Let’s be close. A good education is the most important thing!

Dear Parent,

At Olivia, we focus on good education at every stage of our lives.

Let’s start with the youngest. We have two primary schools here and they are excellent! Thanks to the fact that your children will study close to you – in Oliwa – you will be able to spend more time together:) This is just one of the advantages. Both facilities offer plenty of extracurricular activities. You can also take advantage of the OBC offer for children and parents. Everything is just a few steps away!


Babies can be educated in the White Kitten kindergarten, in the Olivia Tower building.
Learn more.

The Thinking Zone Primary School* is also located in the Olivia Business Centre itself, in the Olivia Gate building.
Learn more about it.
Remember that the recruitment process for the TZ primary school starts in March. Check it out here…

Only 5 minutes from Olivia there is our excellent neighbor – Primary School No. 35! Learn
. You can find out the details of admission to this school here.

Of course, let’s not forget that Thinking Zone* is also a high school! Read about high school admissions .

*What is the purpose of the Thinking Zone? Such that TZ graduates think critically, are independent and enterprising. They had the ability to manage their emotions, worked as a team and were proactive in their approach to challenges in adult life. The above values are the signposts of the school that teaches

What’s more? A young man at the age of 17 is faced with an important choice: which way to go? Study or work? The answers to these questions are often related to what the job market looks like. It’s best to find out for yourself. It is worth taking advantage of the help of the Inspiring Examples Foundation, which cooperates with us, which m.in. It takes young people out of schools and into the real business world. It shows how companies operate, both the largest, international and small, family businesses. It teaches them that they should choose their own path and indicates that the number of options is virtually unlimited.

We are proud of the fact that the University of Gdansk, a university that combines tradition with modernity, is right next door. Education in almost all fields of academic knowledge and in professions sought after on the labour market is combined with modern conditions for studying on UG campuses. Today, it is one of the most modern academic centres in Poland.

A year-round course in Olivia for children? Of course! We have, for example, technical and engineering games for children in English, and on top of that, with the use of Lego® Education sets. With the new school year, we are planning the next edition!

Want to stay up to date? Join
the For Parents group on Facebook.

Read how you can advance your career and take care of your personal development with Olivia

Develop your career, strengthen your potential and gain experience in and with Olivia

At Olivia, we focus on development, so we try to support you at every stage of your private and professional life. Below are some of our or our projects in which you can take part in order to improve your qualifications, gain experience, gain knowledge and new skills.


Infoshare Academy. It is worth taking part in the courses provided by Infoshare Academy, which not only prepare you for work as a programmer, but also help you find employment after completing the training! The offer includes Front-End, Java, Python, SQL courses. More…

The Talent Development Centre is a modern advisory and coaching centre located in OBC. At the same time, it is the first centre in Poland providing services in the field of talent diagnostics. The CRT includes, m.in , a Career Academy (for all residents of Pomerania, including working people), a Personal Development Zone (for people registered with the Gdańsk Labour Office) and a Youth Land of Talents (dedicated to students, parents and teachers). One of the main tasks of the CRT is cooperation with the education sector, schools and universities. More…

Career Accelerator – a 10-month O4 Coworking training program, in which workshops, meetings with mentors and experts, open conversations and the opportunity to establish relationships play a key role. The schedule of the Career Accelerator is usually very busy. Leadership, making compromises, motivating colleagues, supporting others, advising, body language – these are just a few of the topics that are on the agenda. The organizers focus on practical classes, matter-of-factness, useful sources of knowledge and inspiration. Professionals, well-known figures from the business world, were invited to participate in the project; m.in: Piotr Bucki, Michał Kanarkiewicz, Dominika Rossa.

O4 Coworking workshops. A series of inspiring meetings with specialists in many fields carried out by O4 Coworking. Active learning during meetings co-authored by their participants. Practical tips, advice, case studies. The workshops are conducted by experts from the business world, who share their knowledge and experience with passion and energy.

Language Tandem OBC – language exchange at Olivia Business Centre. Opportunity to meet and learn foreign languages with the participation of natives.
Join the OBC language group
and be with us!

Olivia TechWomen. A series of meetings and workshops with the participation of women from the technology industry under the common umbrella of Olivia Business Centre and its Residents. The shortage of IT specialists in Poland is estimated at 50,000. and the outlook for the future is not optimistic. One of the chances to improve the situation is to activate the potential of women in this area, which can have a real impact on reducing recruitment problems in IT companies. Olivia TechWomen is an opportunity to strengthen this potential by sharing the knowledge of female “role models” from the industry. So far, the partners of the meetings have been m.in. Amazon Development Center Poland, Aspire Systems, Develocraft Finest Media, InfoShare Academy, Sii, thyssenkrupp, O4 Coworking. Want to know more? Write: flow@o4.network

FAIRit proves that in IT is a place for women! The program consists of regular workshops, mentoring and meetings with employers. Experienced men and women from the world of IT and HR join forces here to break stereotypes and develop the career of workshop participants in the IT sector. More…


