes or the yacht club. We often host meetings and events of various nature – concerts, discussions or picnics. Would you recommend your readers to participate in such meetings, which are not necessarily an industry conference, and their nature is less formal?


Arthur: Man is a gregarious animal. Therefore, it is worth looking for groups that will give us the best chance to develop in the direction that suits us. And the private part of life is also important. Ba! Most important. We run a business in order to live well. Never the other way around. Business meetings can often give us money that we can turn into free time (hiring employees or outsourcing some of the work).


Bernard: I believe that the key to professional fulfillment is to maintain a good level of enthusiasm. The energy to act and cheerfulness must be supplied outside the company. That is why photography classes or participation in a concert are not only an opportunity to take care of your network of contacts, but simply a necessity to avoid professional burnout and enjoy well-being.


Bogusław: Thank you for the interview and see you on February 15th!



On February 15, 2023, a meeting with specialists from the networking industry will be held at the Sky Club:

Bernard Fruga – business consultant, trainer,

Artur Sójka – trainer, networker, speaker, founder of the recommendation organization Business Club Poland,

Ireneusz Osiński – trainer, speaker, business mentor and networker, who will also play the role of the meeting leader.

The reason for the meeting is the promotion of the new book “Eventworking” by Bernard Fruga and Artur Sójka.

This means a great opportunity to listen to the conversation with its authors live. Get a personal dedication in the book you own. And for those who do not have this item in their collections yet, but would like to become its happy owners, it will also be available for purchase.

The whole meeting will be held under the motto: “For the love of recommendations”. Which, according to Artur Sójka, should be an integral part of networking.

February 15, 2023, 6.00 p.m. – 9.30 p.m., Gdansk, Olivia Tower, Olivia Sky Club room.




The ticket is a donation to the Foundation for the Development of Talents



Get ready for Fat Thursday at Olivia today! Take your pick!

Fat Thursday is the best day of the year for many of us. However, not everyone loves doughnuts (although we don’t know how that’s possible!). This year, it’s up to you to choose how you’re going to celebrate this day. So vote in the My Olivia app to see what is to be on the Olivia menu on Fat Thursday. It’s good to be Olivia’s Resident!:) Let us know quickly now, what do you choose? Donuts? Or maybe exotic cocktails?


How to choose?

  • Go to the My Olivia app.
  • Click on the banner.
  • Cast your vote.
  • And wait a minute, because soon we will respond to your expectations. You can see everything in the app and on our event website. To be continued!
  • With the status of Olivia’s Resident, you can choose the treat you want and pick it up at one of the gastro outlets that are joining the Fat Thursday campaign (we’re working on it!)



Don’t have the app yet? Download it because it opens many doors for you!

  • Download the My Olivia app from the App Store or Google Play
  • Register in the My Olivia app as an Olivia Resident. Use your business address! This address allows you to confirm that you are an Olivia Resident (i.e. you work in one of Olivia Centre’s companies). Resident status will allow you to use many of our services: free of charge or at a promotional price. Check!
  • IMPORTANT! Confirm your email address in your company’s mailbox.
  • Check your SPAM, because sometimes an important email ends up there.
  • What if you can’t confirm the status by email? Do it yourself in the app!


How to activate the Resident status on your own in the My Olivia app?

  • Go to the My Olivia app.
  • Then go to your user profile/ My Account.
  • Continue in “Activate Resident Status” and act step by step.
  • Resident status will be granted automatically.



Fat Thursday at Olivia’s! Reserve your favorite sweet treat today!

You have voted and decided. There is no Fat Thursday without a doughnut. You know, it’s the King of Baked Goods on this day! 68% of those who took part in our survey chose this fat one:) But don’t worry, cocktail lovers (32%) will be too! Book your sweets in the My Olivia app and on our event website now!

Don’t worry, if it doesn’t work out now, we’re dosing you with delicacies (we’ve already had two rounds!)
The largest batch of treats will be waiting for you in the app and on the web on Thursday, February 16.
Get ready!


Here is
the full list of sweets from Olivia and Fat Thursday partners!


Remember, you must have confirmed Resident status to make a reservation. How to do it, we describe below.


Download the My Olivia app, because it opens many doors for you! Confirm your Resident status with her!

