Sii with a lease agreement for 5 floors in Olivia Centre

Sii has had its offices in Olivia Centre since 2010. It is therefore one of the longest-standing companies here. Sii has currently signed a lease agreement for 5 floors in Olivia Prime – the newest building of our center. The contract amounts to a total area of 10 thousand euros. At the same time, arrangement works have begun, which will raise Sii’s offices to an even higher level than before.


is the most dynamically developing provider of consulting, IT and engineering services in Poland. The company employs 8,000 people in 15 branches in the largest cities in the country, continuously obtaining the “Great Place to Work” status since 2015. This term is reflected not only in the company’s mission, but also in the amenities that Sii offers to employees. Innovative solutions open to their needs have been noticed by the jury of numerous competitions in which Sii’s office in Olivia Centre has won awards. Among them was the SuperStar distinction in a competition organized by CBRE, the status of the best office in the Tri-City awarded by the local media and a nomination for the international Property Design Awards.


Design Anatomy

studio was responsible for the award-winning project, which was also entrusted with the work on the new interior design.


– 5 years ago, when designing Sii’s office, we put a lot of emphasis on common spaces – says Justyna Biłat, architect from Design Anatomy. – There are zones for integration, casual meetings, relaxation and sport. Once again, the bar has been set very high, but after 5 years, we know that Sii’s investment in spaces where employees can work, meet, relax or have fun more freely was the right thing to do, and despite the passage of time and radically changing trends at work, it still has a positive impact on the users of the space and remains fully functional. After this time, we are richer with the experience of the users of the existing space and we also know how their needs have changed. This is a great opportunity and chance to raise the standard of the office to an even higher level in the area of caring for the well-being of employees and creating a space tailored to their requirements by designing new spaces. We continue to focus on spaces that are accessible to all. The aim of the project is to ensure the physical and mental comfort of employees. We will offer the latest ergonomic solutions, we want to take care of the climate in the office, not only in terms of visuals, but also air quality and acoustics. The goal of our joint activities is to be an office supporting the well-being of employees, which will maintain its friendliness for the next 5 years, and maybe even longer.


Among the areas identified by Design Anatomy and agreed with Sii, on which the architects will focus are acoustic comfort and greenery.


“In the modern world, we are constantly surrounded by noise,” emphasizes Justyna Biłat. At work, too, we have to deal with sounds coming from all directions. The office is not only what we see, but also what we hear. In the office, the needs of people with very different characteristics and different types of work are mixed. For many people, noise interferes with their ability to concentrate on work, while others cannot imagine effective activities without music. Excessive noise has a negative impact on well-being, often becomes the cause of chronic stress and reduces productivity. Thinking about improving Sii’s workspace, we want to create an acoustically pleasing environment that will provide high comfort to all people in the office. Therefore, in all the zones in which we are going to interfere, there will be as many elements as possible to improve sound absorption and disperse it. There is a wide range of solutions on the market, from acoustic panels made of wood wool, PET or felt, through acoustic lamps, curtains and furniture. All these elements will help us in our efforts to improve the comfort of office users.


Design Anatomy, by designing an employee-friendly, green space, can benefit from its extensive interior design experience, which has gained at
Olivia Garden
. It is also an award-winning project that has become the green heart of Olivia Centre.


Contact with nature has a beneficial effect on human well-being. This is where the well-known trend of biophilic design comes in. Designing spaces in this spirit helps to reduce stress, maintain emotional balance, supports regeneration, increases creativity and productivity, and even reduces absenteeism at work.


– Plants in the office increase the humidity level in the air. In the interiors of Sii’s office, we want to use species that purify the air, acting as natural filters that absorb harmful substances. We know which species purify the air from fungi and bacteria, and we focus our attention on them, thinking about a work environment that has a positive effect on humans. – adds Justyna Biłat.


“We are very optimistic about the future and the continuation of our cooperation with Olivia Centre. We are glad that we can be a part of a space that provides extremely comfortable and attractive working conditions for our employees and business partners – says Izabela Sobolew, Office Manager at Sii Poland. – An interesting and comfortable space, an excellent location of the office in the heart of the Tri-City, as well as the highest safety standards of the entire facility are just some of the advantages of Olivia, which give us confidence that our employees will come to work with satisfaction.


