Marek Kamiński’s most important expedition – a meeting with a traveller

On January 13 at 6:00 p.m., in the O4 coworking space, there will be a unique meeting with Marek Kamiński, a Polish polar explorer, traveler and entrepreneur. In 2015, Marek Kamiński walked 4000 km in 100 days along the legendary Camino pilgrimage route, known as the Way of St. Paul. Jacob. Kamiński calls this journey “a journey into the depths of oneself”, “the most important journey in my life”. We will be able to find out why during the meeting.

Although he had previously conquered both poles of the earth, the most difficult expedition in his life turned out to be the expedition to the third pole. Where is he? In my head. Marek Kamiński’s book “The Third Pole” will also be presented. The meeting will be moderated by Monika Bogdanowicz.

Traveller, polar explorer, entrepreneur. The first and only man in the world to reach both poles of the Earth in one year. He participated in expeditions to Antarctica, Greenland, crossed the Atlantic Ocean twice on a yacht, crossed the Gibson Desert, and in 2004 reached both poles with a disabled boy – Jasiek Mela.

22.07.2016 Warsaw . WKS - book cover, in the photo Marek Kamiński - traveller, make-up Lena Kamińska. Fig. Albert Zawada / Agencja Gazeta

An expert in the field of motivation and leadership. Founder of the Marek Kamiński Institute – a training company and owner of Invena SA, a leading company in the heating and sanitary industry. In 1996, he founded the Marek Kamiński Foundation , which implements large social projects addressed to selected groups of people in need, with particular emphasis on people with disabilities. The Foundation organizes European Camps of the Conquerors of the Poles for sick, disabled and disadvantaged children.

Winner of many awards: for outstanding contribution to the promotion of Polish in the world. Decorated Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta Polish.

Marek Kamiński is the author ofnumerous books. Currently, she is developing her own Pole Method, based on self-development, which teaches how to achieve goals. He put this program into practice during his trip to Santiago de Compostela.

We cordially invite you! Free admission, registration at

Join the event

Partners of the event:



Provincial and Municipal Public Library in Gdansk

Stara Oliwa

Get money to grow your business

The Pomerania Development Agency announces a call for applications for co-financing projects under Sub-measure 2.2.1. Profiled investments – subsidy support. The competition is addressed to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Applications must be submitted between 1 February and 15 March 2017. The general envelope of funds allocated to co-financing projects under the call That’s over PLN 66 million.

Paper applications should be submitted in person at the headquarters of the Pomerania Development Agency S.A. (Olivia Six building), from Monday to Friday at 8.00-15.00 or send to the following address:

Pomerania Development Agency S.A.
Al. Grunwaldzka 472 D, 80-309 Gdansk

How to apply
The application form must first be completed and sent in the Application Form available on the website.

Then, you should submit an application to the Pomerania Development Agency, which consists of a signed application form with the necessary attachments in paper form, in person or sent to the address indicated above.

Detailed rules for submitting applications for funding are set out in point 11 of the Competition Regulations.

Types of projects for which funding is intended

Investments in enterprises to:

  • expanding the markets or the range of products/services offered or significantly improving their quality – projects that fit into the areas of smart specialisation,
  • improving efficiency through the use of information and communication technologies,
  • reduction of water, raw material, material, transport and energy consumption of production processes, i.e. Including. saving raw materials and energy and reducing emissions of harmful substances into the environment,

and consisting of:

  • construction and development of infrastructure ( facilities, machinery, installations, equipment),
  • modernization of fixed assets necessary to conduct and develop business activity,
  • implementation of fundamental changes in the production process or changes in the way services are provided (including services provided electronically), introduction of organizational changes consisting in the implementation of enterprise management systems, including environmental management systems, computerization of production processes.


More information is available on the website of the Pomerania Development Agency.

Contest Rules


Olivia Football League, 2024/2025 season. Check out the results!

The 12th season of the Olivia Football League is underway. This time, 12 teams are fighting for the cup and fame. Who will win gold, silver, bronze? What will be the record for goals in a single match? Who will score the most goals in the regular season? Check out the current results! All matches are conducted by a team of referees selected by the Pomeranian Football Association.



Full list of League teams




Just Join IT


Blue Team (thyssenkrupp)

EPAM Systems

Ricoh Business Services



Arrow Services

Olivia Centre

Santander Work Cafe


FK Lyreco

Viterra UK


Match results


Tydzień 14-20.10.2024

Ricoh Business Services vs Ferchau – 0 : 2

Just Join IT vs EPAM Systems – 3 : 2


Tydzień 21-27.10.2024

Arrow vs Viterra Polska – 0:10

Olivia Centre vs FK Lyreco – 9:2


Tydzień 28.10- 03.11.2024

Energa vs Blue Team – 3:5


Tydzień 04.11-10.11.2024

Ricoh vs Just Join IT – (08.11)




Aktualna tabela wyników (28.10.2024)












Visit the Metropolitan Job Fair and find a job for yourself!

