Poland’s largest business centre with a new ESG report

The Sustainable Development Report is a description of the approach and summary of the implemented practices in the field of social relations management, corporate governance and environmental policy in the largest enterprises in the country.
Its publication is related to the transparency of activities, as well as the desire to inspire the business community to raise the standards of conducting business activities.


The Tonsa Group, which owns Olivia Centre, has presented its ESG report for the third time.
The document contains an exhaustive catalogue of the group’s activities for the implementation of social, business and environmental goals, understood as sustainable development, respect for the highest standards in the field of ecology, relations with stakeholders and the public and business environment.
The current report is based on an impact materiality survey conducted on more than 250 representatives of Tonsa Group stakeholders.
The study allowed us to verify mutual influences and update the data presented in the report in relation to previous years.


Despite the fact that office space constitutes the vast majority of Olivia’s space, the center has been developing its service, educational, health, entertainment, sports and cultural functions for many years.
By providing functions that are important to residents and employees, it strives to have a positive impact on the environment and its coherence with the concept of sustainable, 15-minute cities. Every year, more and more green areas appear in its area and a number of publicly available cultural, educational and entertainment events are carried out.
These events expand the activities of the facilities to include afternoon and evening hours, supporting the development of mix-used functions and implementing functions important for the district and city in which Olivia Centre operates.


– Supporting stable, sustainable and inclusive economic growth We have created space for the activities of 100 companies, employing 15 thousand.
people, and another 150 business entities are developing their activities in the O4 Coworking
says Maciej Grabski, Managing Director of the Tonsa Group.
– N your activity has a positive impact on economic growth; not only directly, but also indirectly – by influencing the development of many entities related to us.
In doing so, we primarily support local suppliers.
Many of them are our regular business partners, which is a proof of trust and stability in many projects implemented in Olivia.

Sustainability has been identified as an integral part of the Tonsa Group’s long-term strategy.
Olivia also joined the global community striving to implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the largest global initiative bringing together sustainable business – the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).


The priorities adopted by Olivia included: implementation of tasks and impact for sustainable economic growth, creation of sustainable cities and communities, striving for climate neutrality, circular economy, protection of water resources and energy saving.
Olivia also supports the development of new technologies and ecology.
A number of solutions have been developed to support the use of zero-emission means of transport for work, such as changing rooms, showers, scooter charging areas and lockers for their storage, covered parking spaces, and the use of Olivia’s amenities is possible thanks to a smartphone application.
Olivia is also involved in global campaigns promoting ecology and sustainable transport, such as the International Earth Day, World Bicycle Day, World Car Free Day and the World Day for the Protection of the Baltic Sea, taking place as part of the World Water Day, announced by the UN.


The buildings have also been equipped with systems to increase the level of safety, health care and pollution monitoring.
It was the first in the world to equip air handling units with air ionizers that purify the air in buildings from fungi, viruses and allergens.
Thanks to the solutions used to monitor and analyse actual data on resource consumption and based on the international Greenhouse Gas Protocol A Corporate Reporting Standard, the carbon footprint of buildings is analysed.
In addition, all buildings are periodically subjected to detailed, individual analyses of compliance with the Paris Agreement and the global pathway to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
For this purpose, the CRREM (Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor) tool adapted to best practices in the field of sustainable development is used.
Olivia’s activities are also based on the recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) and cyclical climate risk analyses, allowing for the implementation of actions adequate to the current situation.


– Olivia’s activity is constantly subject to multi-criteria assessment by international organizations, leading to obtaining numerous certifications of facilities.
They confirm the compliance of the group’s operations with the highest standards, and often allow Olivia to be at the top of the rankings, as exemplified by obtaining the maximum rating as the first business center in the world in all analyzed areas of WELL HSR certification and maintaining such a high level of care for health, well-being and safety every year.
– notes Konrad Danecki, Deputy Director of Investor Supervision in Olivia.


The certification, awarded by the International Well Building Institute in New York, is issued based on criteria created by 600 government officials, scientists, business leaders, medical professionals, architects, designers, construction scientists and real estate specialists, as well as standards in construction.
Its main goal is to verify the user-friendliness of the facilities, care for their well-being based on the latest technological solutions, but also takes into account the so-called
“soft criteria”, such as improving the quality of life and work, promoting healthy practices and initiatives to build an active and cooperative community of residents, supporting diversity and counteracting social exclusion.


