Majestic Beauty: Myoxanthus Oliviae

Did you know that in the high Andes in Peru there is an orchid strongly associated with Olivia? It’s a majestic beauty: Myoxanthus Oliviae. The name refers to the Olivia Business Centre in gratitude for supporting the activities of the “Biodiversitatis” Foundation aimed at creating a nature reserve with a research station in southern Colombia (Olivia has thus entered the great book of species). A local painter living in the Sibundoy Valley has prepared an illustration of the new species, which you can see here.

Myoxanthus Oliviae from Peru

The newly discovered orchid species belongs to the genus Myoxanthus, whose representatives are found in Central and South America. The orchid grows between stones and on trees in the Peruvian mountains at an altitude of 2700-3100 m above sea level. The reddish-brown flowers of Myoxanthus oliviae grow at the end of the stem, right at the base of a single, leathery leaf. The most distinctive feature of the newly described orchid is its petals, which have an arrow-like shape at the top – such flowers are not found in any other species of Myoxanthus.

How are newly discovered plants named?

A species is considered validly described when it receives a binomial Latin name and its description is published in a scientific journal. The name must follow Latin grammatical rules and can be simple, descriptive (referring to morphological features), geographical (referring to geographical distribution) or commemorative (e.g., given in honor of a person) or “nonsensical.” The first part of the name is a generic name in the form of a noun, and the second is the so-called A species epithet, i.e. a species name, most often in adjectival form.

The first tropical nature reserve with a research station created by Poles

On Earth, there are approx. 6.5 million terrestrial species. An additional 2.2 million inhabit the seas and oceans. So far, however, only 1.2 million species have been cataloged. According to the estimates of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, an organization cooperating with over a thousand experts around the world, extinction processes affect 0.01-0.1% of species annually. As a result of climate change, 15-37% of terrestrial organisms may disappear from the Earth’s surface by 2050.

Tropical Nature Reserve

The team of the “Biodiversitatis” Foundation has taken steps to create a nature reserve with a research station and an educational center in southern Colombia. Funds are currently being raised for the purchase of 30 hectares of North Andean mountain forest in the Sibundoy Valley (Putumayo department), which is one of the most diverse tropical ecosystems. On just 1 ha of such a community there are up to 300 different species of vascular plants. The forest is inhabited by Andean bears and mountain tapirs. The tropical Andes are one of the most species-rich regions in the world. This center of diversity covers less than 1% of the Earth’s surface, concentrating more than 1/6 of all known plants.

The planned reserve covers areas located at an altitude of 2500-2800 m above sea level. The local name of the area, “La Palma”, refers to the magnificent specimen of the Ceroxylon palm tree that stands out against the landscape.

So far, our research in the Sibundoy Valley, which we have been conducting since 2012, has focused on understanding the diversity of orchids. To date, we have discovered about 20 species of orchids in this region that are new to science, “devil’s orchid” (Telipogon diabolicus). In December 2018, a pilot study was conducted on hummingbirds, and in March 2019 on bat fauna.

The main threat to local diversity is deforestation associated with the intensification of agriculture and the development of road infrastructure.

A research station made … made of plastic

In cooperation with the University of Lodz and the Czech Academy of Sciences, we plan to build a research station in the reserve, which will be the first facility in the region to conduct research on the biodiversity of the North Andean forest, and at the same time enable long-term observations of this still poorly understood ecosystem.

The station is to be built using recycled materials, specifically plastic waste. In The Venture competition (2016), the Colombian company Conceptos Plásticos was voted the best start-up in the world. Oscar A. Méndez’s plant collects and recycles plastic trash to create durable, waterproof homes that are resistant to earthquakes.

Following in the footsteps of Conceptos Plásticos, other companies have emerged in the Colombian market that are currently offering the creation of “green” buildings, Bloqueplas, Brickarp-Ficidet.

Education and “eco-tourism”

The Foundation believes that the project to create a nature reserve will also have a positive impact on the local community. It intends to involve the local population in activities related to nature conservation and the development of ecotourism in the region. By raising awareness of the importance of biodiversity, especially among young people, it can intensify the conservation and regeneration of native forests. It intends to promote the so-called “Community-based ecotourism”, i.e. tourism that has a positive impact on both the quality of life of people and the protection of natural resources.

With the help of Colombian collaborators, he plans to create short educational trails in the reserve, which will be made available to children from local rural schools. During field classes, she plans to promote the idea of sustainable development among the youngest.

How can you support the project?