– Sii has been our business partner for 13 years and we are very pleased to receive such a great commitment of the company in the Tri-City – says Bogusław Wieczorek, Plenipotentiary of the Management Board of Olivia Centre. – Her unconventional approach to employees and the unique amenities that await them in the office make their presence in Olivia a great value for the community. Sii is a conscious and perceived resident. This year, their project EVAA – Ecological Vertical Agriculture Assistant – a concept that uses artificial intelligence to solve the problem of hunger in the world won the main prize in the Olivia Eco category as part of the Olivia Prize competition. It is an initiative in which representatives of residents select the most interesting projects with the greatest development potential from among the projects they implement. As part of the Sii project, plants develop without the use of soil, and all the substances they need to develop come from water and are dosed by an algorithm responsible for monitoring the proper development of the plant. The project has already been noticed around the world and shows how interesting and versatile Sii is.



Olivia with record-breaking interest from bondholders

On 13 April, series S bonds were issued, issued by Olivia Fin Sp. z o.o. SKA – a company belonging to the Tonsa Group, which is the owner of Olivia Centre. The first issue under the Third Bond Issue Programme, worth PLN 11.5 million, attracted 236 investors, whose subscriptions had to be reduced by more than 55%. This means that the total demand amounted to nearly PLN 26 million. This result confirms the high confidence of investors in the largest mix-used project in Poland, which is being developed in the Tri-City. The issue was carried out with the participation of brokerage houses Noble Securities and Michael Ström.


The average value of an order to purchase 3.5-year bonds was nearly 110 thousand. £. Their interest rate is variable and has been set on the basis of a three-month WIBOR + 6% margin. The bondholders were mainly individual investors, clients of brokerage houses that kept subscriptions. On 11 April, the Warsaw Stock Exchange adopted a resolution to introduce this series of bonds to the alternative trading system on Catalyst.


This is another reduction in subscriptions for bonds issued by Olivia FIN, but the last issue recorded the highest level so far. During the 13 years of the project’s development, there were as many as 31 issues out of over 560 million. PLN 18, of which PLN 350 million has already been repaid.


The success of the next issue and such a high interest in bonds from investors confirm the credibility of the project –
says Bogusław Wieczorek, legal counsel handling the programme on the part of Olivia Centre
. – At the same time, it confirms the trust in the project that has been carried out for 13 years and the investors’ acceptance of the direction of its development. Olivia is moving towards a multifunctional centre that combines additional functions for employees, but remains open to residents and tourists, offering them 12 restaurants, an exotic Olivia Garden, an observation deck with a 360° panorama. for the entire Tri-City and the Bay of Gdansk and a conference and event center. Projects are being prepared that will allow residential apartments for long-term rental and other office buildings to be added to this list.


I am glad that Olivia Group has chosen Noble
on your partner and that our cooperation has been going on for 13 years. We have been providing the group with financing for the Olivia Centre project practically from the very beginning, observing how more and more buildings are being built, complementing the landscape of the Tri-City and filling the demand for office space in this region. I

am equally pleased and satisfied with the fact that – having a long-standing, exemplary history on the debt securities market – the Olivia

Group has decided to enter the Catalyst

platform. In the recent public offering, Olivia Fin offered the purchase of bonds to a wide range of recipients. The terms offered to investors are a market compromise, which is reflected in the price of the listed Catalyst Bonds. Before the offer, we expected a lot of interest, but I have to admit that the final demand exceeded our expectations. The above confirms that in today’s demanding market, investors crave quality issuers, and we consider Olivia Fin and the group to be one of them Olivia. – said Wojciech Gąsowski, Managing Director, Investment Banking Department at Noble Securities S.A.


Olivia Centre is the largest business centre in northern Poland and one of the largest in Central and Eastern Europe. It consists of 9 buildings located in the center of the Tri-City. The area of the Gdańsk centre is currently 175,000. m2, and ultimately it is expected to significantly exceed 200 thousand. m2.


Take up the Olivia Bike Challenge!


Earth Day is the perfect day to start taking action for the planet! We have inaugurated a great bicycle challenge on this day! You can take care of your health and fitness as well as the environment with us!
Join the Olivia Centre club in Strava
, create a super community with us, take part in our sports challenges, and rewards and recognition await! And by the way, you’ll do something eco-friendly! Anyway, throughout May we will remind you why it is worth cycling and that Olivia is conducive to cyclists and has not only a great infrastructure for them.


Take up the challenge, take part in the Olivia Bike Challenge!


We will start with the first bicycle challenge in May. After all, spring is the perfect time to move around in the fresh air. So it’s time to oil your chain, inflate your wheels, prepare your Strava app and join the

Olivia Centre club

to break records and win prizes!
We are partnered by Wyspka
, so there will be a lot to fight for. We are already testing the first routes!