HR Club. The mission of the HR Club operating at Olivia is to support its members in shaping the highest standards of work and constantly improving the competences of HR managers in the era of progressing digitization. The club is a space for talking, exchanging experiences and gaining knowledge. During the meetings and workshops, difficult challenges facing today’s HR are discussed, good practices are presented, modern solutions and trends are presented. Join the HRBP CLUB now or contact us by e-mail: biuro@klubhr.pl

Pomerania Development Agency – the mission of the Agency for the Development of Pomerania, based in Olivia, is to act for the harmonious development of Pomerania by supporting Pomeranian entrepreneurship and local governments, as well as initiating and supporting economic ventures of regional importance. IDA manages a Capital Fund investing in innovative business ideas, provides consulting and training services. It helps local companies to open up to foreign markets, e.g. by co-financing participation in fairs and other events, organizing regional stands, economic missions or training. More…

Success Written in Lipstick – What Do Women Need to Start Their Business? Above all… support for other women. Companies and communities gathered in Olivia Business Centre and O4 Coworking are also convinced that it will be useful to get help on the way to success. That is why Olivia has created the first co-working space in Poland, dedicated to women,
O4 Flow
. It is here that women gathered around the
Success Written in Lipstick
Success To Me
projects meet – the largest nationwide program to strengthen women’s professional activity based on two key areas: expanding competences and knowledge, and enabling the exchange of experiences and finding inspiration.

Space3ac – an acceleration program for startups from all over the world. Currently, 17 young companies are already benefiting from the benefits of Space3ac: financial support in the amount of PLN 200,000 per project and opportunities to cooperate with large companies. The ongoing round of the Space3ac accelerator is organized by the Gdańsk-based company Blue Dot Solutions as part of the Scale Up program of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. In three rounds, a total of about 60 startups from all over Polish will be accepted to the accelerator. It is extremely important for these startups to be able to work with accelerator partners. The so-called Technology Recipients in Space3ac are Luxon LED Olivia Business Centre, Orange, OT Logistics Group, Pekabex, PKN ORLEN, SAFE Co. Ltd. sp. z o. o., Silesian Science and Technology Centre of the Aviation Industry, Valmont Poland and @portgdansk. It is for these companies that they will pilot innovative solutions in the field of space sector technologies, smart city and bioeconomy. More…

The Gdańsk Foundation for Management Development (GFKM) based in Olivia is a training and consulting company specializing in training and development projects for managers and personnel of medium and large Polish and international companies. It is one of the largest and most experienced training companies in Poland. It runs a full spectrum of programs, including Executive MBA programs, corporate training, open training, postgraduate studies, coaching programs and consulting projects, providing its clients with a unique synergy of quality and practice. More…

Tech.3camp is a Tri-City meeting of tech-geeks dealing with and passionate about the Internet. Each meeting is divided into 2 parts: the conference part – a series of 3-4 presentations of 25-35 minutes each and the networking part, where you can not only talk about the topics discussed on a given day, but also make new contacts. During Tech.3camp, the following topics are discussed: application design, software testing, security, systems administration… Tech.3campers are interested in all technical aspects of new technologies. More…

Here you can read about the educational offer for your children

Here you will find information about the events you can take part in


Together we can change the world! About the team from thyssenkrupp.

A strong group under a call – this is the best description for a team that has united completely from the bottom up in thyssenkrupp. In order to raise awareness, at the same time to show that environmental alarms are not media foaming at the mouth. If every “user” of the Earth makes their contribution, thanks to small changes supported by knowledge, there is a chance to stop the catastrophe that we are all already beginning to feel. Mirka Konkol, Maciek Lewandowski and Marek Kraska, representatives of #tkVolunteerTeam, talk about the desire to save the world in many ways that are close to us.

A strong group under the call and a thrilling idea. Can you tell me what’s going on?

Marcus: Oh the planet! Understanding what is happening around us, we decided to create a platform that will allow us to share knowledge about ecology.

Maciek: Initially, it seemed to us that we were the only ones interested in the topic. And so, quite unexpectedly, a small idea quickly became a larger initiative – almost 40 thyssenkrupp employees took part in the first meeting.

A big surprise when the hall turned out to be full?

Mirka: Very much, I didn’t expect such a turnout during the first workshop. I don’t think any of us (laughs).

Maciek: This number convinces us that there are many more people around us who care about environmental protection. They are passionate about it and want to share their knowledge, which I find fantastic and promising. I remember that I got involved with minimal knowledge of the subject, because for me ecology was mainly about segregating rubbish (laughs).

Are you all eco-friendly?

Marek: We can introduce ourselves as #tkVolunteerTeam, i.e. a group that was created at thyssenkrupp with the idea of conducting pro-social activities in the form of volunteering. One of the topics that attracted the most interest was ecology. Have we been eco-friendly for years? I have no idea, and it seems to me that each of us started at a different time. It is important that we want to act here and now, because caring for the environment is a very important topic.