Caring for the well-being of residents is not only about standards, systems and technical solutions, but also about responding to the needs of the local community and Olivia’s residents.
To this end, surveys are regularly carried out to measure satisfaction and gain inspiration to implement further improvements.
Based on them, Olivia Garden was created – an exotic garden where residents can work, relax and meet during and outside working hours.
The answer to their inquiry was also the opening of a grocery store and numerous events, including concerts, meetings, workshops and integration events.
In the survey, as many as 63% of residents confirmed their participation in the initiatives that are carried out in Olivia.
An important factor integrating the residents are the numerous clubs for developing passions, which offer joint bicycle trips, photography and filming courses, plant care courses, or sports clubs: football, volleyball, running, or the very popular sailing club, which organized as many as 57 cruises in 2023.
The Olivia Choir, which brings together employees of several companies, has a special status, which has not only added splendor to events in the center, but has already released its first album and started commercial concerts in several regions of the country.
In total, the number of all initiatives integrating the Olivia Centre community reached 673 events.


Cooperation with the local community is carried out m.in.
through the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget: a project to co-finance initiatives submitted by the residents of the Tri-City, which are implemented in Oliwa – the district where this largest business centre in Poland is located.
This year, its 5th edition is already being implemented, and each year funding is granted to activities such as renovations of public infrastructure, educational workshops and rehabilitation classes for children, youth and people with mobility limitations or special needs.


– By managing a space of 15 thousand.
Every year, we face not only the scale of challenges, but also the need to create new, attractive and original initiatives
emphasizes Bogusław Wieczorek, the representative of the management board of Olivia Centre. – Everything we do, we prepare with a strategy defined by the board.
It is based on the highest international standards, because this is what our residents require of us.
Years of experience show us that this is the only way to meet the expectations of the largest global companies.
We are glad that thanks to this, our activities are also conducive to the development of the entire agglomeration, generating new jobs, tax revenues and a number of social initiatives carried out for the benefit of the Tri-City community by our residents.
Such positive conclusions allow us to think with equal determination about the coming years and the projects we are preparing.


Full report

The VII Pomeranian Voivodeship Championships of Firefighters of the State Fire Service in Olivia Star is behind us!

The VII Pomeranian Voivodeship Firefighters Championships of the State Fire Service are behind us.
48 teams competed in the run to the top of Olivia Star – the tallest building in northern Poland.
The participants had to climb 885 stairs, and the fastest took only 6 minutes!
This year’s edition was also attended by women for the first time.


Olivia Star’s staircases have once again become an arena for competition between two-person firefighting teams from all over Poland, which in this way train their skills in providing assistance in the event of dangers in high-rise buildings.
The firefighters compete to climb the 34 floors of Olivia Star in full gear, which also allows them to train their iron condition, which is often needed to operate effectively in difficult conditions.
Competing with other teams, they have to climb to a height of 140 meters above the ground with equipment weighing up to 20 kg and consisting of personal protective equipment, fire hoses and nozzles.
Covering this distance is therefore quite an effort for even a well-trained body.


For the first time in the history of the championships, women also took part in the competition.
Katarzyna Jakubek and Jolanta Chibowska from the State Fire Service Aspirants’ School in Krakow competed for the victory: The impact of such an initiative is certainly enormous, this kind of effort shows us what boundaries we can cross, which are mainly in our heads – says Katarzyna Jakubek .
Gdy przezwyciężymy kryzys mówiący nam „odpuść” możemy później zdziałać naprawdę wiele, pokazując w tym siłę i przede wszystkim odwagę, której nie może nam brakować podczas takich działań.
Są to może proste rzeczy, lecz strażak zawsze musi zachować zimną krew, spokój oraz opanowanie i podczas takich wydarzeń możemy sprawdzić nasze możliwości i wytrenować zawziętość oraz siłę wojownika.


Jolanta Chibowska also confirms that this type of competition allows you to toughen up your character and better prepare for action in real rescue operations: When dealing with real threats, we are often exposed to intense physical exertion and operating in breathing apparatus.
I think this is a very good initiative, because it toughens up the character, allows you to break your own barriers and allows you to test the limit of your body’s endurance.
While climbing the floors, there is sometimes a battle with your own mind and internal motivational dialogues.
Such training shows us that all weaknesses can be overcome and we must not give up.