Social initiatives of Oliwa employees

Business centres are rarely associated with social activities and commitment to ecology, urban projects or good neighbourly relations. Gdańsk’s Olivia Business Centre shows that it can be different. Over the last 12 months, the social initiatives established in its community have included – in addition to the constant support of hospitals and medical staff – restoration of the Avenue of Trees along the main Tri-City artery, a neighbourhood budget that supports local projects submitted by residents, as well as public collections of computer equipment that is donated to students at risk of educational exclusion during online education.

Szymon Renk, an employee of the commercialization department of Olivia Business Centre, has prepared the project Grunwaldzka Avenue through Wielkie A . It is an initiative that aims to restore Grunwaldzka Street in Gdańsk to the character of an urban avenue. Back in the 60s. It was a road surrounded by mature trees, providing shade, friendly greenery, filtering the air and limiting high temperatures during the summer heat. Currently, there is no trace of the trees and many residents of the Tri-City no longer remember the former character of the street. Szymon Renek’s project was submitted to the Gdańsk Participatory Budget in 2020 and gained huge support from residents, receiving the highest number of votes of all submitted projects.

Urban planning is my eternal passion,” says Szymon Renk, the author of the project. I read books on the subject, I watch albums from all over the world, I browse discussion forums every day. By chance, I came across a photo of Grunwaldzka Avenue from the 1960s, when it did not resemble the current “motorway” at all. With this project, I would like to change the character of the avenue I use every day. This street has great potential in terms of urban fabric and commercial premises on the ground floors of buildings. Olivia has shown this in the last 10 years. This will be confirmed by anyone who remembers neglected wastelands, a used car dealership or a go-kart track, which were located in the place of today’s business showcase of the Tri-City. I submitted the project because it is tIt’s the perfect place where you can make people see that a street is not just a roadway without harming any road user. It is also greenery, small architecture, a pavement encouraging walks or a bicycle path. I would like to act “at the grassroots” so that the inhabitants change their perception of the city, the inhabitants of Oliwa, students and employees of office buildings feel that it is pleasant to walk to SKM or commute to work by bike; so that the commercial premises in this area start to be teeming with life. – adds Szymon Renk.

Commitment to the medical community and people in need

The project is currently waiting to be implemented, but in the meantime the Olivia community is involved in other, no less important initiatives. Since the spring of 2020, Olivia Business Centre has been financing food supplies for the employees of the Gdańsk Hospital. St. Wojciech in Zaspa, who are fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. So far, more than 10,000 have been delivered. portions of meals. In addition, twice a week, food is also delivered to Oliwa support points for people in need as part of the Zupa na Oliwie project. These are “food sharing” fridges, to which food is delivered every day by residents and gastronomes of Oliwa.

During the pandemic, Olivia Business Centre undertook a number of initiatives under the name Together we can do more, which were addressed to the to the medical community, and were intended to support their activities during the pandemic. In April 2020, Olivia financed the construction of a fully test-ready diagnostic module. It makes it possible to test staff for coronavirus in front of the hospital building. It is the first project of this kind in Poland. The second such building, also financed by Olivia Business Centre, was erected at the campus of the University of Gdańsk and was the first walk-thru CPVID-19 test centre in Poland, enabling the testing of non-motorised patients. In addition, as part of the Together We Can More project, hospitals in Gdańsk received a ventilator, fumigator, medical clothing and protective masks.

Olivia Business Centre also supported the volunteering of the Dominican Fathers, who set up a helpline dedicated to receiving reports from people in need of help during quarantine, isolation or for fear of infection.

Supporting students during remote education and district development initiatives

The OBC Social Activist group established in Olivia Business Centre (on Facebook) is very active. Since the beginning of the pandemic, this informal group has been collecting used computers as part of the Laptops for Students campaign. Olivia’s residents and befriended institutions have already collected over 60 computers, which were donated free of charge to schools in Oliwa. The campaign aims to counteract the digital exclusion of students who, due to the lack of computers, are at risk of educational exclusion during the period of online learning. Currently, OBC Social Activists are in talks with the Santander Group about acquiring as many as 80 computers. They need to be adapted to the needs of students, which is why the members of the group are asking for support in the form of the purchase of software or hardware parts, as well as help in configuring the equipment.