Are you planning to change the world?

Mirka: Definitely! We want to have an impact on its shape.

Marek: The question is how the world is evolving and what methods we will adopt. By changing around us, we have an impact on a larger whole.

Mirka: We want to sensitize people, show that environmental alarms are not just media foaming. Each of us makes a contribution and only knowledge will allow us to stop the catastrophe whose beginnings we are beginning to feel.

Was the company a testing ground for change?

Maciek: In general, our goal is broadly understood local ecology. We aim at what we can do at home, in the company.

What can you do?

Maciek: The simplest example is what happened after Eko TK. In the past, in our office, everyone had their own trash, everything was mixed with leftovers. After the eco meeting, we managed to push through the idea to reduce the number of garbage cans by placing a few of them on the floor with markings on what and where to throw them.

Mirka: It helped, and at the same time it forced people to get up from their desks.

Did they curse you for such “conveniences”?

Maciek: There wasn’t even much resistance (laughs). However, it seems that if we had done it before Eco TK, the reluctance could have been felt, because it would have been something totally new, and this is how we managed to connect to the idea of being eco.

Mirka: The workshop helped me decide to go ahead with the proposed changes. At the start, we started with plastic and its types, which we deal with most often.

Can we recognize them?

Mirka: Most often not, just as we don’t realize that the same product can be bought in more valuable plastic. You just need to know about the numbers that are its designation. You can buy natural yogurt, which is seemingly in plastic, because it is actually polystyrene. You can choose the one that will have a two or five on the back and this cup will be bought faster by companies that deal with the disposal and further processing of packaging. During the meeting, we also raised the problem of various types of substances – non-degradable and burdensome to the environment contained in cosmetics for daily body and beauty care and cleaning products.

Was there shock and disbelief?

Mirka: Yes, people had no idea that they were paying a lot of money for a crappy line-up.

Maciek: Mirka has the most knowledge in our team and is also a treasure trove of curiosities. I particularly remember the information about microplastics that can be found in face cosmetics. It seems to us that pure magic, and this is the action of silicones.

Mirka: Yes, we use silicones in face creams. Expensive creams, in addition to a small amount of nutritional composition, contain microplastics, which can remain on the skin for up to three days. The manufacturer tells us that the skin will be smooth and moisturized – but this will not be the result of the action of nutrients, but silicones.

Which topic caught on the most during the workshop?

Mirka: Sorting was the biggest discussion.

Maciek: The discussion was related to what and where to put it.

Mirka: It was about the typical but troublesome rubbish that we deal with every day. What should I do if I have a sausage or cheese package, where to put it. An empty bottle – what about the cap, what about the cardboard. By the way, we have found out together that our overzealousness and excessive accuracy in sorting can be harmful.

How is that possible?

Mirka: Not all rubbish is worth sorting. In many homes, that all the waste goes into one bag and when we stand under the container we start sorting, not paying attention to the fact that in the net in which we have the waste to be recycled, there are greasy packages that will stain the paper material.

So hell has been paved with good intentions?

Mirka: Not so dramatic, but you need to know that your tea wrapper doesn’t end up in the same bag as a yoghurt box, a cream carton and cold cuts paper. For the buyer of waste paper, it will be a damaged raw material.

Grassroots work with a bit of “shovelology?

Marek: The topic aroused a lot of emotions, because people have a lot of good will and want to get involved in sorting. Often, they just lack guidance.

Maciek: We still know that we don’t know much!

Marek: The formula of the workshops was based on the opportunity to benefit from Mirka’s in-depth knowledge and the need to educate herself among herself. Nothing forced, no artificial pumping or coercion, be eco-friendly.

Mirka: It is worth noting that the topic of substitutes that are less burdensome for the environment has aroused an interesting discussion.

What do you mean?

Mirka: Beeswax wraps, i.e. protecting sheets of cotton fabric or canvas with wax, avoiding foil for food protection, replacing disposable packaging with reusable ones. Simple ideas, such as glass straws and stones for refining water, popular in the Czech Republic. People have amazing ideas and it was a treasure trove of exchange of experiences.

Was a bit of inspiration enough?

Mirka: Yes, all it took was a little bit of encouragement.

Marek: In addition to the exchange of experiences, we managed to prepare specific things. Martyna from our team made a demonstration of how to easily prepare everyday products. Dishwasher powder based on soda ash, citric acid and organic oils is much less harmful to the environment than ready-made products offered in stores.

Mirka: The solutions we showed turned out to be much cheaper. We deliberately took into account the cost estimate in order to further encourage the participants.

Maciek: There is a common thinking that eco means more expensive, and this is not the case at all. It seems to me that the “do-it-yourself” methods have convinced the male part of the interested parties very much.

How much will we save?

Mirka: Dishwasher powder will cost us 10 cents, and we will pay a zloty for a store-bought one.

Marek: The price appeals to the imagination and I’m sure it’s also an effective way to encourage someone to experiment with homemade cleaning products.

What does volunteering work look like in practice?