And if you don’t mind competition, but just like to ride a bike, go ahead and join us too! Maybe it will turn out that you have set a personal best, or you have ridden a bike most often and… (details coming soon!) Maybe you’ll meet bike commuters from your area; Or will you find a companion with whom you can go on weekend rides or explore new, interesting routes? Anything is possible!


Want to know more about Strava? Take a look at
this guide!


Stay tuned!


How to join the Olivia Centre club in Strava?

  1. Download the app from
    the AppStore
    or download it from
  2. Install it.
  3. Create and activate an account (if you don’t already have one).
  4. In the
    tab, find
    Olivia Centre
    and join our team.
  5. To be continued. Challenges, records and prizes await you!




More on screens, in MyOlivia and on the web soon!


Start in Pomerania – a unique edition of Recruitment Speed Dating at O4 Coworking

The sixth edition of Recruitment Speed Dating, which they have been organizing for students and employers from Olivia Centre and O4 Coworking for three years, has gained a new version. This time, the event is open to students of all universities from the Pomeranian Voivodeship. Start in Pomerania – the workshops ended with an unusual form of recruitment are a chance for 120 students to find a job.


What is the Start in Pomerania project?

Students from universities in Pomerania can choose from three May workshop dates, during which, under the supervision of experts from the HR and management industry, they will receive practical tips on how to strengthen their position on the labor market. In total, about 120 people will be able to take part in the workshops.


What’s next? Out of all the workshop participants, the best 20 will be selected and will have a chance to take part in the spring edition of Recruitment Speed Dating.


The workshops will be held on three dates to choose from: May 10, 17 and 23 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and participation is completely free of charge. Students will learn universal rules for writing professional application documents, practical tips on how to make information about yourself more attractive – in your CV, on Linkedin or how to increase the chance of being invited to an interview with your CV. The second part of the training will be devoted to self-presentation. Participants will learn how to talk about themselves in order to attract attention and convey the right content, or learn the secrets of effective pitching.

What is Recruitment Speed Dating all about?

Speed dating – speed dating, which aims to connect two people with each other, is increasingly being used in business. They have also become an effective form of recruitment in various industries. Around the world, as well as in Poland, such meetings are organized to familiarize employers with job seekers. Labour market giants such as Microsoft, Apple, Google and Airbnb take part in them.


O4 Coworking has already organized 5 editions of recruitment dates…

… And there is evidence that it works!

– We are after five editions and we already know that Speed Dating Recruitment has a chance to shorten the distance between the employee and the employer, give the job advertisement a human face, and warm up the image of large and small organizations. At the same time, it allows people with little professional experience to show themselves more fully than through a piece of paper, to experience – a bit relaxed and cheerful – and to build their first business relationships – says Marta Moksa, CEO of O4 Coworking.


For the employer, it is also a considerable time saver and an opportunity to get to know the candidate market. Speed dating recruitment is an effective form of hiring. According to O4 Coworking data, 60 per cent. recruitment interviews within the project resulted in employment.


Participation in Recruitment Speed Dating is an opportunity for companies and universities to test a new solution, but also to appear in the eyes of potential candidates as a modern place using market tools that are currently in trend.


O4 Coworking is the “matchmaker” of this success, but this project would not have been successful if it had not been for universities that want to support their students and help them find their way in the labor market. The partners of the 6th edition are the University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk University of Technology, SWPS University and Merito University.


Where did the idea of implementing such a project come from at O4 Coworking?

– O4 Coworking has always been a garden of talents. Both for the Olivia Centre organization (a lot of our wonderful team is now supported by the investor’s team) and for the Olivia Residents. Talents were supposed to come from new technologies and startups, but they were also supposed to come from universities close to us, or in general – from a huge crowd of people using coworking, workshops, conferences. When it came to supporting our powerful corporate neighbors and innovative, agile, flexible O4ians in recruitment, we knew from the beginning that we would not be following the beaten path and, let’s face it, moderately effective. Our strength is building relationships, networking, connecting people in an effective way, in a relaxed atmosphere, with humor. This is how the idea of speed dating preceded – and this is the most important part of this project – by preparatory workshops for students was born. Structured form, professionalism, 1-on-1 conversation, gently stepping out of the comfort zone – it turned out that it works and really builds relationships – says Marta Moksa, CEO of O4 Coworking.


A chance for your dream job

This is the first time that the project is aimed at such a wide range of students. Previously, it was implemented in partnership with a specific university. In May, every final year undergraduate and graduate student and graduate student can apply to participate.


– Previous editions have allowed us to see that students and graduates entering the job market have a great need to take advantage of workshops that will help them effectively prepare for the recruitment process, and Speed Dating Recruitment allows you to overcome the fear associated with a job interview. We wanted to give this opportunity to as many young people as possible. Hence, Start in Pomerania – a project that allows you to get a good start on the job market – says Martyna Czarnobaj-Borowska, project manager at O4 Coworking.