In the autumn of last year, the first edition of the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget – a project of financial support for initiatives submitted by the residents of the district – had its first edition. Its aim is to improve their quality of life, modernize the surrounding space and introduce solutions that will develop local interactions. Both soft projects (organisation of meetings, courses or workshops) and infrastructure projects that will become a permanent part of the Oliwa space could apply for funding. In the edition, which was decided in September, three projects received funding: Library + , submitted by a group of parents from Oliwa. As part of the project, a children’s section was created in the district library, which was to encourage the youngest inhabitants of Oliwa to visit the facility more often and to familiarize them with books and reading. The second project, Cultural and Culinary Oliwa , was submitted by the City Initiative Association and the Special Schools Complex No. 2. The project involves the creation of a map of Oliwa with the biggest attractions of the district, less popular, but also worth seeing, as well as gastronomic and service outlets, cafes… Thanks to it, it will be possible to promote local entrepreneurs widely. The third project is Arte-creation , submitted by the Association for People with Parkinson’s Disease and Degenerative Brain Diseases and Caregivers: Park On. As part of the project, funding was granted to 18 art and ceramics workshops with elements of art therapy dedicated to people who, due to their age or the consequences of a progressive degenerative brain disease, are at risk of depression, loss of fitness, and a sense of exclusion.

Social projects contribute to meeting local needs, improving the quality of life, and also act as a contribution of investors to the development of the environment in which they develop their business. They are an excellent example of the synergy that allows the neighbours of large investment projects to benefit from new projects that appear in their environment.

Olivia associated with social activity

Business centers are rarely associated with social activity, commitment to ecology, urban projects or good neighbourly relations. The Olivia Business Centre in Gdańsk shows that it can be different. Over the past 12 months, social initiatives established around the business centre include reconstruction of an avenue of trees along the main Tri-City artery, a neighborhood budget supporting local projects submitted by residnts, as well as a campaign to collect computer equipment, which was given to students at risk of educational exclusion during online education.

Szymon Renk, an employee of the commercial department at Olivia Business Centre, has prepared the project Grunwaldzka Avenue with a big A. It is an initiative that aims to restore the character of an urban avenue to Grunwaldzka Avenue in Gdańsk. As late as in the 1960s, Grunwaldzka was a road surrounded by beautiful trees, providing shade, friendly greenery, filtering the air and limiting high temperatures during periods of summer heat. Currently, there is no trace of the trees and many residents of the Tri-City no longer remember the street’s former character. Szymon’s project was submitted to the Gdańsk Civic Budget in 2020 and gained enormous support from inhabitants, obtaining the highest number of votes from all submitted projects.

– Urban planning is my eternal passion. – says Szymon Renk, the creator of the project. I read books devoted to this, I look at pictures of cities from all over the world, I browse discussion forums every day. Last year, I came across a photo of Aleja Grunwaldzka from the 1960s by chance, when it did not resemble today’s unpleasant “highway” at all. With this project, I would like to change the nature of the avenue that I use every day. This street has great potential in terms of urban fabric, with service premises on the ground floors. Olivia has done this in the last 10 years. This will be confirmed by anyone who remembers the neglected wastelands, the used car dealership or go-kart track, which were located in the location of today’s Tri-City business showcase. I submitted the project because it is an ideal place where you can make people notice that the street is not only a road, without any harm to any street user. It is also green, small architecture, a sidewalk encouraging walks or a bicycle path. Through this project, I would like to act “at the root”, so that the residents change their perception of the city, so that the residents of Oliwa, students and office workers feel that it is pleasant to go to SKM or to go to work by bike; so that service outlets in this area start to be vibrant with life. – adds Szymon Renk.

Commitment to the Medical Community and those in need

While that project is currently waiting to be implemented, the Olivia community is implementing new, equally important initiatives. From spring 2020, Olivia Business Centre has been financing food deliveries for employees of the St. Wojciech Hospital. in Zaspa, Gdańsk, who are on the front line in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. So far, over 10 thousand meals have been delivered. In addition, food is also delivered twice a week to the Oliwa support points for people in need as part of the Soup in Oliwa project. These are “food sharing” refrigerators, to which the inhabitants and Oliwa’s gastronomy entrepreneurs provide food every day.

During the pandemic, Olivia Business Centre launched a number of initiatives called Together We Can Do More, which were addressed to the medical community, and aimed at supporting their activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. In April 2020, Olivia financed the construction of a fully ready-for-research, ready-to-use diagnostic module in Gdańsk Zaspa. It allows people to be tested for the presence of coronavirus in front of the hospital building and is the first project of its kind in Poland. The second such unit, also financed by Olivia Business Centre, was erected at the campus of the University of Gdańsk and was the first walk-thru testing center for Covid-19 in Poland, enabling testing of pedestrians. Moreover, under the project Together We Can Do More, hospitals in Gdańsk received a respirator, a fumigator, medical clothing and protective masks.

