Opening of the Talent Development Center

The District Labour Office in Gdańsk is opening a new unit – the Talent Development Centre. This state-of-the-art consulting and coaching point located in Olivia Business Centre will be the first centre in Poland providing services in the field of talent diagnostics. It will also be the first centre in the history of the office’s operation, the services of which will be available to the residents of the entire metropolis.

postercrtAs part of the CRT, three dedicated zones will be launched: the Career Academy (for residents, including employees), the Personal Development Zone (for people registered with the Gdańsk Labour Office) and the Youth Land of Talents (dedicated to students, parents and teachers). One of the main tasks of the CRT will be cooperation with the education sector with primary, middle and high schools as well as universities.

“It is no coincidence that the Talent Development Centre, which is of key importance for the operations of our labour office, is being opened in the Olivia Business Centre complex, which attracts dozens of new employers. It was here, when talking to companies, that it turned out that even the best recruitment is not enough if we do not have the right candidates. There are still too many people who do not work according to their predispositions and professional skills, and on the other hand, there is a huge number of employers who have trouble finding the right employees. The Talent Development Centre is designed to effectively fill this gap in the labour market – explains the director of the Gdańsk Labour Office, Roland Budnik.

In the modern premises of the Talent Development Centre, as many as 12 HR and career counselling specialists will be waiting for their clients. Their task will be to provide comprehensive support to the residents of Gdańsk in the field of broadly understood career guidance and shaping their own careers through a number of innovative tools, such as assessment center, career and crisis coaching, as well as relational counseling and Gallup tests. The advice of specialists will help the participants of the classes at the Centre not only to present themselves better during a meeting with a potential employer, but also to look at the process of job search and professional self-promotion in a different way. It is here that you will be able to take part in self-discovery and creative thinking workshops, as well as find out about the power of modern training methods of group work.

DSC_3188In addition, the CRT offer also includes practical classes with experts – business trainers, marketers, recruiters, make-up artists and make-up specialists. new technologies. All classes will take place away from the official rooms in the modern interiors of the Centre on over 500m2, equipped with special multimedia training rooms and networking spaces.

The activity of the newly opened Talent Development Centre is to be based primarily on developing the strengths of our clients, their talents and innate predispositions. We want to make the residents of Gdańsk aware and show schools, as well as teachers, students and parents, that the key to a satisfactory job is not only practical professional skills, which we develop in our office during various specialist trainings, but also skills personal and identification of our potential – adds Kariona Chamier-Ciemińska, CRT manager.

DSC_3267 All residents of the metropolis will be able to take advantage of the CRT offer. They will have at their disposal the Career Academy. On the other hand, advisors from the Personal Development Zone will be waiting for people registered in the PUP in Gdańsk. To sign up for consultations at the Talent Development Centre, simply call 513 096 893 or use a special appointment calendar application available on the CRT website at, and in the case of the office’s clients, also through an individual advisor. From September 2016 CRT’s offer will also be expanded to include the Youth Land of Talents, which will be dedicated to vocational school students.




Supporting teams with the use of Business Coaching

The Pomerania Development Agency invites you to the next free meeting in the LET’S TALK ABOUT COACHING series. “Support for teams with the use of business coaching”, which will take place on August 30, from 2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m., at the headquarters of the Pomerania Development Agency – Olivia Six, 12th floor. The meeting is dedicated to managers, employees of HR departments and people interested in coaching.

During the meeting, the following issues will be discussed:

  1. What is coaching and what is not (based on the ICF definition)
  2. What a coach should know and be able to do
  3. Types of Coaching
  4. Selected team coaching tools
    • Team Coaching
    • Action Learning
    • Value Proposal Canvas
    • Business Model Canvas
    • After Action Review
  5. Areas and goals of using team coaching
  6. Benefits of using team coaching
  7. Conditions for the effectiveness of team coaching
  8. It is also planned to conduct an exercise using the Value tool or the Business Model Canvas


The meeting will be moderated by Jarosław Łojewski. Business coach, advisor, trainer, IT manager, ACC ICF. She specializes in coaching: business, professional development and creativity. As a coach, advisor, mentor and trainer of managerial staff, he is distinguished by many years of managerial practice. Since 1991, he has been involved in building teams, developing and managing them so that they effectively and efficiently achieve their goals. She works on the basis of experience gained as a manager in an international corporation, certified trainings and coaching practice. In coaching, she uses an individual, holistic approach, in accordance with the CoachWise™ methodology and the standards of the International Coach Federation.

If you are interested in participating in the meeting, please fill in the application form available on the organizer’s website.