Who are employers?

To participate from employers Companies that are residents of Olivia Centre are invited. The industries are diverse: from IT, through HR, finance and banking, to logistics. Among the employers of the previous editions there were companies such as: Acaisoft, Amazon, AMS, Arrow Electronics, Bayer Sp. z o.o., Develocraft, FUJIFILM Europe, infoShare Academy, Invest in Pomerania, Lyreco Group Polska, ManPowerGroup , Nørd HR, Nordea, Olivia Centre, PKO Bank Polish, PredictX, Randstad, Ricoh Europe, Santander, Sawa Logistics Sp. z o.o., SoftServe, Sii Poland, TELUS International, Thyssenkrupp, Winning Moves Polska, Xceedance Poland, ZR Trade GmbH.


I am very happy that we were able to join the event. It is also a very interesting experience for us as employers. It is great to observe young people who are determined to gain their first professional experience. In such a short time, they are able to build a good impression, make people interested in themselves and their competences. The speed dating itself was organized in a professional way, and the pizza at the end was a great culmination of a busy afternoon – says

Alicja Sawicka

from Sii Poland.


I wish I had the opportunity to do so 14 years ago, when I was entering the job market. Six minutes multiplied by the number of companies gives a huge dose of information about the market, which sooner or later will turn into a full-time job, and thus the development of each of the participants – adds Kamil Parafiniuk from Develocraft.

Who are the candidates?

Participants of previous editions rated the project as an enriching experience. Many pointed out that participating in it allowed them to tame the stress associated with the job interview and get to know their strengths as a candidate applying for a job.


– At first, I wondered if it was worth going to the workshops. Now, I can confidently say that this is the best student event I’ve ever been to. I learned how to write an attractive CV, how to perform well in a job interview and gained my first contacts. However, the most important thing for me was to overcome my fear of talking to my future employer and see that it is not as scary as it seems. Highly recommended – says Kuba Węgrzynek, a student at the University of Gdańsk, a participant of the previous edition of the project.


The 6th edition of the project is open to students of the last years of bachelor’s and master’s studies as well as graduates of Pomeranian universities. Applications are made online via the application form and participation is completely free of charge.


Start in Pomerania:arkshops for students

  • 10.05. 9:00 – 16:00
  • 17.05 9:00 – 16:00
  • 23.05 9:00 – 16:00


Sign Up


Speed Dating Recruitment

  • 31.05 8:00 – 17:00


More about the project


Take up the Olivia Bike Challenge!


Join the Olivia Centre Club in Strava, take on cycling challenges throughout May, break records, set personal bests and reap prizes! There’s a lot to fight for.


How to join the Olivia Centre club in Strava?

  • Download the app from
    the AppStore
    or download it from
  • Install it.
  • Create and activate an account (if you don’t already have one).
  • In the GROUPS—CLUBS tab, find Olivia Centre and join our team.


Here are two routes that are also segments in the Strava app. A segment is defined sections of a road or trail where you can compete against the clock in cycling (or e.g. running, but more on that later). Each rider can check their time in the segment at any time and compare it with the results of other club members.


A challenge, and for Olivia’s Residents a COMPETITION , It is carried out from 1 to 31 May at 2:00 p.m., and we award the 3 fastest competitors – Olivia Residents – in the 9 km (Olivia Reja) and 25 km (Olivia TPK) segments, in the ladies and gentlemen categories.

Remember (if you are an Olivia Resident and want to take part in the contest) to mark your Strava profile with a star!



You are a Resident (an employee of one of the companies in Olivia), you are in the Olivia Centre club in Strava and you want to take part in the competition, mark your profile with a star.


How do I star my profile?

  • Open the Strava app.
  • Click on your profile icon.
  • Then “Edit” and in the field “Last Name”
  • Search for the star icon on your phone, click on it.
  • Finish with DONE.

By marking your profile with an asterisk, you agree to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of running the competition.



  • We are competing, as you already know, until May 31 at 14:00.
  • On June 1st, we will contact you via Strava (follow our posts in this app) and we will confirm the Resident status of the best players.
  • On June 9, we will announce the results of the competition.
  • And then the prizes will go to the winners.



They are waiting for those Residents who will complete the segments in the fastest time. We compete in two categories – men and ladies, in each segment – 9 km (Olivia Reja) and 25 km (Olivia TPK). What will the best ones get?