  • Download My Olivia from App Store or
    Google Play
  • Register in the My Olivia app as an Olivia Resident. Use your business address! This address allows you to confirm that you are an Olivia Resident (i.e. you work in one of Olivia Centre’s companies). Resident status will allow you to use many of our services: free of charge or at a promotional price. Check!
  • IMPORTANT! Confirm your email addressin your company’s mailbox.
  • Check your SPAM, because sometimes an important email ends up there.
  • What if you can’t confirm the status by email?Do it yourself in the app!


How to activate the Resident status on your own in the My Olivia app?

  • Go to the My Olivia app.
  • Then go to your user profile/ My Account.
  • Continue in “Activate Resident Status” and act step by step.
  • Resident status will be granted automatically.



III Equal Opportunities Ball under the patronage of Olivia!

The Foundation for the Support of Development JA ALSO invites you to the III EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES BALL, organized as part of the social campaign #jestem21 in partnership with the City of Gdańsk and the Olivia Centre. On February 11, 2023 at the Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre. We will sum up 10 YEARS OF THE ROAD for a better future for people with Down syndrome.

We will have fun together while raising funds for new activities: support for inclusive education and supported housing. The musical star of the evening will be Natalia Kukulska , and the main auction will be hosted by Przemek Kossakowski, and not alone. And that’s just part of the attractions.


At the very beginning of the ball , the guests will be invited to listen to a short story about the mission for which the I TOO Foundation exists and operates. There will also be thanks to the sponsors and the presentation of a few snapshots from the activities of the educational and rehabilitation center, which was created thanks to auctions and the support of the participants of the two previous charity balls.


THE STAR OF THE EVENING will be NATALIA KUKULSKA, one of the most famous and respected Polish vocalists, author of lyrics and co-author of music. At the ball, he will perform in a unique duet with a guitarist and sing atmospheric versions of his greatest hits. The concert will last approx. 30 minutes plus encores at the request of the audience.


In 2021, the singer celebrated 25 years of artistic work, which she celebrated with a unique release “Unanimous”, as well as participation in the “MTV Unplugged” format. She has over 400,000 followers on social media. Her clips on YouTube have been viewed tens of millions of times, and her concerts sell out. No wonder, since Natalia constantly surprises the audience with new scenes: although she has been faithful to electronic music for years, this does not prevent her from having a love affair with acoustic and even symphonic forms.


Natalia is a laureate of the Telekamera award, the award of the Polish Television for the Individuality of the Year, repeatedly recognized as the Vocalist of the Year by radio stations and trade magazines. Viewers could also watch her in the seventh edition of “The Voice of Poland”, where she was the coach of Ania Karwan, who was the star of our previous ball in 2020.


A very important part of Natalia’s career is her charity work, and the singer herself has been recognized with the “Charity Star” statuette. We are very pleased that now she will present this big heart and wonderful voice at our ball.


The MAIN AUCTION WITH AUCTION will be hosted by PRZEMEK KOSSAKOWSKI, an unconventional journalist, documentary filmmaker and traveller. For over 8 years, he surprised with his programs on TTV and TVN (“Kossakowski. The Sixth Sense”, Kossakowski. To be like…”, “Kossakowski. Initiation”, “Kossakowski. Initiation”, “Kossakowski. Not obvious”). For us, the program “Down The Road. Band on the Road”, which was a huge hit and won the hearts of viewers all over Poland. Its three editions have unbelievably demystified the subject of Down syndrome and broken many stereotypes. For this program, he received the Icebreakers 2020 award in the “Journalist Without Barriers” category and the Telekamera 2021 award in the “TV Personality” category. Przemek will be accompanied by JANEK SKIBA, a participant of the second edition of the DTR program . So it will be very unconventional, spontaneous, true and from the heart.


Of course, as always, there will also be a SILENT AUCTION and a RAFFLE. More information about the planned auctions will be provided by the Foundation closer to the event. At the first ball, the items in the auctions were auctioned for over PLN 52,000, and the lottery brought an additional PLN 5,000. At the second ball, a total of almost 70,000 PLN and 3000 PLN from the lottery were collected in the auctions. So the bar is set very high.


THE CELEBRATION BAND, which consists of experienced and educated musicians from the Tri-City, will play for dancing. Each song is played 100 times live, and the meticulously prepared arrangements often surprise. The band has already played for us at the second edition of the ball and did a great job, warming up the atmosphere on the dance floor and this time they could not miss them either.


BALLROOM DANCE SHOW will be presented by sports couples from the Creative Dance Sports Club taking part in tournaments in Poland and abroad.