Olivia Business Centre has also supported the voluntary service of Dominican Fathers, who set up a helpline for people who need help during quarantine, in isolation or with fear of being infected.

Supporting Students during Remote Education and Initiatives for the Development of the District

The Społecznak OBC group established within the Olivia Business Centre Facebook page is very dynamic. Since the beginning of the pandemic, this informal group has been collecting used computers as part of the Laptops for Students campaign. Residents of Olivia Business Centre and likeminded institutions have already collected over 60 computers, which were then transferred free of charge to Oliwa’s schools. The campaign is aimed at countering the digital exclusion of students who, due to the lack of computers, are at risk of educational exclusion during the period of online learning. Currently, OBC Community Members are talking with the Santander Group about acquiring as many as 80 computers. They require adaptation to the needs of students, therefore group members ask for support in the form of purchasing software or hardware, as well as help in configuring computers.

In autumn last year, the Oliwa Neighborhood Budget – a project of financial support for initiatives submitted by the district’s residents – had its first edition. Its aim is to improve the quality of their lives, modernize the surrounding space and introduce solutions that will increase local interactions. Both soft projects (meetings, courses or workshops) as well as permanent infrastructure projects, , could apply for funding. In the edition, which was resolved in September, three projects were successful: Library +, submitted by a group of Oliwa’s parents. A children’s department was established in the district’s library to persuade the youngest inhabitants of Oliwa to visit the library more often and to accustom them to books and reading. The second project, Cultural & Culinary Oliwa, was submitted by the Inicjatywa Miasto Association (City Initiative) and by the Special Schools Complex No.2. This project aims to create a map of Oliwa with the best attractions of the district, lesser known places that are worth seeing, as well as restaurants, cafes and other service points. Thanks to this, it will be possible to widely promote local entrepreneurs. The third project that received funding is the Art – creation project, submitted by the Association for People with Parkinson’s Disease and Brain Degenerative Diseases and Caregivers: Park On. As part of this project, funding was granted to 18 art and ceramic workshops with elements of art therapy, dedicated to people who, due to their age or the consequences of progressive degenerative brain disease, are at risk of depression, loss of activity, and may suffer a sense of exclusion.

Social projects contribute to meeting local needs, improving the quality of life, and also allow investors to contribute to the development of the environment in which they develop their business. They are an excellent example of synergy that allows neighbours of large investment projects to benefit from new projects that appear in their nieghbourhood.

Get your bike ready for spring!


According to the information provided to us by Dn. 19.04 Wywyspka service, the first “free” dates enabling the implementation of the service are available in June. We are working to ensure that, if safety reasons allow, a mobile bicycle service can be set up in Olivia, as in previous years.

Olivia and the Islet Service


Take advantage of the bike service for Olivia Residents and prepare your bike for the season.


  • You will be healthier and in better shape.
  • Your bike will be in good working order and you will be safe.
  • It will be picked up by SPOD OLIVIA, an employee of the renowned bicycle service Wywyspka.
  • Specialists from the Islet will carry out the repairs indicated by you.
  • You will get a 10% discount on them.
  • And 5% discount on parts.

What do you need to know?

  • You book an appointment, come to work in the morning by bike and leave your bike attached to a dedicated stand (opposite the Medicover parking ticket office, at Olivia Point)

  • You secure the bike and leave the key to the lock (code number) at the Olivia Point reception desk in a safe envelope.
  • They will be picked up personally by an employee of the Islet.
  • At the Olivia Point reception, you will receive a dedicated band to be attached to the bicycle frame. It confirms that your order is in progress and allows the Islet to identify your bike.
  • Be sure to place it on your bike frame!
  • After completing the repairs indicated by you, an employee of the Islet will call you that your bike is ready to be picked up (you provide your phone number when ordering the service).
  • You pick up the bike from the Islet in person, because:
      • you will personally check that all ordered repairs have been carried out
      • a service employee will discuss with you the technical condition of your bike and any repairs required in the future
      • pay (cash or card) and receive a receipt

Step-by-step instructions

  • Go to website:
  • Sign up (if you don’t already have an account there) – follow the instructions.
  • Log in to
  • Click on “Order a repair”.

  • Fill in all the required fields.