The next Metropolitan Job Fair (MTP) will be held on 2 March, from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m., at the AmberExpo conference and congress centre in Gdańsk. The organizers of the event are: our Resident Gdańsk Labour Office – Job Office and the Provincial Labour Office in Gdańsk. We invite all job seekers to visit the Fair today – not only offers from Tri-City employers, but also trainings and workshops are waiting for you.

Olivia Business Centre and our coworking space O4 will be present at MTP (details soon), look for us at Amber Expo:)

We also encourage our Residents to take part in the event. This is a great opportunity to present your company and attract new staff:)…

At the fair, there will not only be an opportunity to talk directly with your future boss, but also to gain many practical tips on how to talk about the future. Recruitment. Participants will be able to learn, for example, how to use network monitoring and social media in recruitment, how to create interactive applications and business strategy. A wide range of free training courses will also be presented.

In the Recruitment Alley , experts will tell you what are the most common mistakes made when sending a CV and what you should do to avoid many months of searching and get your dream job right away. There will also be an opportunity to take photos for application documents and professional business photography. If your job requires knowledge of a foreign language, you will certainly need a short training session with qualified teachers before talking to the employer.

For those who dream of being their own boss, there will be a special Entrepreneurship Zone. Here you will learn where to get funds to start your business, how to develop your idea into a thriving business, as well as where to look for an affordable and professional place to base your business. There will also be an opportunity to test your strength as a future entrepreneur in a special role-playing game, where the secrets of marketing, negotiation and management will be revealed.

A special stand of the Talent Development Centre will be prepared for pupils and students, where they will be able to discover their professional predispositions and determine their further career path.

More information, registration for trainings and workshops are available on the Metropolitan Job Fair website.

The success of the Tri-City and companies residing in Olivia Business Centre. The CEE Awards 2017 have been handed out.

The Tri-City Agglomeration is the most dynamically developing city, Gdańsk with the main award for the initiative of the year in the public sector (for the Gdańsk Shared Services Centre). PwC ” Provider of the most unique services” – the international jury of the CEE Awards 2017 awarded this title to the company for the Financial Competence Center located in OBC in Gdańsk, servicing processes related to the prevention of financial crime. The award in the ” Best IT Center” category went to SII, also based in Olivia Business Centre, one of the largest IT employers in Pomerania.

For the last 5 years, the CEE Awards Gala has been gathering representatives of international outsourcing companies, local governments, and specialists in the business services sector (BSS – Business Services Sector) from Central and Eastern Europe. This year, during the ceremony in Warsaw, the Pomeranian Voivodeship was represented by representatives of Gdańsk, Gdynia, the Pomerania Development Agency (based in OBC) and Tri-City companies.

The awards, which are an expression of appreciation for the contribution to the development of the business services sector, were awarded in 25 categories. Five main awards went to the Tri-City and the companies located there. The title of Manager of the Year went to the Managing Director and Vice President of the Polish branch of State Street Bank, Scott Newmanowand. The Gdańsk branch of the institution is located in Alchemia.

The success of Tri-City companies is also the success of the Invest in Pomerania (OBC) team, an initiative which, based on the non-profit principle, helps foreign investors implement investment projects in Pomerania.


More information is presented on the Invest in Pomerania website.

Full list of winners

Visit the Metropolitan Job Fair and find a job for yourself!

The next Metropolitan Job Fair (MTP) will be held on 2 March, between 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m., in the Gdańsk conference and congress centre AmberExpo. The event is organised by our Resident: Gdański Urząd Pracy – Job Office and the Provincial Employment Office in Gdańsk. Right now, we invite all those who are looking for a job to visit the Fair – there will be offers of employers from the Tricity as well as training courses and workshops.

Olivia Business Centre and our O4 coworking space will be present at MTP (details soon), look for us at Amber Expo:)

We also invite our Residents to participate in the event. This will be an excellent opportunity to present your company and attract new staff members :)…

At the Fair, there will be opportunities of direct conversations with a future boss as well as to acquire a number of guidelines on recruitment. The participants will be able to find out, for instance, how to use web monitoring and social media in recruitment, how to develop interactive applications and business strategies. An extensive offer of free training will also be presented.

In Recruitment Avenue , experts will indicate the most frequent and common mistakes in sending CVs and what to do to avoid months’ long search for a job and to find a job of your dreams right away. There will also be an opportunity to make photos to application documents and professional business photographs. If your future job requires the command of a foreign language, you can definitely make use of a short training provided by qualified teachers before an interview with an employer.

For those who dream of being their own boss, a special Entrepreneurship Zone will be prepared. Here you will find out where to find funding to begin your business, how to develop your ideas into a well faring business as well as how to look for an inexpensive and professional location for your company. Moreover, there will be an opportunity to try your strengths as a future businessman/businesswoman in a special game in which the secrets of marketing, negotiations and management will be uncovered.

For students, a special Talent Development Centre stand will be developed where they will be able to reveal their professional predispositions and identify their future career paths.

More information, enrolment to the training and workshops at the site of the Metropolitan Job Fair.