We will listen to the song “JA TOO” – the anthem of the Foundation – performed by Żaneta Proma from the band SPARK, against the background of a music video recorded in the interiors of the Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre. The vocalist will sing this song live for the guests of the ball for the first time. Artur Gadowski from the band IRA will accompany her in the recorded music video. The main character of the recording is Michał Milka, the first person with Down syndrome working in the Gdańsk City Hall, one of the participants of the first edition of the “Down the Road. Band on the road” and for several years an ambassador of the JA TOO Foundation.


For the third time, the ball will be hosted by a person with a big heart and extraordinary lightness of words, i.e. BEATA SZEWCZYK, a journalist of Radio Gdańsk, and in the past also of Radio Kolor and Radio ZET.


The MENU during the evening will be taken care of by BANGLOB: welcome drink, 2-course dinner served, cold and sweet buffets, hot snack, hot and cold soft drinks and unlimited wine. Other alcohols additionally payable – can be purchased on the spot.


All the details in the links below:


The mission of the Foundation for Development Support is all activities for the development, education and social integration of children, adolescents and adults with developmental and functioning disorders, in particular people with Down syndrome. The Foundation was established on 6 December 2012 in Gdańsk. It is celebrating its 10th anniversary. They have a lot of work behind them, many struggles for a better life for people with Down syndrome and extraordinary achievements. There are more and more opportunities ahead of them and the sun is getting brighter. “We are glad to be in Gdansk, where you can truly see the sea of opportunities.” Since 2017, the foundation has had the status of a Public Benefit Organization (PBO). He is a member of EDSA (European Down Syndrome Association) and DSI (Down Syndrome International).


Spend Grandmother’s Day and Grandfather’s Day at Olivia, welcome!

Invite your grandparents to Olivia, there will be no shortage of attractions here! Tropical Olivia Garden, an evening under palm trees, for dessert Buro Cha Cha with coconut, and an exotic cocktail. Vidokówka on the 32nd floor of Olivia Star with a unique panorama of the entire Tri-City. Mediterranean cuisine reigns supreme there, so a delicious Italian pizza straight from the oven is guaranteed. Plus, on January 21, live music in both venues! Remember that you have free entry to the Observation Deck and Olivia Garden with the My Olivia application, and you can buy family or senior tickets with a big discount. But let’s get into the details. Here are a handful of our suggestions for you and your grandparents.

Invite Grandma, invite Grandpa to Olivia Garden

  • Immerse yourself in this tropical garden.
  • Taste exotic desserts and delicious fruit cocktails.
  • And let yourself be carried away by Cuban rhythms during ” La Musica Cubana” January 21 at 18:00. The excellent vocalist GYPSY will take you on an extraordinary musical journey and infect you with love for the vibrant Kuba.

With the My Olivia app, you can enter there free of charge, all you have to do is generate your resident ticket.

Here you can buy a ticket for Grandma and Grandpa online

You can also buy a ticket

  • at the Olivia Star TOP reception desk on the ground floor of the Olivia Star building
  • entrance to the reception from Olivia Prime
  • The reception is open all week

Invite Grandma, invite Grandpa to the Observation Deck

  • Admire the Tri-City together from a bird’s eye view.
  • Enjoy delicious dishes from Vidokówka.
  • And in live music during The Grate Gatsby January 21 at 18:00. On that day, on the 32nd floor of Olivia Star, you will hear electrifying jazz and the wonderful voice of vocalist Krystyna Gedzik.

With the My Olivia app, you can enter there free of charge, all you have to do is generate your resident ticket.

Here you can buy a ticket for Grandma and Grandpa online

You can also buy a ticket

  • at the Olivia Star TOP reception desk on the ground floor of the Olivia Star building
  • entrance to the reception from Olivia Prime
  • The reception is open all week

Receive a gift for Grandma and Grandpa, the “Good Tony” CD

At the Olivia Star TOP reception, simply enter the password “Grandmother’s and Grandfather’s Day at Olivia”. The number of gifts is limited.

The album “Good Tony” is the result of the work and talent of people whose paths met in Olivia and were united by their love for music. It is a unique album, woven from sounds, the involvement of the entire Olivia Centre Choir team and authentic emotions. More about the album…

We also recommend other places in Olivia Star

Vidokówka Restaurant on the 32nd floor

From the sea, it resembles the interior of a classic cruise ship. Its northern part, with a view of Oliwa, refers to the Art Nouveau tenement houses of the district. On the western side of Viodokówka you can see the Tri-City Landscape Park and moraine hills. They can be admired from comfortable seats referring to the form and material of mossy tree trunks.

