For years, October has been recognized worldwide as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. At this special time, Olivia also takes up topics related to breast cancer prevention.
Remember to self-examine your breasts
We encourage you, as every year, Dear Ladies, to self-examine your breasts. See how to properly perform the test. And remember that regular examination allows you to detect cancerous changes at an early stage and, consequently, apply effective treatment. The educational film was prepared by the Pink Butterfly Association, a non-profit organization supporting patients treated at the Breast Disease Center of the University Clinical Center in Gdańsk. It was established in November 2019 by the medical staff, patients and friends of the Center. The Association’s mission is to help people suffering from cancer, including breast diseases, at all stages of the disease (from diagnosis, through treatment and convalescence).

Remember about breast ultrasound
Breast ultrasound should be a permanent part of every woman’s calendar of preventive examinations. It is assumed that women over 30 should undergo a prophylactic breast ultrasound at least once every two years, and preferably once a year. In women from risk groups (with a family history of breast cancer, diagnosed with genetic mutations that increase the risk of developing the disease, with previous precancerous lesions), it is recommended to undergo more frequent examinations – two or three times a year.
Mammography is one of the preventive tests performed as part of breast cancer prevention as a screening test. It makes it possible to detect even very small cancerous lesions long before they become palpable. It is recommended for women over 40 years of age. It should be performed regularly, every 2 years, or as directed by your doctor.
Do you know about the breast cancer prevention program: mammography?
The programme is aimed at women aged 45-74. You can do a mammography test in stationary clinics or in a mobile vehicle that travels to the most remote corners of Polish.
Check where to have a mammogram in person (go to “Prevention programs” and select “Breast cancer prevention” from the list).
Check when the mobile vehicle will arrive in your town.
About mammography.
See: NFZ Academy | Practical calendar of preventive examinations
What do you know about biopsy?
Breast biopsy (fine-needle/core needle) is an examination that allows for precise breast diagnosis. Thanks to the ultrasound examination, the doctor locates the lesion and inserts a needle into it through the skin, which he uses to take a section of tissue from the center of the tumor, needed for further examination. The biopsy is not painful – it is performed under local anaesthesia and the woman does not require hospitalisation afterwards. More about the study…
Vacuum assisted core needle biopsy (VAB) is performed on an outpatient basis, i.e. in the treatment room, and no stay in the hospital operating room is necessary. The device consists of a disposable biopsy needle and a device that controls the biopsy process (vacuum assists). A needle is actually a complex disposable device that consists of a rotating blade connected to a container for histopathological material. More on this topic…
Medical facilities
Breast Disease Clinic of the University Clinical Center
The Breast Disease Clinic is intended for patients who have detected a change in their breasts and need advice or have previously been diagnosed with a benign change in the breast that requires regular check-ups. The clinic also accepts healthy patients who want to check their breasts and patients who believe that they may be genetically predisposed to breast cancer. During the first visit, the doctor conducts a detailed interview and then carefully examines the breasts and armpits.
58 727 05 00
Building No. 4
, 17
Smoluchowskiego Street, 80-214 Gdańsk
Copernicus Regional Oncology Centre
In building A of the Provincial Oncology Center, there is a modern center for the diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases – MAMMA CENTRUM according to the standards of the Breast Cancer Unit. It is located at 2 Maria Skłodowska Curie Street. The center conducts follow-up examinations in women at increased risk of breast cancer, ultrasound examinations using Doppler and elastography, classic mammography using a digital mammography, as well as spectral mammography and tomosynthesis. Patients can also count on magnetic resonance imaging, fine needle biopsy under ultrasound, core needle biopsy, stereo biopsy under mammography and ultrasound.
58 772 39 50, 58 345 21 99
Building A
Provincial Oncology Centre in Gdańsk,
2 Maria Skłodowska-Curie Street
Centre for Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Diseases at the Polish Red Cross Maritime Hospital in Gdynia (Gdynia Oncology Centre)
The center is accredited by the Breast Cancer Unit issued by SIS (Senologic International Society). Patients who come under the care of the center are covered by comprehensive and quick diagnostics and coordinated treatment. This means that they are helped in one place by experienced doctors: oncological surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, radiotherapists, pathologists, nurses and technicians. During therapy, you can also use the help of physiotherapists and psychological care. Thanks to this, patients do not have to look for help in several different places. In addition, the treatment is supervised by a coordinator. He or she acts as a guide for the sick person, guiding them through the various stages of therapy. Treatment is tailored to the requirements of the individual patient.
Surgery Clinictel. 5872 60 178 Hotline: 224 800 800
Szpitale Pomorskie sp. z o.o. | Polish Red Cross Maritime Hospital in Gdynia
, Oncology
Clinic, 1
Powstania Styczniowego Street, 81-519 Gdynia
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Did you know?
- Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide (25%) and the leading cause of death (14%), and breast cancer patients account for 36% of women living with cancer. It is estimated that nearly 1.7 million women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, and more than 500,000 die from it. It is a heterogeneous disease in which we distinguish different subtypes.
- The highest incidence of breast cancer is recorded in industrialized countries (Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain). The lowest incidence is in countries in Africa and Southeast Asia. Geographic region is a factor that significantly modifies the risk of breast cancer.
- In Poland, breast cancer has become one of the biggest threats to premature mortality of women in the last century. Breast cancer also occurs in men, although very rarely. It is estimated that one in the number of cases of breast cancer is breast cancer in men.
- The risk factors for the development of the disease are complex, but the key factors seem to be those related to the hormonal status of the woman (reproductive factors, age of puberty and menopause, use of hormonal preparations). The incidence of breast cancer increases with age. Cancer is rare among women under 45 years of age, and the majority of cases occur in women over 50 years of age (80% of patients in Poland).
- A factor that significantly increases the risk of developing breast cancer is the presence of a mutation in the BRCA1 gene or the BRCA2 gene. It is estimated that 4-8% of breast cancers may be the result of inherited mutations, the remaining cases are the result of sporadic mutations in somatic cells.
- Diagnosis and early detection (secondary prophylaxis) based on regular mammography examinations (screening) are of decisive importance in the context of prevention and prevention of the development of advanced breast cancer.