Participation in the meeting is free of charge. The number of places is limited. In the first place, applications from managers and employees of HR departments are accepted.

Contact: Katarzyna Moszczyńska, e-mail:; phone: 58 32 33 143

We cordially invite you!

Nice beginning of September in Gorąco Polecam Nowakowski


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From the first of September, we invite all lovers of coffee, tea and fresh pastries to the Gorąco Polecam Nowakowski café for our new sets at promotional prices! A hot drink can be accompanied by a choice of sweet, salty, hot and lunch snacks. There is something for everyone.

The bakery is located on the ground floor of the Olivia Six building. It is open from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

We cordially invite you to take advantage of the promotion!

Space in business – lecture “Rockets and Astronauts – a new trillion Euro industry”

How are space sector projects used by companies from various industries? On Wednesday, July 27 at 10 a.m. at O4, you will have a unique opportunity to find out what problems the solves. creative use of satellite data and Earth Observation for commercial purposes.

The meeting will be moderated by experts Izan Peris and Magni Johansson from Disrupt Space – Europe’s leading initiative aimed at stimulating the potential of space sector startups.

In addition, you will see 8 startups that are developing their “space” projects in Gdańsk as part of the Space3ac accelerator. Their solutions include, among others, the use of drones to repair high-voltage power lines, the use of satellite data for renewable energy producers, “satellite ecodriving” for the transport industry, or comprehensive systems to increase the efficiency of crops in agriculture.



10.00 Lecture “Rockets and Astronauts – a new trillion Euro industry”

11.00 – Speeches and questions

12.00 – Meeting with mentors


We cordially invite you!

Take a break for a massage

On August 1, O4 will offer you a 15-minute massage throughout the day, which will improve the condition of your back, reduce muscle tension and motivate you to work. An initiative organized by Well Done, a company that provides professional massages in the workplace.

15 minutes of massage on an ergonomic chair, clothed and without oils, will put you back on your feet, you will feel an immediate improvement in your well-being and motivation to act, and the masseur, through specially selected massage movements, will oxygenate your muscles, improve circulation and the condition of your back. On top of that, it will massage your head, neck and shoulders, as well as perform hand gymnastics to keep your wrists in good shape.

Where and when? On the ground floor of O4, entrance from the patio, from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.20150904-001_0868

Entries: At the O4 reception until Friday 29 July

Price: PLN 30 (payment on the day of receiving the massage), discount for people who sign up today, i.e. 27 July -25%, details at the O4 reception.

ATTENTION: Limited number of places (30)! Don’t hesitate to sign up.

Organizer: Well Done, Corporate Chair Massage

We cordially invite you!

Meeting with experts “From Entrepreneur to Influencer: How to Get Noticed Globally”

Would you like to read about your successes on the front pages of Forbes? Do you dream of TechChrunch taking an interest in the history of your startup? Join the event, on August 8 at 6 p.m., at O4 you will be able to listen to inspiring lectures, take part in a discussion panel and meet journalists from all over the world.

During the conference, you will find out why it is worth becoming an influencer, you will learn how to make everyone in the industry talk about you, and above all, you will learn the key to success in the American media market. The lectures will be given by: John Rampton, Murray Newlands, Dennis Mitzner and Piotr Bucki.

The meeting is closed, so please confirm your participation in the conference. The conference will be held entirely in English.

If you have any questions, please contact Magdalena Ciszewska (

We cordially invite you!

Recruitment for the Java course at infoShare Academy is underway – start on August 20th!

Java Developer is one of the most sought-after profiles of programmers in the IT market. If you program in C, C++, Python, PHP, Perl, JavaScript or any other language and would like to become a Java Developer – join us!


What you will learn during the course:

  • you will learn the basic programming tools used in the daily work of a programmer
  • you will learn programming in Java in the Standard version
  • you will learn the key elements of the Java platform in the Enterprise version and the Hibernate framework
  • you will use TDD, a technique for writing an application that enables automated testing
  • you will understand the need and practical advantages of code refactoring
  • you will learn how to effectively use the GIT version control system
  • understand the value of code reviews
  • you will learn how to properly secure web applications
  • you will learn how to effectively use the Continuous integration environment
  • you will understand the importance of basic UML diagrams and design patterns
  • correctly define and implement an API on the Java platform
  • you will learn how to work in Scrum, a popular methodology of agile software development


The course will take place from 20.08.16 to 06.03.2017. Classes are held in the Olivia Four building (O4) on weekends, from 3.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.

Details and applications can be found on the Infoshare Academy website or at


Become a Java Ninja – we look forward to seeing you!