Maciek: Thanks to our company, we are able to incorporate a certain part of the time spent on volunteering into working hours, which allows us to determine certain things when we are all there. Of course, many details require involvement after hours – preparation of materials and messages. That’s why we want to introduce meeting structures so that they don’t fall apart. We are still learning ourselves and it’s great that each of us is able to get something out of volunteering, see how it works in the project environment, find out what the methodology is all about, or what it’s like to take part in an interview (laughs).

Marek: What is important for our group is that the movement happened from the bottom up. We communicated on our own, the idea was that it was worth taking up the challenge, during several meetings the concept of the basic structure of a group of volunteers appeared among people who want to do something for others of their own free will.

The company’s management looked kindly, did you surprise with the idea?

Mirka: It started with an initiative that wasn’t formalized into volunteering, so I think the board got used to the fact that we wanted to do it. We decided to go beyond the department and invite other teams to cooperate. It turned out that everyone supports volunteering in different ways, but there was nothing that ties us together by giving us the tools to discuss with the management and HR.

Maciek: It quickly turned out that we were able to build a team within the company. The most important thing for the company is to make our work possible, but we also approach the subject with common sense and do not expect that hundreds of thousands of dollars will start flowing into our activities in an uninterrupted stream. We look for solutions that are rational. This, in my opinion, is the idea of volunteering.

Marek: Brick by brick. The idea is to activate and engage people and their potential. At thyssenkrupp, we have room for action.

Mirka: We sifted the ideas through a sieve. We didn’t want to torture and be seen as crazy activists. The most important thing is to act with taste, acceptable, without causing the flight reflex.

What are your immediate plans?

Maciek: We will continue to work locally for ecology in an educational project and we want to get involved in something bigger.

Mirka: We would like to save the world on a larger scale. Now that we know more, we have planned an event for the Tri-City. We hope you will be with us!

Interviewed by: Dagmara Rybicka, Communication Department, Olivia Business Centre

Come to CityFit with the MultiSport Plus Card!

This news has certainly been awaited by all CityFit lovers! Our 24-hour fitness club has started to accept MultiSport Plus cards! Taking into account the fact that most of the companies in our center offer such cards to their employees, we thought that it would be good for this information to “go out into the world”.

CityFit Olivia is the largest, round-the-clock fitness club in the Tri-City, with as many as 2210 m.kw. It covers two floors of Olivia Six. It is perfectly connected – there are SKM Przymorze and SKM Oliwa stops nearby, as well as tram stops. The back of the building allows you to leave your bike or scooter here.

The club is equipped with as many as 11 usable zones, which provides ample space for individual exercises and more. The huge club area is surrounded by large windows, which means that the daylight entering the club significantly improves the comfort of training. The club is equipped with over 300 premium devices.
Read more here…

Oh, and you’ll find a relaxation area where you can charge your phone or heat up food in the public microwaves. CityFit Olivia also provides access to a fountain with free drinking water and machines where you can buy drinks, bars or utility products needed for training. Everything is supervised by an experienced and extremely friendly service team available from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on weekdays and 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on weekends.

And one more word about the MultiSport Plus card in CityFit. Bonuses?

  • fitness classes in the MultiSport package
  • Free Workout Plans
  • once a month free consultations with trainers

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: the club is open 24/7, but a person with a MultiSport card must ENTER during the working hours of the staff, i.e. 6:00-22:00 on weekdays and 8:00-20:00 on weekends. Why? This is due to technical reasons – the staff scans the card at each visit. Example: a person with MultiSport comes at 9:59:00 p.m., we scan the card and enters the club. He can leave whenever he wants.

Registration of a MultiSport package

We can replace London. Interview with Undersecretary of State Krzysztof Mazur

In this unique melting pot, many ideas are already being developed that will make Gdańsk and Poland famous in the international arena. There is a prospect that global players will start to think of Gdańsk as a place that will replace the capital of Great Britain on the map of investments in areas such as fintech and broadly understood IT. What barriers do Polish entrepreneurs most often encounter and can the Gdańsk metropolis benefit from Brexit explains Krzysztof Mazur, PhD, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Development, PhD in political science, social activist and publicist, in an interview with Dagmara Rybicka from Olivia Business Centre.

In your opinion, what are the most common barriers faced by Polish entrepreneurs in the European Union?

These are, first and foremost, service barriers. They are burdensome inspections, requiring additional certificates, very detailed documentation and lack of access to information. The Ministry of Development has prepared a publication which is the result of cooperation with entrepreneurs in the field of their reported difficulties. In the Black Book, we described cases of such barriers in the single market.

How do our entrepreneurs cope with obstacles compared to other EU countries?

Polish entrepreneurs have the ability to try not to worry about adversities.

Is this a trait of history in your opinion?

I think there’s an entrepreneurial gene in us. If someone decides to run a business, even when they encounter unfavorable regulations, they rather wonder how to effectively navigate among them. Polish entrepreneurs show far-reaching determination and creativity. Indeed, at a time when such regulations or restrictions are commonplace, it requires, for example, the employment of additional people who handle control, the activities of trade unions and workers’ self-governments, which they are able to deal with, although this generates additional costs.