Mediterranean cuisine reigns supreme here with delicious Italian pizza and seafood. It is complemented by excellent local and seasonal products.

With the My Olivia app, you can enter the viewing floor free of charge.


Treinta Y Tres on the 33rd floor of Olivia Star

The restaurant serves mainly Spanish cuisine in its beautiful interiors. The menu includes specialties such as colourful tapas, locally baked brioches, squid and octopus or tortillas.


Arco by Paco Pérez on the 33rd floor of Olivia Star

Arco is run by one of the most successful chefs in the world, Paco Pérez. His restaurants are located in the largest cities in Europe and have been awarded 5 prestigious Michelin stars.


Olivia’s Golden Choir! Congratulations!

The Golden Choir of Olivia Centre! Our choir, under the direction of Wiktoria Pagieła, won the Golden Band in the category of “Mixed Choirs” in the XVIII National Competition of Christmas Carols and Pastorals in Chełmno. This is the first competition in which our artists have participated. The greater the admiration and the greater the joy. Congratulations!


The competition took place on 21 January this year and was attended by choirs from all over the Polish, from Warsaw, Toruń, Bydgoszcz, Grudziądz, Gdańsk and Łódź. The GRAND PRIX OF THE XVIII National Competition of Christmas Carols and Pastorals – Chełmno 2023 was awarded to the Canto Youth Choir of the Music School Complex named after Czesław Niemen in Włocławek under the direction of Marian Szczepański.


Jury: prof. Ph.D. Andrzej Ryłko (Chairman), Ph.D. Joanna Maluga and Michał Rajewski (members of the jury), Martyna Jarzębska and Marta Frąckiewicz, organizational directors (secretaries of the jury) decided to award the Golden, Silver and Bronze Bands in the category of “Mixed Choirs” to the following ensembles.


Gold Band:

  • Olivia Centre Choir from Gdańsk – Conductor Wiktoria Pagieła – Cup funded by the Deputy Mayor of the City of Chełmno, Piotr Murawski
  • Medici Cantare Choir of the Bydgoszcz Medical Chamber – Conductor Joanna Krause – Cup funded by the Chairman of the Chełmno City Council, Wojciech Strzelecki
  • Corona Borealis Choir from Toruń – Conductor Ariel Radomiński – Cup funded by the Mayor of Chełmno, Artur Mikiewicz


Silver Band:

  • HARMONIA Choir from Strzelno – Conductor Ewelina Boesche – Kopczyńska – Cup funded by the Deputy Starost of Chełmno Wojciech Bińczyk


Brown Strand:

  • Choir Constellatio SM Copernicus from Toruń – Conductor Małgorzata Jankowska – Cup funded by the APIS Education Centre in Świecie




More information about the winners

Learn about the history of the Olivia Centre Choir


How to fight winter depression in the city?

As the year begins, many of us show signs of fatigue. We feel a lack of energy, apathy, weariness. Blue Monday, as the most depressing day of the year is commonly called, is behind us. Scientists emphasize that in autumn and winter we need much more light stimulation and more frequent contact with nature. However, do you have to go on an exotic vacation to recharge your body with positive energy?


This year’s winter, in which there is hardly any sun, has an exceptionally strong impact on our well-being and encourages us to escape to warm countries. However, not everyone can afford it. We miss not only the sun, but also contact with lush nature, with greenery and energy, which so positively stimulate us to act in spring and summer.


There are many methods to get tired in winter. Scientists emphasize that one of the most effective solutions is phototherapy, which we need to cope with the seasonal blues. Doctors recommend exposure to light 5 to 10 times stronger than that used for indoor lighting, i.e. from 2,500 to as much as 10,000 lux for 30 to 120 minutes a day, in addition for a period of 14 days. Mood improvement after this type of therapy occurs in 60-75% of patients.


A similar effect can be achieved through frequent contact with nature, especially in cities, where everyday fatigue and the ubiquitous greyness of the surroundings are much more noticeable than outside them. As he points out, Ph.D. Łukasz Balwicki, Head of the Department of Public Health and Social Medicine, Medical University of Gdańsk Increasing urbanization contributes to negative well-being and you should consciously choose places filled with greenery: In science, we are currently analysing the phenomenon of the regenerative environment and its impact on human health and well-being. This environment rejuvenates, reduces emotional and psychophysical stress, and rebuilds depleted attention resources.