  • Accept the necessary consents and click “Next”
  • Choose the date of the service (and on that day COME TO WORK BY BIKE)


Olivia Business Centre with the maximum rating of WELL safety certification

Olivia Business Centre has undergone the most restrictive analysis conducted by experts from the International Well Building Institute (IWBI) in New York. The safety of building users was checked, as well as solutions improving the quality of life in the business centre, also in the context of the ongoing pandemic. In each category, Olivia received the maximum score of 25 out of 25 points. It won it in 22 basic categories and 3 new ones, related to the innovations implemented in its area. This is the first such result in the world, which confirms that Gdańsk’s buildings are among the world’s top business companies.

The WELL Health-Safety Rating is a data-driven, third-party assessment of buildings that focuses on operational policies, standards of use and maintenance, stakeholder engagement and contingency plans to ensure maximum safety and comfort for occupants in the current COVID-19 environment and in the future. Many famous people from around the world have been involved in the extensive campaign to restore trust in public spaces, including Lady GaGa, Robert DeNiro, Michael Jordan, Venus Williams and many others. You can read much more here.

Campaign video:

WELL Health-Safety certification takes into account guidelines on the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), global centers for disease control and prevention, and emergency management agencies. Also recognized standards associations such as ASTM International and ASHRAE, and leading academic and research institutions. – Proving actions through external validation further demonstrates a commitment to people now and in the future. Our certification is based on insights from nearly 600 virologists, government officials, scientists, business leaders, architects, designers, construction scientists, and real estate professionals, as well as the WELL building standard, the world’s leading platform for the development of healthy buildings and spaces – writes Rachel Gordon, CEO of IWBI, in a congratulatory letter. – The assessment shows that Olivia Business Centre prioritises health and well-being, instilling confidence in people who frequently visit the facility and the wider community around it. –Adds.

However, WELL is above all a guarantee of extensive infrastructure that improves the quality of life and comfort of every building user. The dominant trend in the design of modern buildings, which in a sustainable way takes into account a holistic approach to the needs related to health, well-being and comfort of use.

Over the last year, Olivia Business Centre has implemented a number of solutions that position it as a leader in the field of wellbeing. In the summer, Residents meet on the patio, there are very popular sports sections, and exhibitions of paintings, photographs and sculptures are organized. Soon, a public, year-round garden will be put into use. All these events and amenities can be used by Olivia’s residents and guests in a safe way, thanks to the solutions used, which have been highly appreciated by the certifying institution.

It was one of the first office centers in the world to implement ion air purification technology in its buildings , which has so far been used in the world’s most prestigious facilities, including the White House, the Presidential Palace in Abu Dhabi, as well as in Gulfstream private jets. The installed devices saturate all rental areas with ions that have the ability to destroy viruses, bacteria and other pathogens in the ventilated air. The air purification process takes place continuously while people are in the room, so the fight against the pathogen begins from the moment it appears in the room.

“We put the safety and quality of life of the users of our spaces as an absolute priority, which is why we were happy to undergo such an important certification, conducted by a well-known certification body in the real estate world, for which the comfort and well-being of people using the space is a priority ,” says Konrad Danecki from the investor’s supervision of Olivia Business Centre. – During the preparations, we set ourselves the goal of meeting the requirements down to the smallest detail, assuming that we would receive the maximum score in all categories. We are proud that we have achieved this goal in 100% and that we are one of the first buildings to join the campaign to restore normality and freedom of movement in public buildings. The WELL Building Standard is the world’s most important tool for promoting healthy buildings and human-friendly spaces. Such a high rating is a testament to Olivia’s health and well-being being being a priority, instilling confidence in those who visit our facilities and the wider community –Adds.

In the common parts of the buildings (elevators, lobbies, access paths to garage halls) active titanium coatings have been used, creating surfaces free from pathogenic microorganisms. Bacteria, fungi and viruses are eliminated and their residues are broken down into carbon dioxide and water. The coating, which was developed by the Polish company Lumichem and scientists from the Jagiellonian University, has been used in all eight office buildings in the Oliwa city centre.

In addition, the air filtration level has been increased from G4 to F7 in air handling units, which is the highest level of filtration currently available. Sensors for VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) and particulate matter (PM) pollution were installed. Thanks to this, it is possible to monitor air purity and, as a result, eliminate harmful compounds from the fresh air drawn in from the outside and forced inside the buildings. Systems for controlling the intensity of air exchange based on the knowledge of current CO2 measurement results have also been installed, which contributes to a significant increase in the comfort of staying in the workplace. As part of the strategy implemented in Olivia Business Centre, additional solutions have also been prepared to increase the safety of office employees: sterilizers of entry cards have been purchased, elevator settings have been changed, so that in the stand by mode, the lift cabin remains open, allowing more fresh air to enter it.