Do you think that the Gdansk metropolis can benefit from Brexit?

Certainly, there is a great determination on the part of the United Kingdom to continue the lively trade cooperation. We don’t know what it will look like, because we are in a transition period. Brexit will not really come into force until 1 January 2021 and now a free trade agreement is being negotiated between London and Brussels, the shape of which will determine a lot. Poles who have settled in the UK are now thinking about how much and whether they should return to their homeland. From the perspective of Gdańsk, it is an interesting issue – on what scale and how to conduct an active policy of encouraging entrepreneurs – who know the language, have several years of work behind them and know the realities – to return.

Do you think they will be able to cope with this slightly different reality?

It seems to me that the EU world has come so close that they could take advantage of many of the positive things they have had the opportunity to observe. Poland does not deviate so much from Western standards, so it would not be a collision with a wall. Today, many global initiatives are looking for locations outside of London. I know of a very prestigious Venture Capital Fund from the United States that would like to start an active activity in Europe and is no longer thinking about London, but about Stockholm or Tallinn. This shows that for Polish and for Gdansk, there is a prospect that global players will start to think of us as a place that will replace the capital of Great Britain on the map of investments in areas such as fintech and broadly understood IT.

Why did the UK’s decision cause such concern?

Let me give you an example. Let’s look at the number of trucks that enter the UK. If each of them were to stand at the border for only 5 seconds, we would still generate a kilometer-long traffic jam. Taking into account that customs clearance can take much longer than these few seconds, we can imagine the enormity of the resulting congestion on the actual level of trade. These may apply to goods and all other areas related to services, data transfer, banking systems. This shows that Great Britain can become a real island and everyone who does business there and lives there is simply afraid of it.

Can places such as Olivia Business Centre become or are they a flywheel of the Polish economy?

Looking from the perspective of Warsaw, Olivia Business Centre is certainly an outstanding place, both in terms of the scale of office space for rent and the accumulation of knowledge. In these buildings there are many representative offices of Western corporations, as well as Polish companies, startups and VC funds. This creates a melting pot unique on a Polish scale and I am sure that many ideas are already being created in it that will make Gdańsk and Poland famous on the international arena. I believe that places like Olivia are the flywheels of our economy, which in Morawiecki’s plan speaks of global champions and the desire to have domestic companies that conquer global markets. These companies can be created in such an environment that will allow them to grow.


Krzysztof Mazur – Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Development. PhD in political science, social activist and publicist. Employee of the Institute of Political Science and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University. Member of the Council of the National Centre for Research and Development and Chairman of the Steering Committee of the strategic programme “Gospostrateg” at the National Centre for Research and Development. As a member of the Foundation’s Council, he is involved in the work of the Coalition for Polish Innovations. Since 2015 Member of the National Development Council appointed by the President of the Republic of Poland, where he sits in the “Education, Young Generation, Sport” and “Science and Innovation” sections. More…

Krzysztof Mazur was a guest of Olivia Business Centre and the Jagiellonian Club during a debate on the situation of Polish companies in the European Union. The meeting was also attended by Patryk Kaczmarek, PhD, assistant professor at the Department of Banking and Finance at the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk, President of the Management Board of Project Finance Sp. z o.o., a company dealing with the preparation of investment projects. Winner of the Rector’s Award of the University of Gdańsk for the best PhD students in 2018.


She spoke:
Dagmara Rybicka, Communication Department of Olivia Business Centre

Olivia Business Centre with a new lease agreement for over 1600 m2

Acxiom Global Service Center Polska has signed a new, 6-year lease agreement for the enlarged space in the Olivia Four building. This is a confirmation of the dynamic development of companies located in the Oliwa office center and another business success of the IT company operating all over the world.

We decided to expand the lease area due to the dynamic development and opening of new workplaces in the area of supporting the company’s key customers – says Tomasz Świecki, Director Delivery at Acxiom Global Service Center Polska.

Since 2016, Acxiom offices have occupied an area of 1269 m2 in Olivia Business Centre. Even before the expiry of the contract period, the company decided to extend it and increase the occupied area to 1682 m2. According to the new regulations, the company’s offices will be located on the 3rd and 4th floor of the Olivia Four building. At the same time, Acxiom increases the number of parking spaces occupied in underground garages.

The new agreement provides for the reconstruction and renovation of the existing space and the arrangement of new offices. Katarzyna Koza and Jagoda Paluchowska are responsible for the arrangement. As before, the new space will feature many interesting solutions that also take into account the ecology of materials and manufacturing technologies. In terms of arrangement, the design refers to the current surface, which can be seen, for example, in the choice of carpet colors or decorative elements, i.e. gray, green and intense orange. There will also be new elements, e.g. referring to the city where the office is located, i.e. Gdańsk. There will also be solutions that will enable optimal use of the available space and ensure the most comfortable working conditions for our employees. – Karolina Bykowska, Facility Manager at Acxiom.