Scientists from the Medical University of Gdańsk mentioned Olivia Garden – an oasis of exotic nature in the Olivia Centre – as one of the places that have a positive effect on humans. This tropical year-round garden is filled with thousands of plants from 4 continents, some reaching up to 11 meters. A significant number of them were brought from very distant corners of the world.


One such plant is the ficus. It comes from the south of the United States and has a unique history associated with it. Its unnatural shape is the result of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans and most of South Carolina in 2005. After many trials, the tree found its way to Europe, from where it reached Gdańsk, to Olivia Garden. There are more examples of such stories in the garden. You will find them on labels near shrubs or flowers, so a visit to this place is a great opportunity to learn about many species of plants, the rules of their care, as well as… taste the fruits that grow on the garden trees in the TIKI bar.


Ph.D. Łukasz Balwicki poutlines the unique value of this place for health and work efficiency: Such gardens allow you to break away from the daily routine, are conducive to contemplation and rest. Thus, they have a positive impact on the ability to take on everyday challenges related to professional work. They also foster good social relations, creating a space for meetings. Increasing urbanization and the negative impact of ill-conceived architectural designs are prompting many scientists to study their impact on health and to develop concepts that can reverse these effects. Contact with nature is part of the idea of green cities.


Such a garden is also a technological challenge. Specially designed adaptive lighting provides plants with optimal growing conditions, but also has a beneficial effect on humans:

  • we used as many as 120 specialized assimilation lamps that imitate daylight;
  • they were designed by a Polish physicist, Tomasz Braczkowski, an expert in the field of lighting simulating sunlight, who perfectly combines breakthrough technologies in the field of LED lighting with the biological needs of plants;
  • We have divided the lighting system into zones, thanks to which the lamps “cooperate” with natural light, which prolongs the day for plants;
  • the lamps have specialized lenses, also designed for Olivia Garden, which shine pleasantly to the eye and give the plants the energy necessary for life;
  • They also have a beneficial effect on humans, which can be safely described as phototherapy (light therapy).



The plants are irrigated not only by the soil, but also by sprinklers installed on the glass ceiling of the garden. The system has been designed in such a way as not to limit the ability of Olivia Garden guests to work and rest during sprinkling plants. Interestingly, during the day, the systems control the humidity level and temperature in the room, but once the garden is closed, everything starts to resemble a real tropical jungle, where the humidity reaches 100% and the temperatures rise well over 30 degrees. Importantly, the water circulation in the facility is closed, which allows to reduce its consumption to a minimum.


  • We water the plants, extract and purify the water that is left and reuse it.
  • As many as 88 fogging nozzles spread a mist of water vapour (at a pressure of 70 bar), increasing the humidity and comfort of plants.
  • We have as many as 13 independent zones with individual hydration regulation.
  • The dosing centre covers an area of over 100 m2 – there the water is filtered and enriched with appropriate doses of care products.
  • All this to meet the requirements of each plant group individually! After all, they come from different parts of the world.
  • During the opening hours of the garden, the humidity will be adjusted to the comfort of people. At night, after the closure of the facility, it will grow above 80% so that the plants are properly cared for:)
  • The designer of this unique solution is engineer Tomasz Pogorzelec, whose greenhouse systems operate on the basis of the most modern global technologies! For many years he was associated with the Faculty of Horticulture, Biotechnology and Landscape Architecture.


The garden covers nearly a thousand square meters of space, which allowed for the creation of numerous zones for various forms of spending time. There is a zone in it, the so-called deep work, where you can perform tasks that require concentration on beanbags, a TIKI bar with an offer of exotic, healthy food, but also a café with original desserts. An amphitheatre and suspended wicker baskets are waiting for guests, conducive to relaxation and regeneration.


– The garden exceeded our expectations. It has become not only a favorite space to work, but also one of the most interesting attractions of the Tri-City, attracting residents and tourists all year round. I am convinced that its value increases in the autumn and winter period, where, apart from interesting facts about nature, we can take advantage of the beneficial effects of communing with nature and a truly summer climate. The garden is also a big market differentiator for Olivia, making it a truly multifunctional centre. It is one of the arguments that determine the choice of Olivia as the headquarters of even the most demanding employers – sums up Katarzyna Szymańska, Director of the Resident Relations Department at Olivia Centre.


Employees of Olivia Companies use the garden free of charge. All they have to do is generate their ticket to Olivia Garden in the My Olivia app.



