We invite you to Olivia’s Name Day!

name-day-olivia-poster-sHistory of Oliwa (; Òlëwa or Òléwa, Latin and German: Oliva) is full of interesting events. The oldest document related to the monastery in Oliwa is the foundation document issued on 18 March 1186 by the son of Subisław Sambor I. From that time on, for seven centuries, the development of Oliwa was closely connected with the Cistercian Order. Cistercian monasteries were important centers of culture, science and medicine in the Middle Ages, the monks also introduced a new agrarian culture and enormous technical progress in crafts and agriculture. The unquestionable contribution of the Cistercians to the development of Oliwa and the richness of their cultural and material heritage creates an opportunity to draw an analogy between such a rich, colourful history and today’s dynamic development of a new place for the inhabitants of Gdańsk and the inhabitants of the metropolis, and to combine them into one creative story. We are connected by Oliwa and its history, tradition and culture.

“Olivia’s name day” is a new cultural and social initiative undertaken by Olivia Business Centre, which will take place on 12 June 2016 in the Oliwa Archcathedral (Mass at 1.00 p.m.) and on the Square in front of the Cathedral (from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.), in cooperation with the Parish of the Archcathedral in Oliwa and the Marshal’s Office, which is preparing the 10th edition of the Pomeranian Traditional Product Festival, organized by the Marshal’s Office of the Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Our goal is to celebrate the name day of the patron saint of the Oliwa district – St. Olivia. It is thanks to the Cistercians that St. Olive oil*. We want this event, in a place important for all residents and guests – in the Cathedral and on the Cathedral Square, to contribute to the preservation of the memory of such a historically important figure associated with our district. We feel that we are continuators of the multi-layered economic, cultural and social tradition of Oliwa and the Cistercian Order, which is why we want to refer to it creatively.

A 11. June on Saturday at 12.00-16.00 we also invite you to the Olivia Business Centre stand as part of the VIVA OLIVA event, the Oliwa Festival at the War Invalids Square and Jacek Rybiński.



12.06.2016 | SUNDAY – 9.00 -16.00

Olivia Business Cen tre standat the 10th Pomeranian Traditional Product Festival in front of the Cathedral in Oliwa. At the stands of Olivia Business Centre: sweets, balloons, photo wall/monidło

13.00 – 14.00 Holy Mass with artistic setting – Ewelina Wojciechowska (soprano)


Guided walks, “Lazy in Oliwa”, iBedeker (Ewa Kowalska) and Arkadiusz Zygmunt (history enthusiast and orator) invite you!

Three walks “Lazy around Oliwa” (all of them will lead along the same route), led by Arkadiusz Zygmunt, will start at 10:00 a.m. 3.00 p.m. – 4.15 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. on the square in front of the entrance to the Oliwa Cathedral. Cicerone will invite guests to the Old Market Square in Oliwa, under the parish church of Our Lady Queen of the Polish Crown at 131 Polanki Street, he will tell where the Cistercians of Oliwa have gone, he will lead the group along Polanki Street to show the modern face of Oliwa at the end.

We cordially invite you to celebrate the name day of the patron saint of the Oliwa district! We invite you to the Oliwa Cathedral and the Cathedral Square!


*Our Patroness – St. Anagni Olive Oil

In Poland, on June 15, we celebrate Olivia’s name day, which name comes from Latin, where it was alternately used as Olivia or Oliva, and most likely its genesis is the olive tree.

For centuries, Oliwa was associated primarily with the Cistercian Abbey, which existed here continuously for 643 years, until 1831. And it was thanks to the Cistercians that St. Anagni Olive Oil (known as St. Olivia of Anagni according to some sources).

About St. Many facts cannot be found in Oliwa. To this day, it is speculated that she lived between the 5th and 6th centuries, in the Italian town of Anagni, located about 70 kilometers from Rome. One version says that she was a nun in a Benedictine monastery who gave her life fully to God. The second is that she lived in a hermitage inhabited by “holy virgins.”

What is known for sure is that she was very pious and modest from her childhood. She lived on the sidelines, in seclusion. She treated her own home like a hermitage – despite the fact that she came from a wealthy family, she avoided a lavish life. Moreover, when her parents found a suitable husband for her, she ran away from home because she believed she was already married to God. She died on 3 June, which is why she is commemorated on that day in the Catholic Church.