I rate the run really high, because of the atmosphere before the start – emphasizes Katarzyna Jakubek. Everyone calmly explained how the run was going, the construction of the staircase on which we were to move was presented, there was time to dress appropriately for the start, which turned into zero stress, and this is always the most important thing before the start, to be “relaxed”. Was it difficult? Of course it is. There was a crisis moment when I was already telling myself to let go, but this doggedness and awareness that this is just a small crisis that almost every player experiences is only in our heads. In such moments, I recommend thinking about our loved ones who could just need help at the very top of the building, the motivation is huge, because no one wants anyone from our loved ones to suffer. I had the pleasure to compete in Olivia for the first time and of course not the last one next year I am coming to improve this year’s result, but I have already competed in this type of events m.in in cities such as Warsaw, Wrocław, Krakow, Berlin and Braga in Portugal. I encourage everyone to test their abilities and limits in such competitions. This year’s second debutant sums up her participation in a similar way: I liked the run very much, although on the 20th floor it came to my mind: what did I agree to! – says Jolanta Chibowska.
When I finally got to the top, a thought came to my mind: it was worth it!
I want to do it again!
It was hard, but the satisfaction at the top repaid the pain and struggle that was during the run.
It was the first time I had beaten Olivia Star.
Earlier, I took part in a run up the stairs at the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw.
Next year I would love to take part in this race with the intention of improving my result.


The winners of the 7th edition of the Championships were the team of the Municipal Headquarters of the State Fire Service in Toruń, covering this distance in just 6 minutes and 14 seconds.
The second place was taken by the team from the Municipal Police in Gdynia with a result of 6 and 21 seconds.
The third place went to firefighters from the Wejherowo County Headquarters with a time of 6 minutes and 25 seconds.


The best two firefighter pairs will represent Pomerania in the national competition, which will take place on September 14 at the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw.


As emphasized by Brig.
Mirosław Cyrson from the Provincial Headquarters of the State Fire Service in Gdańsk, the competition in Olivia Star is an important element of verification of the teams’ preparation for service in the increasingly demanding working conditions of firefighters: The scale of challenges and the scope of firefighters’ responsibilities are increasing year by year, and the number of incidents and interventions is growing.
The training allows firefighters to be prepared for a wide variety of tasks, so the championships that take place in Olivia are important for our firefighting community, as they help to maintain physical fitness, which is an indispensable element in our activities.
The training makes it easier for firefighters to be effective in carrying out rescue and firefighting operations.



Olivia Centre in Gdańsk is the largest and most modern business centre in the Tri-City agglomeration and in Poland. Its area is currently 175 thousand. m.kw, and ultimately it will significantly exceed 200 thousand. m.kw. Olivia’s largest residents are Amazon, Bayer, Capgemini, Deloitte, Energa, EPAM, Fujifilm, Lyreco, Medicover, Nike, Nordea, PwC, Ricoh, Sii, thyssenkrupp.

Olivia Business Centre has undergone the most restrictive analysis conducted by experts from the International Well Building Institute (IWBI) in New York. The safety of building users was checked, as well as solutions improving the quality of life in the business centre. Olivia received the maximum score of 25 out of 25 points for all its properties. It achieved this result in 22 basic categories and in 3 new ones related to the innovations implemented in its area.

At the same time, Olivia Centre is much more than buildings. Over 1500 business, educational, cultural and sports events take place here every year. A unique combination of services and amenities for residents, their employees and guests has been created on its premises, which consists of eight restaurants, 4 cafes, a professional two-storey fitness centre, a kindergarten for 100 children, a primary school, a high school, an IT academy, a medical centre, a dental centre, a pharmacy, 5 banks and 5 conference centres, O4 – one of the largest coworking spaces in Poland, but at the same time a vast patio filled with vegetation, fountains and places of relaxation. In the central point of Olivia there is a vast (almost 1000 m2), year-round Olivia Garden, filled with 4 thousand zlotys of gardens.
of plants, reaching up to 11 meters in height.
Olivia Garden is a regenerative space for residents – it reduces emotional and psychophysiological stress, rebuilds depleted attention resources, has a positive impact on the ability to take up everyday challenges related to professional work and also fosters good social relations, creating a space for meetings.
This space is generally available to the residents of the Tri-City and tourists.