By undergoing such detailed certification, Olivia has achieved the safety and quality of life status that characterizes the most prestigious buildings in the world. At the same time, it gives a strong signal announcing the possibility of returning to the life that everyone knew before the pandemic, which means face-to-face social and professional meetings, or participation in interesting live events, without health concerns.

In this report, you can read more about safe Olivia

A week of sports activities with Olivia!

At Olivia, we are united by sport, which is why we have prepared a whole week of sports activities for you. All classes are free – choose your favorites or enjoy all of them (because why not!).

On Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:00 we do the Holiday Form. It is an active, 30-minute break at work, which promotes concentration, increases efficiency and moves the muscles of the whole body stagnant from sitting. Join us!

>> We meet on Olivia’s Patio.

On Tuesdays at 18:00 we play beach volleyball on our home court! The classes are conducted by an experienced instructor who cares about technique, but also good fun. Friends and family welcome.
If you’d like to play with your work team, let us know: We will book a pitch especially for you.

>> Our pitch is located right next to Olivia, in the park behind Hala Olivia.

On Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. we train running. The classes are conducted by a runner and marathon runner, medalist of the Polish Championships – Radosław Dudycz. Our goal is to improve your overall physical fitness and prepare you to participate in autumn running events. We invite beginners as well as advanced runners.

>>Venue: Gdansk Athletics and Rugby Stadium

On Thursdays at 5:30 p.m., together with the 3miasto Recreation Group, we invite you to go on bicycle and hiking trips. If you like active recreation and want to get to know the most beautiful places of the Tri-City – join us! Every week we suggest a different route: we visit the nearby lakes, get to know the Tri-City forests, ride through the valleys and hills. During the tours, we are accompanied by guides who present stories and legends related to interesting places. Invite your family and friends and go on tour with us!

Grab the full schedule of our sports week. When do we see each other?


The second edition of Olivia’s Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget is starting!

The Oliwa Budget(OBS) is a project of financial support for initiatives submittedby residentsGdańsk Oliwa. Its aim is to raise the quality of the the modernisation of the surroundingspace and the introduction of solutions that will develop the local interactions. From the beginning of theThecall for proposals for the second edition of the budget starts in JulyETU. OgTresults, as in the case of theTIn the year of theęGoing onę Over time śWięThis neighbourhood Viva Oliwa, which is scheduled forTOwę SepśIn the case of the Netherlands

As in the first edition, also this year the pool of funds allocated for co-financed projects will amount to 18 thousand zlotys. 12,000 was donated by Olivia Business Centre, and 6,000 by Andrzej Stelmasiewicz, a councillor of the City of Gdańsk from the area of Oliwa. Both soft projects (organization of meetings, courses or workshops) and infrastructure projects that will permanently fit into the character of the Oliwa space can apply for funding. The call for applications in this year’s edition starts at the beginning of July, and you can submit them until the end of the summer holidays.

In last year’s edition, three projects were co-financed: proposed by a group of parents from Oliwa to expand the library with a children’s department, a project of the City Initiative and Special Schools Complex No. 2, under which a map of Oliwa is created with the greatest attractions of the district marked, and those less popular, but worth seeing, as well as catering outlets, cafes and numerous service outlets. Importantly, the project concerned the tourism and catering industry, which have been very much affected by the Sars COV-2 pandemic, so their promotion will also support Oliwa entrepreneurs in the period when they start their business again. The third project that received funding was the concept of Arte-creation, submitted by the Association for People with Parkinson’s Disease and Degenerative Brain Diseases and Caregivers: Park On. As part of the project, funding was granted to conduct 18 art and ceramics workshops with elements of art therapy for people who, due to their age or the consequences of a progressive degenerative brain disease, are at risk of depression, loss of fitness, and a sense of exclusion. In addition, the works prepared during the workshops had their exhibition in the lobby of Olivia Star, the tallest building of Olivia Business Centre.