Olivia Reja (9 km)


Olivia TPK (25 km)



Olivia Reja | Strava Ride Segment in Sopot, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland (9 km)

  • the current leaderboard is available in the Strava app – just enter a given segment and filter the Leaderboards by Olivia Centre club


Olivia SSP | Strava Ride Segment in Gdansk, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland (25 km)

  • the current leaderboard is of course available in the Strava app – just go to a given segment and filter the Leaderboards by Olivia Centre.


Routes & Navigation

Olivia Reja Trail (9 km)

  • you can enable navigation directly in the Strava app (click use route and start)
  • or download the .gpx file and use it in your navigation device/application


Olivia TPK Route (25 km)

  • you can enable navigation directly in the Strava app (click use route and start)
  • or download the .gpx file and use it in your navigation device/application


Remember to record your activity in Strava

Choose a route that runs through one of our competition segments, or is our competition segment, whichever you prefer. Be sure to record your activity in the Strava app.


Important! In order for your score to be presented in the club list, the visibility of the saved activity must be set to EVERYONE [Activity – Edit Activity – Visibility (Who can View) – Everyone]



Let’s do it!



A beautiful day is coming… Women’s Day. Plan it with Olivia!

Women’s Day in Olivia is already a tradition. A beautiful tradition. This year, we are preparing a lot of attractions for women – small, medium and large. We hope that every Olivian will find something for herself. And we hope even more that this day will be special for you, dear ladies.


So, on
March 8th Olivia Garden from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30
p.m. is for you! Find a moment and choose a mini-workshop, lazing under a palm tree, a cocktail, a gift or vouchers for coffee and cake. Remember to generate a ticket to Olivia Garden for free in the My Olivia app:)


And so here is the plan of the day. There will be
with a dietician, a traveler, a self-defense expert, there will also be yoga to relax. There will be
a photo booth and treats.


  • 11:30-11:55 – Boost Energy (meeting in English). Sign up

    and get a cocktail with… Flower.

  • 12:00-12:25 – Travel inspirations. Sign up

    and get a cocktail with… Flower.

  • 12:30-12:55 – Appetite for health. Sign up

    and get a cocktail with… Flower.

  • 13:00-13:25 – Self-defense. Sign up

    and get a cocktail with… Flower.

  • 13:30-14:00 – Stretching and relaxing. Sign up

    and get a cocktail with… Flower.


We also invite you to…
car racing to Santander!
All you have to do is come between 11:30 and 14:30 , sit comfortably in your seat and go crazy behind the wheel, without a speed ticket;) More info…


4:30 p.m
., drop by for a workshop with a barista! Registration required. The number of places is limited.


At 6:00 p.m . in Olivia Garden will invite you to mini-concert of Ladies of Soul. Details soon!


Oh, and you can sign up for workshops and networking in Flow! Elevator Pitch and Body Language March 8 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This
particular event is paid
. Remember, however, that Residents have a 20% discount. Ask Karolina from Flow (
) for a discount code.


Olivia Centre Group’s bonds are listed on the stock exchange

The bonds of the operator and owner of Olivia Centre, the largest and most modern mixed-use centre in the Tri-City agglomeration and in Poland, debuted on the Catalyst stock exchange market on 7 March. 25,000 were put on the market. series L bonds with a nominal value of PLN 1,000 each. There are also plans to introduce other series (M-R) from the last issue programme, which amounted to a total of PLN 89.825 million. This is the first debut on Catalyst this year.

Olivia Centre is the largest business centre in northern Poland and one of the largest in Central and Eastern Europe. It consists of 9 buildings located in the heart of the Tri-City agglomeration. The area of the Gdańsk Centre is 175,000 sqm., and ultimately it is expected to significantly exceed 200,000. The design of the entire centre was created by Konior&Partners and BJK Architects, as well as the designs of individual buildings. Olivia’s largest residents include Amazon, Bayer, Capgemini, Deloitte, Energa, EPAM, Fujifilm, Lyreco, Medicover, Nike, Nordea, PwC, Ricoh, Sii, Thyssenkrupp.


The centre has a diversified portfolio of tenants, and the high technological quality of the project has been confirmed by international certificates and numerous awards. Olivia Centre has maintained the world’s first maximum score in the international WELL certification. For the second time, it has been recognized as a completely safe, friendly and responsible place to work, receiving confirmation from the International Well Building Institute (IWBI) in New York. A year after the first certification, it maintained a maximum score of 25 points out of a possible 25 in all categories analyzed. The safety of building users was checked, as well as solutions improving the quality of life in the business centre. It received this rating in 22 basic categories and in 3 additional categories related to the innovations implemented in its area.


