15 October is the European Day Against Breast Cancer. On our tallest building, Olivia Star, a pink ribbon will once again shine – a symbol of support for the campaign aimed at spreading knowledge about this disease and the importance of preventive examinations. It is also a symbol of education, hope and solidarity with millions of people from all over the world affected by breast cancer.
Oncological education is part of Olivia’s project “Autumn Will Be Healthy for Us”, which promotes many forms of physical activity, care for mental balance and cancer prevention. Therefore, we have also been involved in the concept of “Pier(w)si win”, the authors of which are volunteers from Energa SA. Bravo, ladies!
Let’s put important dates related to “The Pier(s) win” in our calendars. We’ll start with the biggest event, October’s must-see.
You can talk about breast cancer without fear. Because it’s a disease like any other. But time is of the essence. If detected quickly, it gives a great chance of a complete cure. You will be able to find out how to examine your breasts and where to turn for help find out during a meeting with Dr. Elżbieta Senkus-Konefka – an authority on Polish oncology, on October 29 at Olivia Sky Club (in Olivia Tower). The event will be combined not only with professional medical advice, learning how to examine breasts on a phantom and instruction of a braffiter, but also with… sewing pillows. Even more about the event.
It is worth taking every opportunity to learn how to properly examine your breasts and find out where to look for help when something disturbing happens to them. We invite all ladies, as well as men, because they are also affected by this ailment.
To take part in the meeting, you need to register by sending an e-mail to
and in the subject line of the message write the slogan of the action “The first (w)s win” (the number of places is limited).
During the meeting, it will be possible to sign up for free examinations at the Breast Disease Clinic operating at the University of Breast Sciences in Gdańsk. Listen, observe, learn breast self-examination on phantoms, and help. Because the pillows, which can be stuffed and sewn together during the “Heart from the Heart” campaign, will help many patients who, as a result of surgery, have problems with lymphoedema in the hand.
Where did the idea for such an action come from?
The slogan “The first ones win” was created during a brainstorming session between three volunteers from Energi SA. Initially, the campaign was supposed to be small in scope – it was only about taking part in the pink ribbon run to show support for people suffering from breast cancer. Over time, the question arose: Why not do something else? Help people who are affected by this problem every day? To show those who have managed to win the fight against cancer and thus encourage them to undergo tests and mobilize their loved ones to do so. And the most important thing is to “demystify” the perception of breast cancer as an incurable disease that is difficult to win.
Why without fear?
Although breast cancer is one of the most common cancers, it is also one of the best known cancers – in terms of epidemiology, biology and prevention. In the event of the disease, there are numerous therapeutic options available that allow for a complete cure or a definite improvement in the health of many people affected by this cancer. So the prognosis is good, as long as… Exactly. It’s not too late.
The pink ribbon symbol often appears on the T-shirts of people who take part in the traditional Pink Ribbon Run. You can also take part in it this year. The run under this slogan is planned 22 October, at 11:00 on Olivia’s premises. Start at the fountain on the patio (opposite the Olivia Tower). This is the next stage of the campaign of Energa volunteers. The “face” of the project will be Lucyna Prondzińska from ECUW , who will talk about her experiences related to the disease and treatment, as well as why it is worth financially supporting the Pink Butterfly Association.
You can already support the fundraiser for the purchase of couches for patients waiting for chemotherapy at the Breast Disease Center at the University of Silesia in Gdańsk. They will replace hard and uncomfortable chairs. Click here, here you have a link to the fundraiser.
This is not the end of the planned activities as part of the “First (w)s win” campaign. On November 12, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m ., a mobile vehicle will appear in parking lot C in front of Olivia.
LUX MED Diagnostyka invites you to a mobile mammography laboratory.
The study is open to women aged 50 to 69 who are insured and have not had a mammogram in the last 24 months or are in a risk group and in the previous year received a written indication to have another mammogram after 12 months.
The program does not cover women who have already been diagnosed with malignant neoplastic changes in the breast. The examination is free of charge, financed by the National Health Fund and does not require a doctor’s referral.
We kindly ask you to register at tel. 58 666 24 44 or http://www.mammo.pl/formularz. In order to verify your eligibility for the test, please have your ID card ready before calling us. You should take photos from previous mammograms with you to the examination, unless they were taken in the LUX MED laboratory.
Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, for the sake of the health and safety of women and medical staff, we ask you to understand the protective measures taken and to appear for the examination wearing a protective mask and at the time designated during registration.
More information about mammography can be found on the www.mammo.pl website.