How did a local saint, venerated since the 12th century in several Italian towns, become the patron saint of Oliwa? First of all, thanks to the efforts of Abbot Michał Antoni Hacki, who at the beginning of the eighteenth century decided to bring the “dove of peace”, as St. Olivia, to the convent. The main cause was the Third Northern War in Pomerania. The abbot received permission from the then pope, Clement XI, to bring the relics (part of the arm) and celebrate the indulgence of St. Paul. Olive oil from Anagni, however, died several days before her arrival. It happened in 1703, when the relics were laid to rest in the church of St. Jacob.

However, this was not yet the moment of introducing the cult of St. Olive oil. This happened only after the end of the War of Succession to the Polish throne, between Stanisław Leszczyński and Augustus III of Saxony, which broke out in 1733. Oliwa was in favour of Saxon, while Gdańsk was in favour of the former. The war was eventually won by Augustus III. In gratitude for the fact that the hostilities bypassed Oliwa and the abbey, finally in June 1739, after Abbot Jacek Rybiński and Prior Iwo Roweder obtained permission from the Cistercian authorities, the cult of St. Olivia was introduced, and her relics transferred to the monastery church.

With the fall of the abbey, the relics of St. The oil was lost. Her cult also disappeared, but it was never officially abolished. 182 years after the dissolution of the abbey, Archbishop Sławoj Leszek Głódź sent a letter to the Bishop of Anagni, with another request to hand over the relics, which was granted. As of today, the relics of St. Anagni oils are stored in the post-Cistercian Marian Sanctuary in Łęgów, near Gdańsk, from where they were brought in 2013.

Meeting with Andrzej Lubowski at the O4 coworking space

The next meeting as part of the Startup Masters Academy, organized by Coworking O4 in Olivia Business Centre, will take place on 15 June 2016. from 16:00 to 19:00. This time, the residents of O4 will have the opportunity to meet Mr. Andrzej Lubowski – an expert on American souls and wallets.

O4 A.L. poster-A1 plus 3mm bleed--01Andrzej Lubowski, an experienced financier and management expert, residing in the USA, has worked for 20 years with the largest American corporations. He is a member of supervisory boards of companies in Poland and the United States. He is also a great publicist, journalist and writer. Privately, he is a friend of Zbigniew Brzeziński and Condoleezza Rice.

He was born in 1949 in Warsaw. In 1982 he moved to California, USA. He is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, the University of Berkeley and Stanford University. For nearly 20 years, he has gained experience in the American financial sector: for 10 years he held managerial positions at Citicorp/Citibank in California and New York, and for 8.5 years he was the head of strategy at Visa USA. He is also a valued advisor to non-profit organizations. He regularly publishes in Gazeta Wyborcza, Polityka and Wprost.

He cooperates with O4 as a mentor as part of the e-learning platform for startups and small and medium-sized entrepreneurs – residents of the O4 coworking space. The program enables participants to gain dedicated competencies and qualifications, thanks to which they will be able to effectively develop their business abroad, e.g. in Silicon Valley.

The aim of the meeting is, of course, to present to the local community the extraordinary figure of Mr. Lubowski and his path to success, as well as to present Pomeranian business, science and development to the mentor. The organizers hope to inspire entrepreneurs to think about themselves in global terms.

Admission by invitation only.



2007 “A Wounded Power: America’s Strengths and Weaknesses.” – http://www.polityka.pl/tygodnikpolityka/swiat/230837,1,trudny-pacjent.read

2011 “ZBIG. The man who undermined the Kremlin.”


2013 “World 2040. Does the West have to lose?”


2015 American alphabet.



List of articles in Polityka magazine:


List of articles in Gazeta Wyborcza:




Lubowski at TEDEX 2015




Exhibition Treasures of Olivians 2 in Olivia Gate B

The greatest treasure of every city and every village are its INHABITANTS. They are the ones who give life to the streets and the houses. They are the ones who create the atmosphere of their small homelands. Each of us collects family heirlooms and has memories associated with them, which are not only a testimony to our family history, but also to the place where we live, where our ancestors lived and, perhaps, where our children and grandchildren will live.