Over the last 13 years, Olivia Centre has carried out a total of 31 bond issues for over PLN 560 million, of which 18 issues for over PLN 350 million have already been repaid. The interest rate on the Bonds from the last programme is WIBOR6M +5.3%, and the interest is paid every 6 months. The maturity date of the L series is 25.05.2025. The bonds are secured by a surety of Tonsa Commercial Rei NV (the main shareholder of the Issuer and the owner of special purpose vehicles of the Olivia Centre project) up to the amount of at least 150% of the nominal value of the bonds.


Proceeds from the last programme, which ended at the end of 2022 in accordance with their purpose, for the financing of new investment projects – residential projects implemented within the Olivia Group for the purchase of land and the implementation of the Platynowa Park project in Gdańsk and the purchase of land at ul. Stężycka in Gdańsk, as well as for the refinancing of the existing debt of previously issued bonds.




Olivia Centre is the largest business centre in northern Poland and one of the largest in Central and Eastern Europe. It consists of 9 buildings located in the heart of the Tri-City agglomeration. In recent months, Olivia has been developing projects focusing on four key areas, which allowed for the effective implementation of the assumed development strategy. These areas are: sustainability and environment, communication and stakeholder outreach, community focus, and safety. The report prepared by us is perfectly in line with the long-standing policy of the entire Tona Group (the owner of Olivia Centre), based not only on maximizing returns, but also on focusing on social benefits and care for the natural environment.


At the same time, Olivia Centre is much more than buildings. Over 1500 business, educational, cultural and sports events take place here every year. A unique combination of services and amenities for residents, their employees and guests has been created on its premises, which consists of eight restaurants, 4 cafes, a professional two-storey fitness centre, a kindergarten for 100 children, a primary school, a high school, an IT academy, a medical centre, a dental centre, a pharmacy, 5 banks and 5 conference centres, O4 – one of the largest coworking spaces in Poland, but at the same time a vast patio filled with vegetation, fountains and places of relaxation. In the central point of Olivia there is a vast (almost 1000 m2), year-round tropical garden Olivia Garden, which is a regenerative space for residents – it reduces emotional and psychophysiological stress, rebuilds depleted attention resources, has a positive effect on the ability to take on everyday challenges related to professional work and also fosters good social relations, creating a space for meetings.


In July 2019, on the 32nd, 33rd and 34th floor of Olivia Star, the highest building in northern Polish, a project was launched, constituting a unique, additional offer attracting guests from all over the world to Olivia. On On the 32nd floor, a public viewing level has been opened, allowing a 360° view. for the whole Tri-City. It offers not only a stunning panorama of the Bay of Gdańsk, the Tri-City Landscape Park and the Gdynia cliff coast, but also originally designed interiors, catering and recreational facilities. On On the 33rd floor of the building there are two prestigious restaurants: Arc and Teina y Teres, run by Paco Perez, one of the most successful chefs in the world, winner of the prestigious Michelin culinary guide 5*****. On On the 34th floor, at a height of 150 meters above the ground, a multifunctional event and conference centre has been created, located the highest in Poland, allowing for the organisation of events for up to 400 people, where concerts of the greatest Polish stars, theatre performances and business conferences are held. Olivia offers over 1600 parking spaces, a number of electric car charging points, points for storing and charging electric scooters, several hundred bicycle racks and large changing rooms with showers for cyclists in each of the 7 buildings.


Located on the ground floor of Olivia Star, the exotic Olivia Garden is a green enclave in the heart of the Olivia Centre. The garden offers an area of 740 m2 with a height of 9 m, with a mezzanine of more than 100m2 . The garden was planted with 4,000 plants representing more than 150 species. In 2021 won an award in the CIJ Awards Poland competition, in the Best Interior/Exterior Design category, and in 2022 the European Property Award. The aim of the project was to create a space that would allow you to relax, calm down and rebuild your inner harmony, which is extremely pleasant among such a large number of delightful plants reaching up to 11 meters in height. Olivia Garden’s space complemented the concept of a modern centre open to employees and residents of the Tri-City, where the needs of stakeholders are treated as a priority.


Olivia offers over 1600 parking spaces, a number of electric car charging points, points for storing and charging electric scooters, several hundred bicycle racks and large changing rooms with showers for cyclists in each of the 8 buildings.


Auditions for Olivia’s Choir! Sign up today!

You are an employee of one of the companies in Olivia, join the Olivia Centre Choir! Auditions on June 12th! We are mainly looking for gentlemen, ladies are also very welcome!




Jupiter Hall in O4 Coworking, Olivia Four building


How do I sign up?