The company’s offices, in addition to well-equipped workstations, provide a relaxation room with a billiard table, darts, a game console and a TV. There will also be space for a ping-pong table on the new surface. A fully equipped kitchen and a spacious dining area are available to the staff. Acxiom also pays a lot of attention to ecology. The company has chosen a building that has passed the rigorous BREEM certification at the Excellent level, and the office interior furnishings are made of recycled materials. Office carpets are produced exclusively using renewable energy and without production waste. No glue is used to install them, and ecological tapes made of recycled plastic bottles, after dismantling the lining, will be reused by their manufacturer.

Currently, adaptation works are underway in the offices. They are scheduled to be completed in May 2020.

Olivia Four is an 11-storey class A office building. sq.m. office space. Since the commissioning of Olivia Four in March 2014. m.in established their headquarters there. Allianz, Atos Origin, Epam Systems, Generali, HK Finance, LOTOS-Air BP, Nationale Nederlanden, Omida Group, Roedl, Solveo (formerly Moore Stephens) and the American Quad Graphics.

In addition to international companies, Olivia Four also provides space for start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises. It’s m.in. With them in mind, the ground floor, first and second floors of the building have been designated for the O4 innovation development space, combining a multimedia conference centre, office space of various sizes, co-working space with desks for rent by the hour and a social area. Olivia Four also houses the Natka canteen.

The main hall of the Olivia Four building, where Acxiom is located, is considered one of the most beautiful in Olivia. It is paved with Tuscan Bianco Carrara marble and Spanish Nero Marquina. In the lobby stands the iconic Barcelona furniture, designed by Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe for the 1929 Barcelona International Exhibition.


Olivia Business Centre in Gdańsk is the largest and most modern office and business center in the region. Its target size will exceed 200,000 sq m, and already amounts to 175,000 sq m, which has made Olivia Business Centre the largest office project in Poland. Olivia’s largest residents include Airhelp, Amazon, Arrow, Bayer, Energa, EPAM, Fujifilm, Nordea, PwC, Ricoh, Sii, Staples, ThyssenKrupp.

However, Olivia Business Centre is much more than just buildings. Business, educational, cultural and sporting events are regularly held here. Residents of the centre have at their disposal 3 large conference centres and a number of smaller ones, 2 medical centres with a pharmacy, 10 restaurants and cafes, a kindergarten, a nursery, a primary school and a high school, 4 banks, a large fitness centre, a beauty salon, a notary, an electric car charging point and O4, one of the largest coworking spaces in Poland. In July 2019, in Olivia Star, the highest building in northern Polish, a public viewing level was opened, enabling a 360° view. to the entire Tri-City and the highest conference center in Poland, at a height of nearly 160 meters above the ground. On the 33rd floor there are two prestigious restaurants: Arco and Treinta y Tres, run by Paco Pérez, one of the most successful chefs in the world. The centre has over 1600 parking spaces, several hundred bicycle racks and a large changing room with showers for cyclists in each of the 7 buildings.

Olivia Prime – the third largest office building in Poland completed

Olivia Prime, a 55,000 m2 building, is now fully available – part B has been granted an occupancy permit, almost 2 years after part A. It is a completely unique building – each of its largest floors is nearly half a hectare of area, and due to the complicated shape of the two-part building, the project offers intimacy and comfort found in smaller buildings. Olivia Prime is one of the most employee-friendly office buildings in Poland, and at the same time ensures the highest standards of safety and ecology.

Olivia Prime is the newest building in Olivia Business Centre. So far, the largest area on its premises has been offered by Olivia Star (44,000 m2 of area), commissioned in 2018.

The building was designed by a Gdynia-based studio BJK Architects, and the design of each of the huge main halls and the entire interior of the building is by Design Anatomy. The main idea behind the creation of Olivia Prime was to care for the comfort and well-being of users: That is why we decided to build a large number of terraces and private, small loggias, allowing us to provide the comfort known from residential buildings – says Maciej Kotarski, Director of the Commercialization Department at Olivia Business Centre. For this reason, there are as many as 19 loggias in Olivia Prime. Experience shows that they are among the favorite spaces of employees, who are eager to take advantage of the opportunity to work on a deckchair, with a laptop on their lap. The building also offers 6 terraces (2 large and 4 small). Some of them are gable (roof) terraces used for relaxation, available to all employees of the building, including two with a view of the sea. A large private terrace is at the disposal of, for example, Sii company, at whose request we designed a huge dining room shared by the entire company. This form of lunch in the open air, available straight from the office, creates a completely new level of comfort in office buildings.