In July 2019, on the 32nd, 33rd and 34th floor of Olivia Star, the highest building in northern Polish, a project was launched, constituting a unique, additional offer attracting guests from all over the world to Olivia. On On the 32nd floor, a public viewing level has been opened, allowing a 360° view. for the whole Tri-City. It offers not only a stunning panorama of the Bay of Gdańsk, the Tri-City Landscape Park and the Gdynia cliff coast, but also originally designed interiors, catering and recreational facilities. On On the 33rd floor of the building, there are two prestigious restaurants: Arco and Treinta y Tres, run by Paco Pérez, one of the most successful chefs in the world, winner of the 5***** prestigious Michelin culinary guide. In this year’s edition of the guide, the Arco by Paco Perez restaurant was honored with the first star in Pomerania, and the Treinta y Tres restaurant won the Bib Gourmand Na distinction. On the 34th floor, at a height of 150 meters above the ground, a multifunctional event and conference centre has been created, located the highest in Poland, allowing for the organisation of events for up to 400 people, where concerts of the greatest Polish stars, theatre performances and business conferences are held. Olivia offers over 1600 parking spaces, a number of charging points for electric cars, points for storing and charging electric scooters, several hundred bicycle racks and large changing rooms with showers for cyclists in each of the 7 buildings

On September 6, we are jumping for cystic fibrosis patients!

On September 8, we celebrate World Cystic Fibrosis Day and on this occasion the Polish Society for the Fight against Cystic Fibrosis in Gdańsk organizes the 6th edition of the #PrzeskoczMukowiscydozę campaign. September has been declared Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month and our Resident, Energa from the ORLEN Group, has also joined the series of educational events.
Together with Energa, we invite you to participate in the skipping rope challenge.
This symbolic gesture is an expression of support for all those suffering from this incurable disease.



Come to the Olivia Centre patio on September 6 at 10:00 a.m. and… Jump rope with us!




#PrzeskoczMukowiscydozę – the whole of Poland is jumping for cystic fibrosis patients!


The campaign, organized as part of the World Cystic Fibrosis Day, aims to motivate patients to a simple physical activity – jumping rope.
Such activity is an excellent form of physiotherapy for people struggling with cystic fibrosis.
When jumping, mucus is detached from the lungs and it is possible to cough it up.
Let’s show the sick support, let’s move, and thus motivate them to be active!
The campaign also aims to raise public awareness of cystic fibrosis.
In our country, approx.
2000 people, 30% are adults and 70% are children.


Cystic fibrosis is a chronic, incurable disease, which means that it accompanies the patient throughout his life.


The everyday life of cystic fibrosis patients is:

  • multidisciplinary team of specialists: paediatrician, internist, pulmonologist, microbiologist, physiotherapist, dietician, psychologist, geneticist, nurse
  • time-consuming inhalations several times a day
  • taking a very large amount of medication every day
  • taking pancreatic enzymes before each meal
  • respiratory physiotherapy, drainage
  • Prevention of bacterial infections
  • hospitalizations
  • transplant treatment



September It’s not Autumn. Act and have fun!

It has been known for a long time that September is not Autumn! What can I say! Act, play, be healthy and active. And what proposals do we have for you?


September-November: Spin kilometres for Gdańsk


Cycling to work and school. “Kręć kilometry dla Gdańska”

From 2 September to the end of November, you can take part in the 12th edition of the “Cycling to work and school – Kręć kilometry dla Gdańska” campaign. Cycling as part of this project is not only a healthy and ecological form of moving around the city, but also great fun – you take part in a city game in which you earn points, prizes and compete with other participants.


To enter the game, you need to download the Activy application, register, select the “Spin kilometers for Gdańsk” challenge and join the ranking team.


By covering kilometers every day, you collect points – 1 point for 1 km. A maximum of 20 points a day for 6 days a week and up to 100 points once a week. In addition, an additional 20 points will be calculated for commuting to work or school/university and for getting to the designated bonus place – a way to discover Gdańsk in an interesting way. In increasingly demanding months, points will be multiplied – in October they will be counted twice, in November – triple.


You can play individually, by inviting friends or by joining a team – a company team.





7: Fahrenheit Cup


Fahrenheit Cup

On September 7 , the Fahrenheit Cup in 3×3 basketball and 4×4 beach volleyball will be held at the Academic Sports Center of the Gdańsk University of Technology! Grab a volleyball and/or basketball team and apply now!

  • The 3×3 basketball tournament is aimed at 10-12 teams of four.
  • The competition will be held in accordance with FIBA regulations, and matches will last 10 minutes or up to 21 points.
  • The beach volleyball tournament will be held in the 4×4 formula.
    We invite 10-12 teams to participate, which will compete in one-set matches up to 21 points each.
  • Not only will there be sports competition waiting for the participants, but also a delicious barbecue and something to drink!