Send an e-mail to with the subject line “Registration Choir”. In the email, indicate:

  • the time you want to make an appointment for (list of available below)
  • Your first and last name
  • the company from Olivia where you work

If your proposed time is already booked, we will let you know and suggest another time.


Available hours


16:30-16:45 Busy
16:45-17:00 Busy
17:00-17:15 Busy
17:15-17:30 Busy
17:30-17:45 Busy
17:45-18:00 Busy
18:00-18:15 Busy
18:15-18:30 Busy
18:30-18:45 Busy
18:45-19:00 Busy
19:00-19:15 Busy
19:15-19:30 Busy


Who are we looking for?


Priority in the auditions is given to employees of Olivia’s companies. We are mainly looking for gentlemen. Ladies are welcome. Certainly, for the ladies, the list of seats is limited, so as not to disturb the sound proportions in the band. Conductor Wiktoria Batarowska provides seats for Ok. 5 trebles and approx. 7 altos. It is important that the candidates have time for the choir (Tuesday rehearsals plus additional rehearsals, integration trips, etc., if necessary).


What does the audition look like?


The conductor, Wiktoria Pagieła, reveals the details: “It’s 15 minutes long. I check the sense of musical hearing and rhythm, scale, timbre of voice, etc. You can also prepare a fragment of your favorite song and sing it. Candidates do not need to know the notes, but it would be good if they had musical experience. I provide places for approx. .max 5 trebles and approx. .max. 7 altos. It is important that the candidates have time for the choir (Tuesday rehearsals plus additional rehearsals, integration trips, etc., if necessary).”



About the choir

The Olivia Centre Choir under the direction of Wiktoria Pagieła is a group of people of different ages, representing many organizations. Their love for music brought them together. Currently, the team consists of almost 50 people and brings together representatives of Olivia Centre companies, such as: Pomerania Development Agency, Amazon, Avaus, Bayer, EPAM Systems (Poland) sp. z o.o., Energa from the ORLEN Group, Kitrum, Lyreco, O4 Coworking, PKN Orlen S.A., RICOH Business Services, Skills Group, Winning Moves. The choir’s repertoire includes mainly popular and classical music, as well as carols and pastorals from different parts of the world.



Olivia Centre Choir conducted by Wiktoria Pagieła: Dorota Bednarczyk, Alicja Błażejewska, Anna Bratko, Michał Broekere, Emilia Ewa Bućko, Samuel Conejo Amaguaña, Krzysztof Dolański, Yuliia Fedosova, Anna Ficek, Magda Kamińska, Michał Krzepkowski, Ida Kwidzińska, Karolina Lewandowska, Marta Moksa, Magdalena Odrowąż-Piramowicz, Izabela Paluch, Aleksandra Peszek, Katarzyna Piętka, Radosław Piętka, Hamish Potts, Katarzyna Roskosz, Dominika Rossa, Aneta Rybkowska, Karolina Rymarczyk, Raman Shcherbau, Joanna Sienkiewicz, Samuel Steinborn, Maria Szkatulska, Karolina Tetlak, Aleksandra Troskinska, Aleksandra Waluda, Remigiusz Wojciechowski, Wojciech Żółtowski, Angelika Żołnierczuk.


Conductor Wiktoria Pagieła

Co-founder, artistic director and conductor of the Olivia Centre Choir. A graduate of the Academy of Music in Gdańsk. St. Moniuszko, laureate and participant of numerous conducting and choral competitions in Poland and abroad. Including. Grand Prix at the International Choir Competition A. Dvořák in Prague for the SSW Mundus Cantat Choir, Grand Prix at the VIII Festival O Warmia Moja Miła in Olsztyn for the Tutti e Solo Chamber Choir, Grand Prix at the National Festival of Marian Song in Chojnice. Originator and organizer of many music events. President of the Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Association of Choirs and Orchestras (2012-2014). One of her greatest successes is her participation in the preparation of the Choir of the Academy of Music. Stanisław Moniuszko in Gdańsk to record an album Wojciech Kilar: Angelus, Exodus, Victoria. Puck received Fryderyk 2014 in the category Album of the Year – Symphonic and Concert Music.



About the beginnings…

Premiere of the album “Good Tony”

“Good Tony” concert, premiere of the Olivia Centre Choir’s album

Concert “Heart with Ukraine”


It’s June 3rd! Children’s Day for young and old!

You’re Olivia’s Resident, so have fun! After all, a close-knit community is when we spend time together:) We invite you on June 3rd for Children’s Day (for children and adults). It’s going to be a lot of fun! We reveal some of the attractions in Olivia! Write down the date in your calendars and gather your strength:), because there is fun ahead of you from morning to evening, first in Olivia Park, and then during Viva Oliva in our beautiful district.