Success of the Tricity and the companies residing at the Olivia Business Centre. CEE Awards 2017 handed over.

The Tricity agglomeration the most dynamically growing city; Gdańsk with the main prize for the annual initiative in the public sector (for the Gdańsk Shared Service Centre). PwC a ” Provider of most unique services” – the international CEE Awards 2017 jury granted the title to the company for its Financial Competence Centre located at OBC in Gdańsk. The award in the category: ” Best IT centre” was granted to SII, one of the largest IT employers in Pomerania, also with its offices at the Olivia Business Centre.

For 5 years, the CEE Awards gala has been attracting representatives of international outsourcing companies, local authorities, specialists in BSS – Business Services Sector from Central and Eastern Europe. This year, the Province of Pomerania was represented in Warsaw by representatives from Gdańsk, Gdynia, the Pomerania Development Agency (with its offices at OBC) and Tricity companies.

The awards – being recognition to contribution to the development of the business services sector – were granted in 25 categories. Five main prizes were awarded to the Tricity and local companies. The title of the Manager of the Year was awarded to the Managing Director and Vice-President of the Polish Branch of State Street Bank, Scott Newman. The Gdańsk branch of the Bank is located in Alchemia.

The success of companies from the Tricity is also a success of the Invest in Pomerania (OBC) team, a non-profit initiative that supports foreign investors in their investment projects in Pomerania .


More information is available on the Invest in Pomerania website.

Sii among the best IT employers in Poland

Sii, one of the largest IT companies in the country, which employs 2,700 people, is among the best IT employers in Poland. Computerworld magazine awarded Sii the title of Distinguished Workplace in IT. The employer has been awarded in the plebiscite for the 5th year in a row. Sii has been continuously taking part in the competition for many years and each time takes a place on the podium. Among the winners of this year’s edition were: Britenet and ING.

The award is granted on the basis of an external audit – an anonymous survey of employees assessing their job satisfaction – AudiIT. The aim of the survey is to determine the level of engagement, satisfaction and motivation of IT employees and to select companies in which the levels of these variables are the highest. The results of the fifth edition of the survey were announced during the Computerworld conference, which took place at the end of January 2017 in Warsaw.

Organizations participating in AudIT undergo a survey to determine the extent to which they are able to meet the needs formulated by IT professionals. This is an extremely important and prestigious distinction for us, which we have received thanks to the positive opinions of our engineers. At Sii, we put emphasis on employee satisfaction – we care about a relaxed atmosphere, friendly organizational culture, development opportunities and a rich package of benefits says Joanna Kucharska, HR and Communication Director at Sii.

The company is famous for conducting many Employer Branding activities. What primarily attracts experts to work at Sii are technological trends and various IT projects that the company implements for clients from all over the world. In line with upcoming trends – in 2017 Sii will be recruiting mainly programmers: .NET, Java, Front-end, SharePoint, Oracle, security specialists, manual and automated testers, and analysts.

The company has its branches in the largest cities in Poland: Warsaw, Gdańsk, Wrocław, Kraków, Poznań, Lublin, Łódź and Katowice. Over 700 employees currently work in Gdansk. We are looking for programmers in .NET, Xamarin, Java, Embedded, automated and manual testers, DevOps and system architects.

In 2017, Sii Poland plans to expand its team by nearly 400 specialists and will exceed the number of 3,000 employees. The company has made a significant contribution to the rapidly developing market of new technologies in Poland and intends to continue its expansion in the new year.

Employing over 2700 engineers, Sii sp. of o. about. is a leading provider of IT and industrial engineering services in Poland. He supports clients in consulting, analysis and testing, software development, infrastructure management, system integration and maintenance, and industrial engineering. Sii specialists carry out projects for leading companies in the banking and finance, insurance, telecommunications, Hi-Tech, energy and industry sectors. The company was established in January 2006. in Warsaw. After 11 years of operation, Sii has 8 offices in Poland: in Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Poznan, Krakow, Łódź, Lublin and Katowice. For more information about the company, please visit:

The Olivia Business Centre complex is located in the middle of the agglomeration, at al. Grunwaldzka – the main artery of the Tri-City. The business centre is characterized by excellent access to public transport, including the Fast Urban Railway station and bus and tram stops. In the immediate vicinity there is the multifunctional Olivia Hall and the Main Campus of the University of Gdańsk. So far, the following buildings have been completed as part of the Olivia Business Centre investment: Olivia Gate, Olivia Point, Olivia Tower, Olivia Four and Olivia Six. Olivia Star will be commissioned in 2017.

Give love (and more) to homeless animals for Valentine’s Day

On the occasion of the upcoming Valentine’s Day, Coworking O4 organized a collection of articles for the “Promyk” Shelter for Homeless Animals. Our faithful pets need not only love, but also essential items.

Blankets, towels, pillowcases, food for puppies and kittens, cashews and skin diseases are collected. All things that we want to give to pets should be left at the O4 reception. The collection lasts until February 14 (Tuesday) inclusive.

Thank you!