The interior design is in the spirit of biophilic design and power art: Olivia Prime is a unique building in every respect – says Anna Branicka from the Design Anatomy studio. We place great emphasis on the contact of its users with nature and natural materials. Extensive terraces, filled with vegetation, frequently appearing wood, as well as greenery suspended from the ceilings make an amazing impression in an ultra-modern office building. Power art is also an element of influencing the positive emotions of users. The building is saturated with art. Murals in the halls, walls designed like paintings by well-known Tri-City artists, screens in the main hall – sliding constructions in many planes. Some of them have electronic screens, while others are a fantastic medium for works of art, which we will change regularly. The combination of the biophilic trend and art allows us to fulfill two needs. The first is the harmony of spirit and the sense of contact with nature through plants, soft furniture and natural materials. The second need is to provide a sense that this is where we gain positive energy. Entering work is supposed to make us smile, energize, make us feel a surge of power and want to act. Creatively, with enthusiasm and optimism – that’s what art and changeability are for.

Olivia Prime is one of only 4 buildings in Poland with an all-glass, ventilated triple-glazed façade, which provides the best possible lighting of the interior, and on winter and autumn days allows maximum access to daylight, which is so important for humans. This allows you to ensure better well-being of your employees and constant access to fresh air. In spring and summer, despite full glazing, the triple-glazed façade prevents overheating and provides thermal comfort even on very sunny days.

The building ensures the highest standards in the area of safety, energy and epidemiology.

Olivia Prime is probably the safest building in Poland when it comes to business continuity – says Maciej Kotarski. It is perfectly protected in terms of energy, thanks to the power supply from 3 independent sources, as well as thanks to the building’s UPS installations, a set of power generators and internal power lines between the buildings, enabling power supply to the entire building during power outages from the outside. An important element of safety is the additional guarantees of suppliers ensuring that the generators are refuelled during operation in the event of a prolonged power outage. An interesting fact – we have a unique, emergency running water tank, which allows the building to function even in the event of a network failure and lack of water supply. This is very important, because in the event of a lack of water supply, every office building has to be closed after a few hours: the inability to flush toilets causes an obvious epidemiological threat.

In the current situation of the state of epidemic, the most modern contactless systems are an additional security: a contactless system for entering the building, which allows you not only to pass through access control, but at the same time to call the elevator contactlessly. In addition, water and soap in the toilets are operated without contact. Epidemiological safety is ensured by hygienic paper towels, which do not pose a risk of spraying germs, such as air blowers


The building is divided into two parts. In part A, almost all floors are leased by global corporations such as Amazon, Arrow, Deloitte, EPAM and Sii. Most of the building is occupied by IT companies, and the Amazon offices located here, dedicated to Amazon Web Services, should be treated in a similar way.

In part B, EPAM and Arrow lease offices. Both Epam and Arrow will occupy floors in both parts of the building – A and B, and such one floor has about 3800 m2 of space.

It is in Olivia Prime that one of the most attractive and largest offices in Pomerania and Olivia Business Centre is located – the Sii office. It has 5 floors, each with 2,000 floors. m2 (a total of one hectare of offices), connected by slides and internal staircases, with its own terrace next to the huge dining room, with numerous private loggias, a gym and a climbing wall on 2 floors.

The office won an award in the Office Superstar competition organized by CBRE for the best recreational space in Poland and a distinction for the best office in the Tri-City. The author of Sii’s interior design project is also the Design Anatomy studio, i.e. a team of architects from Olivia Business Centre.

Market Square in Oliwa: day 1

Olivia Business Centre is an integral part of the Oliwa District. We have just started a new project – we support the renovation and revival of the Market Square in Oliwa. We were there on Friday and we were there on Saturday (secured as it should be!). We will keep you informed about what’s going on there, we’ll show you how this amazing place is supposed to look like after the metamorphosis, we’ll show you who is behind it all:) Meanwhile, we are starting the (Prze)Budowa Diary – you can follow it on our FB page, and ultimately also here, on the website.


✔new furniture and tents appear on the Market Square

✔The pavilion was painted and refreshed

✔there is already a new information board about the New Market Square in Oliwa…

We also learned on Saturday that work is underway over the new layout of this place, hence the m.in. Wooden planters-borders:) Piotr Czyz from the City Initiative revealed to us that PROTOTYPING is important here. “We design temporary spatial layouts from elements that are easy to move or dismantle. Here, we used wooden pots and painted the new layout of the marketplace on the floor. We’ll be keeping an eye on it and making adjustments over the next few years. Then, in a few months, we will implement the project, taking into account the conclusions from prototyping. Work on the prototype system will be completed in the coming week. It is worth noting that the prototype chip already takes into account safety issues related to the coronavirus. The distances between the stalls have been increased, and the painted layout will give a clear indication to customers of how they should move around the market.”


Check out our mini-report:


Sii Poland in Olivia with the status of a legend and the sixth title of Greate Place To Work

Sii, residing in Olivia Business Centre, has been awarded as the best place to work for the sixth time. The triumph of the IT giant completes the Legend status granted for the first time.

