Sii, in cooperation with Olivia Business Centre, has started a series of meetings called Dessert with HR. On the dessert stage, well-known and respected HR experts, representatives of Tri-City business, athletes and well-known personalities perform to share their experiences with the HR audience. The first meeting of the series at which performed. gold medalist of the Olympic Games, Mateusz Kusznierewicz, took place in July at the Olivia Sky Club in Gdańsk. The next one will take place on 11 October, where Katarzyna Figura will be the star of the meeting.
The goal of Dessert with HR is to exchange knowledge about HR tools and processes and, in fact, to get to know this environment from the proverbial inside out. These events were created for specialists from the HR, EB and marketing industries – says Alicja Sawicka, the originator of the initiative. The series of meetings is also a platform for networking and, above all, conversation. Thanks to its substantive program and inspiring guests, Dessert with HR attracts nearly 100 specialists from the largest companies in Pomerania and companies from the BPO/SSC area
In the programme of the second edition of Dessert with HR, which will once again be hosted at Olivia Sky Club, Katarzyna Figura, a well-known and respected actor, will tell HR professionals how not to slow down in their professional life and how to be at the top all the time. The presentation Motivate yourself, or the way to achieve satisfaction at work is a recipe for success and practical tips from an award-winning film and theatre actress. The event will end with a discussion panel devoted to HR tools and methods of supporting people with a decrease in motivation to work – So that I feel like it the way I don’t want to.
Alicja Sawicka, Head of the Recruitment and HR Department at Sii, adds: “ During Dessert with HR, we care about the quality of the program. Each time, the participants of the meeting take part in speeches by charismatic and outstanding speakers. We have already managed to invite Mateusz Kusznierewicz to collaborate on Dessert with HR, who captivated the gathered HR audience by sharing his story The end of an athlete’s career… And what’s next? How to turn your passion into success on many levels. We also hosted an outstanding HR expert – Zdzisław Nieckarz, PhD, HR expert, coach, trainer and publicist.
In addition to the case studies themselves, we want to mobilize participants to talk about difficult and controversial topics. We hope that everyone who takes part in Dessert with HR will find something suitable for themselves and will be able to use the new knowledge in their work and implement interesting solutions in their company. Together with Sii, we would like to invite you to the next meeting, which will take place on October 11, 20136 at Olivia Sky Club. We start as always at 13:00. – says Małgorzata Ziemkowska, Customer Service Manager at Olivia Business Centre. The organizers will provide those interested with an even greater dose of HR knowledge and the presence of other well-known faces who will share their unique stories.

The next meeting will take place on 11.10.2016 (Tuesday) at 13:00 in Olivia Sky Club (Olivia Tower, 12th floor).
You can sign up and register for the event on the website. The number of places is limited. Each of the invited companies can designate two people to participate in the meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact Alicja Sawicka or Dominika Arendt