TREASURES OF OLIWA was launched in 2016, a year so important for Oliwa and Gdańsk. 90 years ago, on 1 July 1926, Oliwa was incorporated into Gdańsk and became part of the capital of the region. In this joint project, the inhabitants of Oliwa share their stories and memorabilia, which the Gdańsk Community Foundation presents in the form of exhibitions and publishes albums. The second edition of the exhibition is presented in the modern part of Oliwa, in the Olivia Business Centre, while the great treasure gallery is available around the clock on the website: http://www.vivaoliva.pl/skarby.oliwian


OBC_SO2_plakat_B1We want to strengthen the local identity of the inhabitants of Oliwia and promote our cultural heritage. The collected souvenirs and stories are also intended to encourage the younger generation to learn about the history of their small homeland.

We plan to collect the Treasures of Olivians all the time, until the end of the world. Perhaps they will become part of the collection of the Oliwa Museum? In the future, we would like to establish such a museum operating both in the real and virtual world.

We would like to thank Mr. Mayor Paweł Adamowicz for taking the Honorary Patronage, our partners for their help in the implementation of the project: Fr. Canon Waldemar Waluk, M.A., Parish Priest of the Archcathedral Parish of St. The Holy Trinity, Tomasz Gut – the owner of the “Differently Than in Paradise” store, the Lion’s Mouth and the Oliwa Library, the Branch No. 2 of the Provincial and Municipal Public Library and media patrons: the www.staraoliwa.pl portal, Radio Gdańsk and the www.trojmiasto.pl portal, as well as the sponsor – ASTE.

Andrzej Stelmasiewicz (President of the Management Board of the Gdańsk Community Foundation)

“Expansion of Polish companies to the USA – legal and business aspects” – free seminar

“Expansion of Polish companies to the USA – legal and business aspects” – free seminar, June 13

The Pomerania Development Agency and the Gdańsk Economic Development Agency invite you to a free seminar “Expansion of Polish companies to the USA – legal and business aspects”. The seminar is addressed to Polish companies interested in developing their business on the American market and to start-ups. The meeting will be hosted by Ms. Justyna Regan, Polish legal counsel and American attorney at Miller Canfield, Paddock and Stone (“Miller Canfield”). The meeting will take place on Monday 13 June 2016. at 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the headquarters of the Pomerania Development Agency in Olivia Business Centre, Al. Grunwaldzka 472 D in Gdansk, in the Olivia Six building, 12th floor.


The program of the seminar m.in. legal and business aspects of operating in the U.S. market, including export of goods, export of intellectual property, establishing cooperation with an agent and distributor, setting up a subsidiary, practical considerations for expanding operations to the United States, tax implications of expansion, models of obtaining financing for start-ups, the “Select USA” program and its assumptions.


Participation in the meeting is free of charge. The number of places is limited, the order of applications decides. If you are interested in participating, please fill in the application form by 10 June 2016 at the latest.


Łukasz Rokicki
Department of Enterprise Development, Pomerania Development Agency SA
58 323 32 03, lukasz.rokicki@arp.gda.pl


Link to information and application form: https://www.arp.gda.pl/index.php?wiecej=4093&wiecej_news=1

“Funding opportunities for SMEs in Horizon 2020”, free training

“Funding opportunities for SMEs in the Horizon 2020 program”, free training, On June 24, the Regional Contact Point for EU Framework Programs at the Gdańsk University of Technology, the Regional Center of the Enterprise Europe Network at the “Free Enterprise” Association and the Pomerania Development Agency invite you to a free training course “Financing opportunities for SMEs in the Horizon 2020 program” on June 24

The main objective of the meeting is to present the rules of participation in the Horizon 2020 program and to present preferential competitions for SMEs in Horizon 2020. Participants will learn how to prepare a good business plan and learn about the experience of a company that has acquired a project under the Horizon 2020 program. The training will be conducted by experts from the National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EU, the Regional Centre of the Enterprise Europe Network at the “Free Entrepreneurship” Association and a representative of PolTREG Sp. Ltd.