The development of Sii Poland in Olivia Business Centre is a story of inspiring success. A leading provider of IT, engineering, digital and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services in Poland, it started its operations in Pomerania in 2010 in a 400 m2 office. The dynamics and effectiveness of operations based on care for employees resulted in the fact that within 10 years the company has grown within the largest business center in Pomerania and today the Tri-City branch has almost 1,000 employees, and the office occupies an area of over 10,000 square meters on the top floors of the Olivia Prime building.

This year’s success of Sii is proof of the company’s effective HR policy. For the first time, the Great Place to Work title went to Sii Poland in 2015, when the company employed 2,000 people. This year, the organization won it for the 6th time in a row, gaining the recognition of the team, whose number has been growing steadily in recent years – today the number of Sii experts has exceeded 4,500.

The Great Place to Work title is one of the most important awards for us, because it shows in a transparent way what our employees think about Sii Poland as an employer. We can all feel very proud, because with such a fast growth rate, the atmosphere and team spirit remain great – says Gregoire Nitot, founder and CEO of Sii Poland.

The awards and the status of the Legend have become synonymous with a stable and friendly workplace in the opinion of the public, whose office is still a sensation and still has no equivalent in Poland. There are 9 private loggias at the disposal of the employees, willingly used to work on a deckchair on warm days. An alternative is the 2 large private terraces overlooking the sea, the first of which is for lounging and the second located next to the main dining room is a great place for lunch. The response to the expectations of employees is the décor inspired by biophilic design, which is complemented by slides and climbing walls between floors. In 2019, the design of the space by the Design Anatomy studio from Olivia Business Centre won an award in the Office Star competition, winning in the category “The best recreational space in Poland” and a distinction for the “Best Office in the Tri-City”.

Winning the title for the 6th time in a row is a source of pride for all our Power People! We are all the ones who create our company together, carry out our mission, achieve our goals and act on a daily basis according to our key 14 values. This award is a confirmation that this is the case! On the other hand, it is also a responsibility and a commitment to further efforts and improvement of specific areas. But today, above all, we celebrate, albeit online and remotely, with joy and pride in our hearts – says Joanna Kucharska, CHRO at Sii Poland.

This year’s results of the Great Place to Work survey show that the actions taken by Sii Poland in previous years, such as the launch of the Passion Sponsorship Program, focusing on the charity activities of Sii Power Volunteers, or the Job Changer application, which allows you to change your career path, are now indicated by employees as the best initiatives of the past year. A key element of the Best Employer of the Year survey are employee opinions, which account for 2/3 of the total score taking into account 5 dimensions: credibility, respect, honesty, pride and camaraderie. This year’s high results allowed the company to repeat the success from previous years, as as many as 89% of Sii Poland employees declared that their company is a great place to work – thus improving the result from last year by 2%.

In 2019, Sii received the CBRE Office Superstar statuette for the best recreational space in Poland and a distinction for the best office in the Tri-City. Read the article: ” Design Anatomy’s success in the Office Superstar competition”

Newsletter Answers 2

If I have the status of a student and a contract of mandate, can I apply for a demurrage allowance? My employer did not pay social security contributions, I only have health insurance from my parents.


Issues related to the demurrage allowance are regulated in the Act of 2 March 2020 on Special Solutions Related to Preventing, Counteracting and Combating COVID-19, Other Infectious Diseases and Crisis Situations Caused by Them. (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 374, as amended)

In accordance with Article 15zq para. 1 point 2 of the above-mentioned of the Act, the demurrage allowance is granted to m.in. a person performing a contract of mandate, if he or she is not subject to social insurance on any other grounds.

Students up to the age of 26 are not covered by social security under mandate contracts. Being covered by health insurance is not an obstacle to obtaining a demurrage benefit.

Thus, the student until 26. of the age of majority, performing a contract of mandate and not subject to social insurance on any other grounds, the demurrage allowance will in principle be entitled, provided that the other statutory requirements are met, which are indicated below.

Persons residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland are entitled to the demurrage allowance if they are:

1) citizens of the Republic of Poland or

2) citizens of the European Union Member States, European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) member states – parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation who have the right of residence or the right of permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Poland, or

3) foreigners legally residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

In addition, the demurrage allowance is granted when, as a result of COVID-19, there has been a downtime in the conduct of business by the principal with whom a civil law contract (including a mandate contract) has been concluded. This means that you will be entitled to the demurrage allowance if you are unable to perform the civil law contract in whole or in part due to the principal’s downtime in conducting business.

Please also bear in mind that a person performing a civil law contract (including a contract of mandate) is entitled to a demurrage allowance if:

1) the civil law contract was concluded before 1 April 2020;

2) the income from a civil law contract within the meaning of the provisions on personal income tax obtained in the month preceding the month in which the application for the demurrage benefit was submitted, was not higher than 300% of the average monthly salary from the previous quarter announced by the President of the Central Statistical Office on the basis of the regulations on pensions and disability pensions from the Social Insurance Fund, in force on the date of submitting the application.

According to the submitted inquiry, the mandate contracts were concluded after 1 February 2020, so the demurrage allowance will be due if the other conditions set out above are met.