21 September: Ultras Oliwa and Santander Charity Run


IV Ultras Oliwski

Apply for the company competition in the 10 km team run! Invite your colleagues from behind the desk and rock out. The rules are simple:

  • Gather a team of 3 runners (at least one lady in the team) from your company
  • fill in the application form on the ultrasoliwski.pl website – for each participant separately
  • in the “Club” field, enter the name of the company you represent (ATTENTION! If you have already signed up, let us know on komuniakcja@oliviacentre.com that you want to take part in the team competition, we will cover the topic:))
  • Be sure to write to komuniakcja@oliviacentre.com and confirm the team’s entry
  • On September 21, we will see each other at the starting line – after the end of the run, a classification of companies whose representatives took part in the run will be prepared


What else should I know?

  • registration for a maximum of 5 company teams from Olivia
  • 10 km mass start start; Classification based on the sum of times
  • There is a limit of runners in the run (up to 250 people in total; plus limits on distances) – after reaching the limit, registration will not be possible, so hurry up!





VII Santander Charity Run Helps

This is the seventh time that the Santander Foundation has organised a charity run. The “Multiplying Good” campaign aims to support children and young people with oncological diseases, who are under the care of 19 organizations throughout Poland, including: Hospice im. Ks. Eugeniusz Dutkiewicz SAC in Gdańsk and the Department of Paediatrics, Hematology, Oncology of the UCC Gdańsk.


There is 7.4 km to run or walk, at any pace. In a virtual run, you can cover the distance on rollerblades, a bike, a scooter. The participant covers a distance of 7.4 km by running or walking. In the virtual run, it is allowed to cover the distance on rollerblades, a bike, a scooter and other forms of physical activity.





from September…: Olivia Football League, 2024/2025 season


We already know very well that there are football enthusiasts among us. And many of them! Therefore, we invite Teams from Companies residing in Olivia to participate in this sports project! Please send preliminary declarations of participation in the League to usat: komunikacja@oliviacentre.com. In order to run the League, a minimum of 8 teams must participate in it.


In the last season of the league, there was no shortage of emotions. We had four new teams: Speednet, Thyssenkrupp Group Services Gdańsk, Santander Bank Polska, Capgemini. Nearly 200 competitors from 11 teams competed. Almost 600 goals were scored in 70 matches. The top scorer was Paweł Lis from Santander.


Let’s go to the city! Lower Town: Szafarnia – Angel Causeway – Long Gardens

Getting to know the Lower Town!


What is Gdańsk like seen away from tourist paths? What stories and secrets escape the authors of publicly available guides? You can find out during alternative city science walks, to which “Local Guides” invite you.


The centre of Gdańsk is not only a frequently visited, beaten track of the Royal Route.
It is also its south-eastern part called the Lower Town, cut off a little years ago by the thoroughfare of Podwale Przedmiejskie.
This is the part of the city where most of the old buildings from the nineteenth century are located, as well as the elements of the city’s fortifications that have survived to this day – bastions and a moat, as well as authentic, also nineteenth-century barracks.
It is a place that encapsulates the history of assembling American passenger cars…


Route: Szafarnia – Na Stępce – Dziewanowskiego – Angielska Grobla – Seredyńskiego – Długie Ogrody


Meeting point: at the corner of ul.
Sheds and Long Gardens (6/14 Długie Ogrody Street), 5:30 p.m.


Guide: Izabela Szepska


The number of tickets is limited!



Buy a ticket



Local Guides and


It is an initiative that brings together the inhabitants of Gdańsk who show around the lesser-known corners of the city with passion, knowledge and commitment. Each walk is carried out according to the original scenario of the guide. During it, you can hear about the surrounding nature and architecture, learn about the history of the district, look into its secret places usually known only to residents. Guides talk about literary inspirations or artistic threads related to a given place, and their narratives are often embellished with personal notes.


Walks allow you to get to know the city from a different side. It happens that the stories told by the guide surprise the oldest residents of a given district. Tourists, on the other hand, appreciate the “insider” knowledge of the guides, which reveals the atmosphere of the place to them and allows them to delve deeper into the specificity of the city. More about Local Guides


The organizer of the project is the City Culture Institute – a local government cultural institution that creates events for and with the participation of residents. Its aim is to increase the role of culture in the life of the city and to develop local identity. For more events, please visit www.ikm.gda.pl.




Buy a ticket


Olivia Gastro Park. Through the stomach to the heart of the residents

The awarding of two restaurants from the Olivia Centre with the prestigious laurels of the Michelin culinary guide was widely publicized in the media all over the country.
The star, which is the highest distinction in the world of gastronomy, was won by the Arco by Paco Perez restaurant, and the Treinta y Tres restaurant won the Bib Gourmand distinction.
Both restaurants are located on the 33rd floor of Olivia Star and are run by internationally renowned chefs – the Spaniard Paco Perez and the Italian Antonio Arcieri.


