He divides his world into two. There is room for those she loves and those who need her. A social activist of flesh and blood, like few others, she can juggle a day so that it is made of rubber. Awarded the Bronze Cross of Merit by the President of the Republic of Poland, she did not rest on her laurels, immediately engaging passionately in a new challenge. Here is the whole Kasia. Katarzyna Laskowska – a volunteer at a shelter for homeless animals, whom she greets us with a smile in the hospitable threshold of the Pomerania Development Agency in Olivia Business Centre.
Is your day made of rubber?
Are you asking about a shelter? I’ve always tried to be useful, and if we want to do something for others, this day is just stretching out (laughs). As my husband says, “Whoever wants to looks for ways, who doesn’t want to look for reasons”. I’ve been a volunteer all my life. For many years I was a scout instructor at the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association in Gdynia. When my ministry and intensive adventure with children and young people came to an end, I felt that I had to find a field in which I would fulfill myself.
Family and work are not enough?
I need to reconcile these two “worlds”, especially since volunteering is a natural thing for me. I believe that with my attitude I instill in my sons that volunteering is a passion, but also our civic duty.
A flesh-and-blood social worker?
Yes. In 2011, my commitment was appreciated by the then President of the Republic of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski, who awarded me the Bronze Cross of Merit for my social activity.
Pets by accident?
Out of passion and love. For as long as I can remember, there has always been a place in our house for every snotty cat and cold dog. The animals we had were never bought, never from a kennel – not because my parents spared money, but because they believed that an animal in need would find you on its own. At some point, my brother and I came up with the idea that we wanted to finish the training and start volunteering in Gdynia’s “Ciapkowo”, which turned out to be a place where we help others by fulfilling ourselves.
What does the training involve?
You learn first in theory and then in practice how animals behave, how they establish relationships and how you should find yourself in it. A shelter is not a home – homeless people who come here often have ballast in the form of dramatic stories, they face traumas, so knowledge is necessary to deal with them skillfully. Practice in this case is actually an exam that shows your skills. For example, you are given the task of walking a dog out of a stall.
What’s the problem?
Apparently there isn’t, but what will you do when there are 8 dogs and you have to take the designated one? Believe me, it’s hard! Just like entering a dog that is locked up all day. When you open the stall, he is excited, jumps, bites you with joy, so you need to know how to behave so that no one gets hurt and the dog does not run away, because in the shelter you have to embrace reality strongly.
What does that mean?
Increased vigilance, eyes around the head with maximum focus on the dog, but remembering that you need to quickly assess the situation, whether there is another volunteer with the charge on the other side. The dogs living here behave completely differently than those seen on walks in front of the house. Walking through the shelter, before you reach the gate leading to the forest, you have to remember to keep your friend on four legs on a short leash so that he does not jump to another box, break free, run away. It’s not obvious at all. Each of the volunteers has a few cases in their history from which they learned a difficult lesson for the future.
Are these standards everywhere?
I don’t think so. “Ciapkowo” can afford training, because there are many volunteers willing to cooperate, who face a situation completely different from walking the aunt’s dog in her absence. Despite everything, there is so much work in the shelter that we are still recruiting adults willing to help. Every pair of hands will come in handy!
Does Kate understand psi language?
Yes and no (laughs). I’m not a behaviorist, I had a lot to learn, and there’s still a lot ahead of me. The basics were taken care of by our dog, whom we took from the shelter. We have this misconception that when we take such a pet home, it will only kiss our hands and thank us for showing us a heart.
That doesn’t happen?
A dog that comes home from behind bars has its own fears and history. It is far from a blank sheet of paper, which we will write down on the first day with a wonderful MP and a full bowl. Like us, he needs time to get used to the situation, establish relationships in the new herd and treat the home as his own. It doesn’t happen at the snap of a finger! However, there are also stories of dogs that enter a given house and behave as if they have always been in the family.
How do you deal with emotions?
The shelter is a meeting point for the terrible and the beautiful. On the one hand, you have the enormity of the misfortune publicized by the media, and on the other hand, one look at the photo makes you drive across the country and take home an old, sick animal.
When harm happens, do you hold a grudge against people?
I have, but I’ve learned to focus solely on helping, making the most of my time. It’s a pity for him to complain that Reksio is poor and Pimpuś has a bad eye. That’s not what it’s all about!
However, happy endings give you wings!
I remember the story of Max and Prince – two terriers who have always been together, very close. It was one of those adoptions that didn’t have a chance to happen. Old dogs, sick and together, who would want them? The power of social media worked, which moved the lady from the south of Polish. She adopted both.
Can you come to terms with dog death?