The meeting will take place on 24 June 2016. at 9.30 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. at the headquarters of the Pomerania Development Agency S.A.

Monika Dmitrzak,
Department of Enterprise Development, Pomerania Development Agency SA
58 32 33 222, monika.dmitrzak@arp.gda.pl

Link to information and application form: https://www.arp.gda.pl/index.php?wiecej=4099&wiecej_news=1

Olivia Business Centre Management Masters 2016

We cordially invite managers and employees of companies residing in Olivia Business Centre to participate in the prestigious Olivia Business Centre Management Masters 2016 Tournament, organized together with the Gdańsk Foundation for Management Development on 21-23 June 2016.

Teams participating in the Tournament will have a unique opportunity to face managerial challenges while operating in a realistically simulated business environment. Participation in the game gives you the opportunity to test and develop practical managerial knowledge, the ability to make quick and accurate decisions, team and leadership skills. Additional attractions include competing with other teams participating in the Tournament and the need to react to unexpected changes in the game environment.

A modern, interactive and dynamic platform, which is the basis for the Tournament, creates ideal conditions for quick improvement of skills in various areas: strategy, sales, marketing, finance, logistics, human resources. The substantive, decision-making and team competences acquired during the Tournament bring unique values to the area of activity of individual participants and their companies.

To take part in the Olivia Business Centre Management Masters 2016 Tournament, please declare your participation at the e-mail address malgorzata.ziemkowska@oliviacentre.com by 10 June 2016. More information about the game, which is the basis of the Tournament, can be found on the www.marketplace.pl website, please also read the rules of the Olivia Business Centre Management Masters 2016 Tournament.



“Grow Your Business and Export to the UK!” Conference

The British-Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Pomerania Development Agency invite you to a conference addressed to Polish manufacturing companies located in the Pomerania region that want to enter the British market. The aim of the meeting is to support Polish entrepreneurs from industries for which demand is constantly growing among customers in the United Kingdom, mainly food, construction, metallurgy, marine engineering and many others.

When Polish producers are having more and more problems with exports to the east, the United Kingdom. Britain looks like a very promising market. British consumers are affluent, but also demanding and diverse. Some are looking for new taste sensations or organic origin of products, while others point to lower prices regardless of the origin of the products.

That is why it is so important to know how to operate on the British market, how to establish cooperation with contractors and how to convince the British to purchase Polish products. During the conference, issues related to exchange rates, translation and concluding contracts between two different legal systems will be discussed in the most practical form.

During the meeting, we will present the expertise of our partners who, together with BPCC, provide comprehensive solutions for introducing products and services to the UK market.

The event is addressed to representatives of manufacturing companies, regardless of the industry represented.

Agenda of the meeting:
1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m . Registration
1:30 p.m. – 1:45 p.m . Welcoming guests – ARP
1:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m . Macroeconomic analysis and opportunities for Polish companies on the British market, Michael Dembiński, Chief Advisor to BPCC
2:00 p.m. – 2:20 p.m . Concluding commercial contracts under English law, what to watch out for – Rafał Zakrzewski, PhD, Solicitor (England and Wales), Clifford Chance
2:20 p.m. – 2:40 p.m . Taxes & Accounting: VAT, Excise, Fundamentals of Doing Business in the UK, David James, Principal Investigator at Mazars, Statutory Auditor with a Polish licence and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
2:40 p.m. – 3:00 p.m . How to export and maintain financial liquidity? An analysis of examples of the use of factoring in export – Tomasz Rodak, Sales Director, Bibby Financial Services
3:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m . Coffee break
3:15 p.m. – 3:35 p.m . Hedging of foreign exchange risk for SMEs and settlements in trade – Przemysław Gut, Head of the Business Development Department in Poland, OSTC
3:35 p.m. – 3:55 p.m . Selling to the UK – Getting your message across! Website Localization, Marketing & Branding – David Kennedy, Marketing Director, Lacrosse Poland
3:55 p.m. – 4:30 p.m . Panel discussion with all speakers, Q&A session – moderated by Michael Dembinski, BPCC
4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m . Refreshments and networking

Time and place:

3 June 2016, 13:00 – 17:30

ARP headquarters, Olivia Business Centre, Bud. Olivia Six, p. 12, Aleja Grunwaldzka 472 D, Gdansk

Organizer: British Polish Chamber of Commerce

Presentation language: Polish, participation: free of charge. The number of places is limited, the order of applications decides.