However, managing gastronomy in a business center is a challenge that poses an even higher degree of challenge to managers on a daily basis than running a fine-dining restaurant.
Such restaurants provide the necessary prestige for such a place and are perfect for celebrating special celebrations, both corporate and private.
The key to culinary success in a business center where as many as 15 thousand people work.
The employees seem to be not only of high quality, but also diversity, allowing them to escape from everyday monotony and repetitiveness, which is why there are as many as 12 restaurants and smaller catering outlets operating in Olivia Centre.


At the heart of such a wide range of food and beverage products is the belief that its quality is one of the factors influencing the assessment of the workplace.
What’s more, good, quality nutrition and a varied diet are the basis of well-being and translate into work efficiency.
Certainly, providing this to 15,000 employees is not an easy challenge, but such a number of potential guests is a considerable market potential, and the example of Olivia Centre shows that it can be done well.


– We are fully aware that the vast majority of Olivia’s employees regularly use the offer of catering facilities that await in our centre, which is why this is one of the areas that we are trying to take care of.
Even if not on an ongoing basis, at least at the stage of selecting culinary concepts, we want to ensure the greatest possible variety and quality
– says Maciej Kotarski from Olivia Centre.
We are aware that tastes are very diverse, but they can also be changeable, which is why we try to ensure that the proposals available in Olivia allow us to provide interesting culinary options not only in terms of dishes, but also the forms and times of the day in which they are offered.
We have managed to provide original breakfast, lunch and evening concepts, as well as a variety of formulas: from casual bars, confectioneries and classic cafes to prestigious restaurants awarded by the Michelin guide.




The latest of the points that are available in Olivia is Zachcianki – a café combined with a bistro, where original breakfasts, lunches and desserts are offered.
As Ewa Kowalska, co-owner of Zachcianki, emphasizes , their offer is unique on the Tri-City market: Dishes are prepared on the spot, and cakes are baked in a workshop in Wrzeszcz.
We use simple, natural ingredients that everyone has at home, but what distinguishes us is that we show the full ingredients – so that the customer knows exactly what they are eating and we do not do it only for desserts, but we also show the full ingredients and nutritional values for savoury dishes.
This is an unusual approach on the Tri-City market for now, but we hope that this will change.
We wanted Wanting to be a place where you can slow down for a moment, take a breath and remind yourself that you have to take care of yourself, that you have to be kind to yourself.
That it is worth fulfilling your whims.
And we can see that it works well – despite the holidays, we have more and more guests.
They drop by for specifics, for a cake with coffee and for informal meetings.


Olivia offers such food outlets as KOKU sushi bar, Natka bistro, Starbucks, Lobster restaurant, Work Cafe Santander and Gorąco Polecam café combined with coworking space.
As Maciej Kotarski emphasizes, the variability of preferences requires the creation of a well-thought-out and diverse, but also flexible offer: In Olivia, the answer to this is the multitude of premises and the selection of proposals, which takes place already at the stage of signing their lease agreements.
After years of operation, we already have experience that allows us to predict what the reception of individual proposals may be, and we also make sure not to create internal competition that may affect the situation of our existing tenants.
Therefore, we would certainly not launch two sushi establishments or two pizzerias.


Olivia Centre sets the development of attractiveness for the inhabitants of the Tri-City and tourists 7 days a week and after 5.00 p.m. as one of its goals.
It is for this reason that attractions such as observation deck at 32 floors. Olivia Star, Olivia Garden or the conference and event center on the 34th floor of the tallest building in northern Poland.
Thanks to this, Olivia quickly became a destination for trips, a place where you can spend a Friday evening at a disco, shanty or jazz concert.
The largest Polish business centre already has theatre performances and concerts by such stars of the Polish scene as Krystyna Janda, Leszek Możdżer, Daria Zawiałow, Mrozu and Krzysztof Zalewski. Over 1700 events take place annually in Olivia , so it can be considered that Olivia has already become one of the most attractive places not only for work, but also for the cultural and entertainment life of the Tri-City. This is also confirmed by the award of the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, awarded to Olivia on the occasion of the International Tourism Day for expanding the tourist offer of Pomerania with non-obvious projects at an exceptional level.
It is the only award that has been awarded to office buildings for the development of the tourist offer of a given region.