When looking forTyśwe źSourceT funding for our child renewal projectęT h e r o f t h e r o f tTogarmentsżspace of the Oliwa Library,ądaTyśWe się In various cases,żdirections. In BudWe have received many votes, but not enough voteswhat. Design first, thenThe Library has become more attractive and friendly to youngreaders, financially supported byand the Oliwa District Council. Another importantąa full injection of moneyęinter aliasT Budżet Sąorganised by Olivia Business Centre, todayęhope of realizing theę our local enterpriseęTakeęATand the real shapesTThe Common local siTAmi thighsTAbout Us SIę Entersć in żA life of greatnessTy project sTatT h eT h eTOdej Oliwska SpoTEcznośInvite youąto our Oliwa as wellż himśthese. We are glad toWe have been ableto carry out this project,” says Aniela Zienkiewicz, Oliwa District Councillor, who was involved in raising funds for the development of the library.

Co-financing under the Oliwa Budżetu SąObtain a seatą projects implemented in Oliwa, most oftenT h eby the inhabitants themselvesńand their selection shall be made by theą Local CommunitiesTUrban Activists, Urban Activistsśthose, city and district councillors, who are perfectly familiar withą the needs of our local communityTEcznośYou, więc we are convinced that żthat this initiative hits the mark and contributes to theę to the development of Oliwa. Look forward that in this year’s edition there will be submitted equally importantand attractive projects as in 2020. – says Krzysztof Król, a representative of Olivia Business Centre. In the previous edition, thighsTAbout Us SIę co-financingć Very differentżA variety of areas of activityślocal and we hopeę, że this year bęSimilarly, the Netherlands is the first time that We appeal to all residentsOliwa residents to take an interestin the budget and to submitproposals that will introducechanges to the life of the district. Look forward żOver time, to support local initiatives in the field ofLinkCzą Się equallyż other companies and together we will succeedę Createć TakesLink and ważną for olivian platformsę development of a place where everyone żWe live and work.

Details of the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget will soon be available on the project’s website.

A ticket to the Garden in your pocket!

Has there already been a moment in your calendar to admire Olivia Garden? We want to make visiting this unique place as easy and ecological as possible! That is why now, to enter the world of wonderful greenery, all you have to do is download the MY OLIVIA app and have your Olivia Garden tickets with you at all times. No printing!:)

  • You don’t need to register again
  • Your account is still active
  • Your login and password remain unchanged

Therefore, a simple login with the previously indicated data is enough to generate a QR code – YOUR KEY TO THE GARDEN – which you will always have on your phone and which will open the gate to Olivia Garden contactlessly!

MY OLIVIA t o Soon more facilitations of everyday life in Olivia Business Centre! So – let’s get to work!



Create Olivia

Create Olivia. You have decided!

You voted for one of the 3 projects selected by the Competition Committee from among dozens of your proposals. Won…

massage chair, submitted by
Agnieszka from Arrow!

2nd place: solar
3rd place: outdoor gym

We will allocate up to PLN 10000 for the implementation of the winning project! You voted via the My Olivia app (available on the App Store or Google Play). You can read the descriptions of the three proposals below.


applicant: Sebastian from Energa SA

A solar bench with a charger is an eco-friendly piece of furniture with built-in photovoltaic panels. The panels allow you to harvest energy from the sun, which can be used to power Wi-Fi hot spots, heat the seat, power LCD displays, LED lighting, or monitoring. Built-in USB or inductive chargers allow you to charge your mobile equipment in public spaces. Manufacturers of solar benches are increasingly installing modern screens in their furniture, which display information about the current temperature, pressure, humidity or smog level.


submitter: Agnieszka z Arrow

Massage chairs allow you to move to a higher state of relaxation. They bring solace after a long day of work (or during it) and hustle and bustle. The massage performed by them contributes to the improvement of the appearance of the figure, soothes back pain and relaxes muscles. It relieves stress and relaxes. Are you interested in a massage chair that is a combination of modern solutions and stylish looks. Such an armchair, placed e.g. in Olivia Garden, will be a perfect complement to the offer of this place!


applicants: Justyna and Weronika from Olivia and Adam from Aspire Systems

Although an outdoor gym will not give us as many training opportunities as those offered by fitness clubs, exercising outdoors has its own unique charm. Importantly, all the machines included in the outdoor gym are described, so they will work even for beginners. All devices are designed in a very simple way: they only use our body weight and/or a built-in constant load. Among the most common are:

Elliptical cross trainer – engages primarily the quadriceps and biceps femoris muscles, and to a lesser extent the shoulder muscles. You can treat yourself to a good workout on it.

Stepper – allows you to exercise your leg muscles, gives you the opportunity to burn fat and build fitness.

Rowing machine – a classic device for exercising both legs and back.