Olivia Prize 2022: the call for applications for the third edition of the competition is now open!

We are looking for companies, teams and individuals from Olivia Centre whose activities in 2022 stood out for their effectiveness, innovation and real impact on the environment. Submit your company or project by February 28, 2023! With the Olivia Prize competition, we want to reward outstanding ideas and their implementations. The winners are selected by experienced representatives of the management staff of companies based in Olivia Centre. Together we appreciate, motivate and inspire!

The Olivia Prize will be awarded in four categories:

  • Olivia Business – for an economic or business project, carried out individually or in teams by Olivia Centre Residents.
  • Olivia Pro Bono – for a social project, carried out individually or in teams by the Residents of Olivia Centre.
  • Olivia Eco – for an ecological project, carried out individually or in teams by Olivia Centre Residents.
  • Olivia Impact – for the project that in 2022 had the greatest positive impact on the environment, in the business, social or ecological area.

Applications can be submitted until 28 February using
this form.
The official announcement of the results will take place on March 22, 2023, during the award ceremony.

“The third edition of the Olivia Prize competition is ahead of us. We are very impressed by the many useful and important projects carried out by our Residents in 2021 – says Bogusław Wieczorek from Olivia Centre. – So far, the applications have included initiatives in the field of ecology or support for charitable organizations. However, special recognition should be given to business projects carried out despite the difficult, dynamically changing situation on global markets. The year 2022 presented us with many challenges that required us to react quickly and confront the changing conditions of doing business. This makes it all the more important for us to be able to appreciate valuable initiatives implemented in an unfavourable economic situation. Importantly, the jury is composed of representatives of Olivia companies, so each award is an expression of appreciation from the business community –Adds.

The Olivia Prize has been awarded since 2020. The nominated projects will be evaluated by a jury composed of managers of Olivia Centre’s resident companies. Last year, the jury considered 36 applications. The Olivia Prize was awarded in 3 categories:

  • Business – awarded to Omida for introducing intermodal transport to a new market.
  • Pro Bono – for volunteers from Energa for the project Pier(w)si win!
  • Eco – for ZR Trade for the #ZeroWasteWorking project.
  • The Olivia Impact Special Award went to the Regional Volunteer Centre in Gdańsk – for its current and subsequent comprehensive activities for refugees from war-torn Ukraine.

The Jury will award each winning initiative with a prize – a voucher to be used to organize an event in one of the spaces of Olivia Centre. The winners will be able to choose whether it is a lunch for the whole team at the Vidokówka restaurant, an exclusive dinner at Treinta y Tres or Arco, a conference with a view of the Bay of Gdańsk from the 34th floor or in the most popular coworking space in Poland, O4 Coworking or maybe exotic drinks in Olivia Garden. The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2023.

Heart with Ukraine: an exhibition of works by Leonid Shevchuk. On the 365th day of the war…

On February 24, 2022, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began. That frosty morning will forever go down in history. Although the Ukrainian winter has been going on for a year, the hope for spring is not extinguished in the hearts of the people of Ukraine and all its allies. The heroic deeds of the soldiers, the solidarity of the society, the heroic actions of the Ukrainian authorities are on the lips of people all over the world every day. From the first moments of the war, Poles were committed to helping the Ukrainian people: they welcomed refugees into their homes, sharing everything they had. The community of our center has also helped and continues to help the victims of the war: from fundraising to emotional and organizational support. Every day of the Russian aggression, we display a heart in the national colors of Ukraine on the Olivia Star building. Now we want to express our solidarity once again with those who are experiencing the tragedy of war.


On the 365th day of the war in Ukraine, we present selected photographs by Leonid Shevchuk. In the presented works, human emotions come to the fore. There are no battle scenes or wounded soldiers in the photos. The artist shows that despite the war drama unfolding around him, life goes on “normally”, albeit accompanied by anxiety about the next day.


About the Author: Leonid Shevchuk, born in 1967 A photographer by education and passion. Author of photographs published for years in the Ukrainian online and printed press. His work has won the Den newspaper photo contest many times. For more than 20 years, he has been running a photography group for young residents of Zhytomyr. He has organized many personal photographic exhibitions both in Ukraine and abroad – Shevchuk’s work could be seen in France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy. For several years now, the Youth Centre of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg has been hosting the photographer’s exhibition entitled “Against Hate”.


Opening of the exhibition “Heart with Ukraine” | February 24 | Hours. 17:00 | lobby of the Olivia Star building