The new buildings of Olivia, the construction of which is already being prepared, will additionally increase the demand for services offered in Olivia, so it is possible that the proposals in this largest Polish business center will expand even more.
The most important thing, however, is that Olivia remains a friendly center, open to residents and guests from all over the world, not only during the center’s opening hours.



Olivia Centre is all over WELL

For the first time, Olivia Centre has obtained WELL Health-Safety Rating certificates for all its buildings.
What is more, 7 buildings of the largest business centre in Gdańsk retained the world’s first maximum score, obtaining 25 out of 25 possible points in 22 basic and 3 additional categories related to innovation.


The certification granted by the International Well Building Institute in New York is issued on the basis of criteria created by 600 scientists, business leaders, medics, architects, designers, government officials, real estate specialists, as well as standards in construction.
Its main goal is to verify the user-friendliness of the facilities, care for their well-being based on the latest technological solutions, but also takes into account the so-called
“soft criteria”, such as improving the quality of life and work, promoting healthy practices and initiatives to build an active and cooperative community of residents.
The criteria are focused on the following categories: cleanliness and safety of the workspace and common areas, safety of users and standards of preparedness in crisis situations, availability of health care, ensured high class of air and water quality, communication (internal – addressed to employees and external – addressed to all types of external stakeholders) and innovations.


– WELL HSR certification for our entire business centre is a very clear message for all its current and future residents: if you work in Olivia, you can be sure that the environment in which you are located meets the most restrictive global standards – says Konrad Danecki from the investor’s supervision of Olivia Centre.
To be more specific: if you set yourself the goal of being in an environment that cares for your employees, promotes activity, health and cooperation, and besides, in the background, in a non-invasive way for users, ensures safety, stability of functioning and development, and supports residents in their initiatives for well-being, promotion and cooperation, then Olivia is the place where everything is located, what you are looking for.


Among the factors that prove the utmost care for the comfort, satisfaction, health and safety of people staying at Olivia Centre, there are initiatives implemented in the field of employee well-being, which include numerous interest and passion development clubs, seasonal projects organized on Olivia’s patio, sports sections, exhibitions of paintings, photographs or sculptures made by resident employees and a publicly available, year-round exotic garden, in which there are 4 thousand plants reaching up to 11 meters in height.
Initiatives that employees can use are appreciated, and which are unique opportunities on a global scale.
Certainly one of them is the Olivia Centre Choir, which recorded its first album and has already started concerts in numerous concert halls.
Valuable initiatives also include running clubs, cycling clubs, photography and film courses, and even plant care courses.
From the technical solutions, m.in were taken into account.
the technology of air purification with ions implemented in Olivia, thanks to which all surfaces of the center are continuously free of viruses, bacteria and other pathogens in the air ventilated into the rooms.
This is a technology that has previously been used in the world’s most prestigious facilities, which include the White House, the Presidential Palace in Abu Dhabi, as well as Gulfstream private jets.
This is done in parallel with raising the level of air filtration to the highest levels currently available and installing sensors for Volatile Organic Compounds and particulate matter (PM).


– Once again, we are convinced that commitment to the well-being of our centre’s employees brings measurable results – says Bogusław Wieczorek, the representative of the management board of Olivia Centre.
The result obtained is a signal for a wide range of stakeholders: employees of companies that they can feel safe in Olivia, because we care about their well-being, and for potential customers it means that by choosing Olivia they can count on a number of added values, which are implemented with a view to the development of their business, supporting their attractiveness in the eyes of contractors and future employees.
The WELL HSR certificate obtained at such a high level is for us both an appreciation of our efforts, but also a clear signal for business that Olivia is the best business center where it is worth doing business.

– Implementing appropriate procedures and taking related actions allowed us to obtain the WELL Health-Safety Rating badge, but it is worth noting that this is a badge that can be obtained after achieving 15 points, i.e. meeting 15 selected from the list of requirements.
Our score – 25 points for each building – is a perfect proof that Olivia’s team is committed to ensuring that our buildings and spaces are conducive to the comfort, well-being, health and safety of users in the best possible way. –
Agata Kwapisiewicz, ESG Officer.


About! SUMMER: Come to Olivia Garden and learn the secrets of TIKI super cocktails!

We’re back with another O ! SUMMER! And what do we have for you this time? Exotic cocktails in the heart of the city!


Come to a place where you can relax and delight in nature, i.e. Olivia Garden, and additionally try new flavors of summer! Sign up for an hour-long meeting with the master of cocktail mixing, see her tricks and taste it! You will learn recipes for 3 exotic TIKI drinks, all at a great price of 10 PLN!