Presentation language: Polish, participation: free of charge. The number of places is limited, the order of applications decides.

If you are interested in participating, please register by 30 May 2016. at Marta.Chmielewska@bpcc.org.pl

Please bring your business cards with you.

Additional information www.bpcc.org.pl

Outsourcing Breakfast: Development of the BPO/SCC sector in the Tri-City – that is, successfully

June 3, 2016 we meet in Gdańsk to talk to experts about the development of the BPO/SCC sector in the Tri-City. It is an ideal opportunity to broaden your knowledge about the Tri-City market, as well as to establish interesting business contacts.


We will cover the following topics:

  • HR challenges in the BPO/SCC sector, or how to attract and retain an employee
  • An ideal workplace in the BPO/SCC sector – a dream or a reality?
  • Employee’s expectations and employer’s capabilities
  • How to manage the change process in a BPO/SSC organization?
  • How are office buildings and the real estate market changing?
  • Workplace in the BPO/SSC sector – what do you not know about it?


The meeting will take the form of a discussion panel with experts from the Real Estate, Workspace, Development and HR industries.

Free participation – the number of places is limited.

Sign Up>>


Outsourcing Breakfast Breakfast

Hundreds of participants, beautiful weather and lots of attractions – photos from Children’s Day in Olivia Business Centre

Saturday’s family festival on the occasion of Children’s Day brought many attractions and positive impressions for the youngest residents of Oliwa and other districts of Gdańsk, as well as the children of Olivia Business Centre Residents. In beautiful weather, for several hours, with a smile on their faces, the children learned new skills, gained knowledge in the field of chemistry and technology, and took part in sports competitions. See in the photos below what the third Children’s Day at Olivia Business Centre looked like.


Traditionally, the inflatable playground aroused great emotions among children. This time, two fairy-tale slides and a saloon were prepared.


On stage, the children were watching the fairy-tale performance of the Klapa Theatre in suspense. In addition to an interesting story, they were able to get to know m.in. rules of safe movement at pedestrian crossings.


The undisputed hit of Saturday’s mini playback show were songs from “Frozen”.


Young lovers of board games and Peppa Pig could play a special version of the popular Monopoly game. This time, it was not the pawns who moved on the big board, but the children themselves.


Between games, the youngest could eat healthy and tasty snacks prepared by the Lobster restaurant, located in the Olivia Business Centre. Thirst could be quenched with delicious lemonade and water.


We would like to thank all participants for coming and the Gold Sponsor and Partners for their contribution to the organization. See you next year!



Hundreds of visitors, wonderful weather and programme packed with attractions – photo coverage of Children’s Day at the Olivia Business Centre.

A family picnic organised on Saturday to celebrate the Children’s Day offered lots of attractions and great excitement to the youngest residents of the Oliwa district and other districts of Gdańsk, as well as the children of the Olivia Business Centre Residents.

Enjoying wonderful weather, the children – smiling from ear to ear – spent several hours on learning new skills and abilities, gaining knowledge in the scope of chemistry and technology and taking part in sports competitions.

Look through the photos below to learn more about the Children’s Day organised in the Olivia Business Centre for the third time.


As usually, the inflatable playground caused tremendous excitement among children. This time, there were two fabulous slides and a saloon.


The children watched the performance given by the Klapa Theatre with profound attention. Apart from an interesting story based on a fairy tale, the children could also learn about the safety principles for pedestrians and many other interesting things.


Indisputably, the main attraction of the mini playback show included the songs from “Frozen”.


Young enthusiasts of board games and of Peppa Pig could play a special version of Monopoly. This time, the board was so huge that the role of the pieces was taken over by the children.


In the time between different games and activities, the children were offered healthy and delicious snacks prepared by the Lobster Restaurant located at the Olivia Business Centre. As the remedy for thirst, the children were served refreshing lemonade and water.

We would like to thank all visitors for coming there as well as to our Gold Sponsor and Partners for their contribution to the organisation of this event. See you in a year!