I can, I understand the laws of nature. The most difficult situations for me are when the dog doesn’t make it home on time. In the shelter, it is said that it goes behind the “rainbow bridge”, as a number. We had a day in August that showed exactly what emotions are mixed up here. My friends and I came to pick up a dog that was supposed to have photos for the calendar. We are excited, the pet is washed, smelled, we all enjoy the adventure, when on the other hand, in the stall next to us, the veterinarian puts Roki, an elderly dog who suffers from an advanced tumor in his head, with no chance of cure. We went to this session crying. It’s heartbreaking, but you know that with your work you can help others.
Poles have opened up to adoption, does a dog still have to be fashionable?
The situation in larger cities has changed, which is clearly visible both in Poland and in Warsaw’s Paluch, because there are far fewer dogs than before. In small towns it is not so colorful. The treatment of dogs in the Polish countryside still leaves much to be desired. This applies not only to those kept on a chain, but also to purebred ones bought from breeding or pseudo-breeding. One of my friends said that from the neighbouring communes it happened that 4 Labradors got to Kościerzyna during the holidays.
Are you bored?
Vacation and trouble. At the same time, I notice a very good thing – there is a fashion for adoptions. More and more people are concerned about the fate of the abandoned.
Don’t say it’s the end of the Yorkie fashion?
Currently on the Maltese. Unfortunately, for many people, a dog is still a determinant of social status or the prevailing fashion for a given breed. Rottweilers and dachshunds used to reign supreme on our streets. Note that there are fewer of them now. Now, you’ll find a bulldog or a pug on every ad from the developer, which allows you to assume that the fashion still exists, but doesn’t generate total madness. I’m not saying that everyone who wants a dog should have one from a shelter. No, because I don’t believe in a perfect world, but I teach my children that every decision has its conditioning. A shelter dog is a life saved. A dog from a kennel is a business – there will be a few more in its place any moment now. You choose.
The premiere of the calendar is just around the corner. Is there stress?
This year’s calendar is my idea, which stems from remorse (laughs). As much as I’d like to spend long hours in the shelter, family and work commitments don’t allow me to do so. I decided to use my skills and together with my team prepare something special for the OTOZ Animals Foundation. The idea was picked up by other volunteers and we created a calendar dream team. Stress, yes, because it’s our debut and many people have trusted us, but on the other hand, it’s a lot of fun and faith that we’re doing a good job.
Will there be Heroes with big hearts on the cards?
The heroes are our dogs. As their “comrades”, whom we know from the world of art, science and sport, emphasize, they are there because we need a second plan (laughs). Amazing people, whom I now have the opportunity to thank once again for their commitment.
Who will be with us in the coming year?
We wanted to find those we know and like in the calendar, and at the same time get to know new, fascinating personalities from our region. Beata Buczek-Żarnecka, an actress of the Municipal Theatre dressed up as the Snow Queen, whom she plays on the stage of Gdynia. Julia Kamińska, well known to viewers of popular films and the TV series “Ugly”, Joachim Lamża , who creates the most villainous characters, Ania Rogowska , our world champion in pole vault, Janusz Kupcewicz , a footballer from the famous Górski Eagles team, comedian Abelard Giza, musician Tomek “Lipa” Lipnicki, Sarsa , or Maciej Kosycarz – in a completely new role, on the other side of the shutter. We will also meet Professor Marek Żukowski, a world-renowned quantum physicist from the University of Gdańsk and painter Magda Beneda.
Where and when will it premiere?
On November 30, at the hospitable Halo Kultura in Gdynia, we will show you the behind-the-scenes of the making. The calendar will be available at the “Ciapkowo” shelter and on the website of the Animalsi Foundation. All proceeds from the sale will be used to purchase specialist feeds, supplements, medicines and medical assistance for the wards of the Gdynia shelter.
In the Pomerania Development Agency, don’t they complain that the Head of the Information Services Section in the Department of Enterprise Development has a second job?
They cheer, help and support in difficult moments. I’m very fortunate to work in a team where actions are the most important thing, and the popular “empathy” is not just a definition. Somehow it happens that animals are simply attracted to each other.
In the photo in the 10 Magnificent OBC campaign, Rex is next to you, is it a coincidence?
I don’t think so (laughs). After many years of guarding in one of the companies , Reks was given to a shelter overnight. The business was shut down, and he – a living alarm – was no longer needed. Nobody wanted to take care of such a last “box” when moving out. I believe that this friendly, polite and sociable pooch will keep someone’s gaze for longer, getting a chance from fate to spend the upcoming Christmas in a loving and warm home, next to caring people, whom unfortunately he never had. I’m sure what’s good for him is just beginning! Maybe one of the OBC residents will notice it?

Interviewed by: Dagmara Rybicka, Communication Department, Olivia Business Centre