June 3, 2023 | Olivia Park | Hours. 10.00 – 14.00



There are numerous games, competitions, sports activities and many other surprises waiting for the little ones. We have also prepared extremely interesting educational workshops, during which we will make fragrant, floral eco-cosmetics, get to know the animals of the Baltic Sea, taste wild cuisine and process unnecessary things into useful ones on our own! We invite you to chill with lemonade and the sounds of music, outdoor activities and competition! After all, each of us has something of a child in us.


Here’s what’s going to happen in our zones.



  • Basket shots
  • Shots on Goal
  • Roller hockey
  • Zumba
  • tic-tac-toe
  • Rubik’s Cube
  • boules
  • badminton
  • and the power of other sports competitions

we operate together with Nike, Energa, Santander, Primary School No. 35



  • Field game
  • workshop “Something out of nothing: do it yourself – recycling for children”
  • art workshop
  • Wild Kitchen – edible herbs (wow!) and natural treats
  • upcycling/ zero-waste
  • you will also meet unusual guests: Wojtek the Lemur, Zofia the Parrot and Helmut the Turtle

we work together with FRUG (Foundation for the Development of the University of Gdańsk), Papugarnia, RC Foundation

Our entire educational zone was possible thanks to a grant obtained from the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdańsk!



  • SOMETHING SWEET workshop
  • upcycling/zero-waste
  • Face painting
  • Big Bubbles
  • Crazy Hairstyles

partners of the zone are: White Kitten, Primary School No. 35 and New Alternative Club Design hairdressing salon



  • pizza
  • Burgers
  • Retro cotton candy
  • ice cream
  • lemonade
  • grilled sausages
  • Excellent coffee


zone partners: Starbucks, Primary School No. 35, Pizza Rastelli



Participation in the event does not require prior reservation of seats.



See you on June 3rd in Olivia Park!

Here you will find all the attractions
that await you during the Viva Oliva district!




Olivia Park is located behind the Olivia Hall (there is also our volleyball court). The main entrance to Olivia Park is from the Olivia Centre. Below is a map of the event:) You will be directed to Olivia Park by a-boards. You won’t miss them.

If you come by car, take advantage of Olivia’s free parking lots, preferably B, C, E. A map and other useful information can be found here.



They went and won the Olivia Bike Challenge!

Throughout May, they took up the Olivia Bike Challenge, broke records, set personal bests and won prizes (we will inform you about the award ceremony soon!). Here are the daredevils who rushed the fastest Congratulations!


Olivia Reja (9 km)


Vera, 24 May 2023, time 20:36 CityFit
Aneta, 31 May 2023, time 22:18 CityFit
Magda, special award Aspire


Tomasz, 17 May 2023, time 14:37 Deloitte
Caesars, 23 May 2023, time 15:03 CityFit
Rafał, 30 May 2023, time 15:39 Efficient Insurance Solutions


Olivia TPK (25 km)


Aneta, 28 May 2023, time 1:12:44 CityFit


Caesars, 18 May 2023, time 46:24 CityFit
Tomasz, 12 May 2023, time 47:49 Deloitte
Jarosław, 30 May 2023, time 51:19 SII


A challenge, and

for Olivia’s Residents a COMPETITION

It was carried out from 1 to 31 May until 14:00. Contest Rules

  • As you already know, the competition lasted until May 31 at 14:00.
  • By June 1st, we contacted the contestants via Strava (thank you for following our posts in this app) and confirmed the Resident status of the best players.
  • On June 9th, we announce the results of the competition.
  • And then the prizes will go to the winners (soon!)



They were waiting for those Residents who completed the segments in the fastest time. There were two categories – men and women, in each segment – 9 km (Olivia Reja) and 25 km (Olivia TPK). We remind you what the best have won.


Olivia Reja (9 km)


Olivia TPK (25 km)



Olivia Reja | Strava Ride Segment in Sopot, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland (9 km)

  • It’s still worth checking your score


Olivia SSP | Strava Ride Segment in Gdansk, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland (25 km)

  • It’s still worth checking your score


Routes & Navigation

Olivia Reja Trail (9 km)

  • you can enable navigation directly in the Strava app (click use route and start)
  • or download the .gpx file and use it in your navigation device/application


Olivia TPK Route (25 km)

  • you can enable navigation directly in the Strava app (click use route and start)
  • or download the .gpx file and use it in your navigation device/application



Thank you and congratulations once again!