The bar is pulled down from the top – you work on it in a sitting position, pulling the bar down your back. During the exercise, you engage the upper parts of the muscles: the shoulder girdle, the latissimus dorsi, the trapezius, as well as the biceps.

Twister – can remind us of muscles that we didn’t even suspect existed.

Bars and ladders – their versatility means that using only your imagination and the force of gravity, you can precisely exercise any muscle group.



We want to know what is in the soul of our Residents, how do you look at Olivia Business Centre
and what you need here. We want you to feel that this is really your place
and that it changes the way you want it to. Maybe you would like to use something more? Or should we have additional cycling infrastructure here? Let us know by submitting your idea
to Create Olivia!

What do you need to know?

  1. Projects are submitted using THIS form
  2. The form should be sent by e-mail to
  3. The deadline for your applications is August 23
  4. The applicant must be a Resident of Olivia Business Centre/ Employee of the company from Olivia
  5. All your applications will be carefully analyzed by the competition committee and on August 24 will select the 3 most interesting ideas to be implemented, each within a budget of PLN 10,000
  6. These 3 selected projects will be put to a vote by all Residents
  7. You will be able to vote via the My Olivia app, so it’s worth downloading it today from the App Store or Google Play
  8. Voting will take place from 25 August to 10 September*
    * IMPORTANT: We have received several dozen applications, the most interesting of which we are verifying in terms of costs (the budget of the implementation does not exceed PLN 10,000) and the possibility of execution/implementation in Olivia. Please be patient. Three selected and feasible projects will be presented 31 August. You will be able to vote for them from 1 September.
  9. That way, you’ll pick one winning design and we’ll just make it happen!

REMARK! The author of the winning project will receive a truly great prize from us! More about her soon:)

Follow our screens, social media and our website. Maybe on your way to work, for breakfast, lunch or a sweet croissant, you will come across something out of the ordinary, which will remind you that there is only a moment left to submit a project to us to change the world, the one closest to you.

We look forward to receiving your applications!

Submit Your Idea

until August 23

Take part in 42 Drops of Energy!

On August 18, we invite Residents, their friends, family and acquaintances to participate in another mobile blood donation campaign as part of the ENERGY DROPLETS. See you as always in parking lot C.

Useful information:

  • There will be two ambulances
  • Donor registration from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
  • Each participant must wear a face mask
  • Each participant will be tested for temperature and will fill in an additional form in the tent (details on site)
  • Disposable gloves on the hands of the participants will be welcome

To take part in the campaign, you need to sign up by sending an e-mail to:

Tomasz Rubanowicz (tel. 604 543 456) and Piotr Krysiński (tel. 601 529 929) from the Kropelka Energii Foundation are responsible for the smooth course of the campaign and providing organizational information.

People who live outside the Tri-City or are on holiday at that time can donate blood at the nearest blood points throughout the country using the password: “Kropelka Energii” (here are the addresses: and local branches: ). After donating blood, please send information about the donation for statistical purposes to the following address:

What are the conditions to become an Honorary Blood Donor?

Before donating blood, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the guidelines that must be met to become an Honorary Blood Donor. Detailed information can be obtained in the “For Donors” tab on the website: or consult a doctor directly in the ambulance.

REMARK! If you are planning to donate blood, you need to remember to:

  • be healthy, i.e. you cannot have symptoms colds (e.g. runny nose, cough, cold sores);
  • did not take medications such as: aspirin, paracetamol, anti-allergic;
  • do not donate blood on an empty stomach, i.e. it is necessary to eat a specific non-fiber meal and drink 1 liter of still water;
  • be well-rested and well-rested;
  • two hours before donating blood, do not smoke cigarettes;
  • do not drink alcohol, including on the day before donating blood;
  • be sure to take your ID card or driver’s license,
  • replenish fluids in the body – drink 1 liter of water.

After the Covid vaccine, you can donate blood:

  • 2 days after Pfizer or Moderna vaccination;
  • 14 days after vaccination with Astra Zeneca.

RCKiK encourages convalescents to donate plasma, which takes place only at the Blood Donation Station. For more information, please visit the RCKiK Gdańsk website

In accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Act on Public Blood Service of 22 August 1997, persons who donate blood are entitled to a fully paid leave from work on the day on which they donate blood and the day after donation (this is a new privilege during the epidemiological state). We suggest that you agree to participate in the action with your supervisor in advance. In our everyday surroundings (family, friends) there are situations that require blood transfusions. The need is obvious… There remains the question of courage and willingness. We cordially invite you to donate blood, because “We like to help… and to be a Giver is a great honor!