Buy a ticket here!


See you on 13.08 at 6:00 p.m . in Olivia Garden You cannot miss such an opportunity.
Rush! The number of places is limited.




Buy a ticket here!

We invite you for a walk: 800 years of Oliwa in 90 minutes

We invite you to another extraordinary walk.
Oliwa: “800 years of history in 90 minutes”


What is Gdańsk like seen away from tourist paths? What stories and secrets escape the authors of publicly available guides? You can find out during alternative city science walks, to which “Local Guides” invite you.


As part of the “O! Summer” we invite you to a series of walks around Gdańsk’s districts. Learn about 800 years of history of this extraordinary district enclosed in a 90-minute walk.
Join us on July 30 at


Buy your ticket here


Again, we will start from the “Oliwa Manhattan” to head towards the Park.
We will pass, visible on the other side of ul.
Grunwaldzka, Federal-Mogul plant
, and then we will enter two streets, whose patrons will tell us about their extraordinary stories. We will see a tram terminus, which until 1963 was much smaller because of the building that stood there, and it remembered the age…. XVII. After crossing Abbot Rybiński Street, we find ourselves on the reverse side of the so-called Rybiński Street.
Royal Telescope, and immediately afterwards we will be able to look through it to… Sea
Ominiemy pocysterską katedrę i zaznajomimy się z dość nietypowym przedstawicielem oliwskiego drzewostanu. Stamtąd udamy się ku pięknemu ceglanemu kościołowi, który niektórym turystom z katedrą się mylił. Od kościoła już tylko krok do gmachu V Liceum, który kryje w środku pewną tajemnicę o niezwykłej historii. Zaś patron szkoły, Stefan Żeromski przeniesie nas nieoczekiwanie ku gmachom Olivii Centre.
Po drodze czeka nas wiele dygresji, anegdot i wspomnień, a także odpowiedzi na pytania uczestników.


Route: Olivia Centre – ul. Opata Rybiński – Major Bezruczka Square – ul.
Opacka – ul.


Guide: Krzysztof Rześniowiecki


Local Guides


It is an initiative that brings together the inhabitants of Gdańsk who show around the lesser-known corners of the city with passion, knowledge and commitment. Each walk is carried out according to the original scenario of the guide. During it, you can hear about the surrounding nature and architecture, learn about the history of the district, look into its secret places usually known only to residents. Guides talk about literary inspirations or artistic threads related to a given place, and their narratives are often embellished with personal notes.


Walks allow you to get to know the city from a different side. It happens that the stories told by the guide surprise the oldest residents of a given district. Tourists, on the other hand, appreciate the “insider” knowledge of the guides, which reveals the atmosphere of the place to them and allows them to delve deeper into the specificity of the city. More about Local Guides…


The organizer of the project is the City Culture Institute – a local government cultural institution that creates events for and with the participation of residents.
Its aim is to increase the role of culture in the life of the city and its local identity. For more events, please visit www.ikm.gda.pl.


Buy your ticket here



The place of our meeting: Olivia’s patio, in front of the entrance to Olivia Tower.
We are waiting until 5:10 p.m. at the latest.





New date! Summer On Patio Art 30th of July!

Hey! Summer on the Patio, especially the one with painting, creating, with paints and crayons, with ice cream and live music, requires sunshine, you know. Since on July 24 it is supposed to rain, drizzle, sprinkle and blow, we decided to move the Event for July 30! So on July 30, come to the patio! You will be able to let off steam artistically and create a work – or even works – of art, you will also be able to wave your leg to live music, eat ice cream, and that’s not all!


What can we say? It’s going to be a lot of fun! We invite you to co-create, co-paint, co-create. Painting, sculpture and whatever you can dream of…



On Tuesday, July 30, the following artists will be with us:


We will use various tools: brushes, sponges, brushes, water guns, spatulas and even… Jigsaws! You will be able to create something extraordinary, coming straight from the heart, using paints, sheets of paper, plywood, cardboard, in the spirit of upcycling. Any material can become a work of art! Drop by the patio and let your imagination run wild!


What else is in the program?

  • ice cream
  • chillout
  • Live music
  • and the award ceremony in the Football League! You will meet Olivia’s best teams and you will be able to congratulate them
  • there will also be guests from ParkON, with their unique artistic works – you will be able to admire them, as well as buy them, helping to implement the statutory goals of this fantastic association