The Football League is starting! Register your company team


We’re back withOlivia Centre’s Football League. We know that there are football enthusiasts among us. And many of them! Therefore, we would like to invite teams from companies residing in Olivia to participate in this sports project.



Applications for participation in the league should be sent by
October 6
to the following address:

To run the league, a minimum of 8 teams are required.



Here are some highlights.

  1. The league will start in October. A detailed schedule will be determined after the end of registration.
  2. The infrastructure of a year-round football hall will be available

    at ul. Hallera 16/18 in Gdansk and professional judges.

  3. Matches will be played on Wednesdays and Fridays at 17.30-19.00.
  4. A team must have a minimum of 5 players (four players in the field and a goalkeeper) and a maximum of 20.
  5. Cost of participation in the league: 2500 PLN.


Below are the current Regulations and Application Forms.


Olivia Centre_2023-2024 Football Regulamin_Liga

Olivia Football zgloszenia_Liga Form Centre_2023-2024

Football zgloszenia_Liga form Olivia Centre_2023_2024_sklad



See you on the football pitches!