The third edition of the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget has been launched

The Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget is a programme supporting social initiatives of the inhabitants of Oliwa. The aim of the project is to develop the potential of the district, modernize the common space and support activities integrating the Oliwa community. On 11 June, the call for proposals for the third edition of the budget began.


As in the first and second editions, also this year the pool of funds allocated for co-financed projects will amount to PLN 18 thousand. 12,000 zlotys were donated by Olivia Business Centre, and 6,000 by Andrzej Stelmasiewicz, a councillor of the City of Gdańsk from the area of Oliwa. Both soft projects (organization of meetings, courses or workshops) as well as infrastructure projects that will permanently fit into the character of the Oliwa space can apply for funding. The call for applications in this year’s edition started on 11 June, and you can submit them until the end of the summer holidays. The announcement of the results is scheduled for the first half of September 2022.


In last year’s edition, three projects were co-financed:

  • Christmas Festival at the Market Square in Oliwa, submitted by the City Initiative Association. It is a social and cultural event, which included decorative workshops for children and adults, joint arrangement of space, a Christmas fair and music.
  • Sports and educational path at Primary School No. 35 with Sports Departments Jan Parandowski in Gdansk. The installation enables outdoor fun and learning for all the little inhabitants of the district.
  • Tai Chi in Oliwa, submitted by the Park On Association. The project included 38 hours of Tai Chi classes for people with Parkinson’s disease, caregivers and people willing to conduct this form of activity.


Funding under the Oliwa Neighbourhood Budget is granted to projects implemented in Oliwa, most often by the residents themselves and local institutions, and their selection is made by local social activists, city and district councillors who know the needs of our local community very well, so we are convinced that this initiative hits the mark and contributes to the development of Oliwa. – says Bogusław Wieczorek, representative of Olivia Centre. “In the previous edition, we managed to co-finance a wide variety of areas of local activity and we hope that this year will be similar. Together with the residents, we have managed to create a sustainable program for the development of the place where we all live and work. Adds.



Graphcore R&D Center in Olivia

Graphcore, one of the world’s most innovative companies, develops computing systems for artificial intelligence that are backed by global technology leaders including Sequoia Capital, Fidelity International, BMW iVentures, Dell, Microsoft, and Samsung, as well as recognized AI innovators such as Demis Hassabis, co-founder of Deepmind, and OpenAI’s Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever, Scott Gray, and Pieter Abbeel.


The company has designed a processor called the Intelligence Processing Unit (IPU), whose architecture allows researchers to apply new machine learning methods and algorithms that have not been available with existing technologies. In the Polish office, Graphcore employees introduce artificial intelligence solutions in large research and development units working in HPC (High Performance Computing) technology, which can be used in a wide range of applications. One of the effects of the implementations so far is a 5-fold acceleration of medium-term weather forecasts (including tornado warnings). The systems used allow for the discovery of new drugs or support physical simulations of matter particles at the Large Hadron Collider at the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) near Geneva.


The IPU is currently a state-of-the-art processor, designed by the company to meet the unique computing requirements of AI-enabled processes. Graphcore systems are used in many industries, in pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, financial services, automotive and consumer internet services and provide unique opportunities to drive innovation in machine intelligence.


The second task of the Gdańsk branch is the implementation and adaptation of Graphcore systems to data centers offering artificial intelligence services in the cloud, enabling easy and intuitive access to Graphcore technology. It is in this area that the company will concentrate a significant part of its work and is therefore already recruiting. Graphcore’s R&D center works directly with R&D units, universities, and companies that use AI to solve a wide spectrum of business and scientific problems.


– We believe that our technology will become the global standard for machine intelligence computing. The Graphcore IPU will have an impact on more and more industries and sectors with real potential for positive impact on society, from drug discovery to decarbonization – says Nigel Toon, co-founder and CEO of Graphcore. A Paweł Pieczul, Chief Accounting Officer engineering at Graphcore Poland adds: A wide range of skills possessed and developed by specialists in Gdansk and Poland in general, allow Graphcore to hand over many of the company’s most important projects to the local team. Our presence in the Tri-City for high-class IT specialists means the opportunity to participate in advanced projects on a global scale. Many of them have completed extremely demanding tasks so far, and yet they feel a lot of excitement about the opportunity to participate in the projects that our R&D center is working on.


The British company has moved into an office on the 30th floor of the highest building in northern Poland, Olivia Star. From its windows there is a 360° panorama of the entire Tri-City. Its employees can therefore work with a view of the Bay of Gdańsk as well as the Tri-City Landscape Park full of forested hills. The office is located just two floors below the public observation deck, located 130 meters above the ground. At the same time, at the foot of the building, there is an exotic Olivia Garden, which is filled with 3 thousand plants from five continents, reaching up to 11 meters in height.

“As Olivia, we are aware that by inviting such Residents as Graphcore, we are taking a real part in creating a hub of smart specialisations in Gdańsk,” says Bogusław Wieczorek from Olivia Centre. The ecosystem of innovative companies in Olivia, which has been created for years, has so far been built by companies such as Amazon, which is developing its Alexa text-to-speech project, or Nethansa, which is developing models and optimization algorithms for sales channel management systems in the e-commerce industry, will be strengthened by one of the most innovative companies in the world. The Graphcore R&D Centre is a great opportunity for Pomeranian companies and research centres to develop cooperation, for experts to develop their competences, but at the same time to confirm that the so-called “Graphcore” is a great opportunity for Pomeranian companies and research centres. The talent pool in the Tri-City is really high and attracts the best leading innovators from all over the world, creating jobs of the highest quality.

A new route to Olivia

Did you know that you can use two roads when going to Olivia? The first one is the “traditional” one, which is used by most of us, leading the way with Olivia Gate. The second one, which we just rebuilt for you – is now much simpler (literally) – and leads by Olivia Prime.


The new road makes it easier to travel in both directions: Gdańsk and Gdynia.


See our map and enjoy two routes. It will be faster and even easier. The opening of the new road will take place on July 4.



Our suggestions for the summer!

It will be short but concise. We are starting with summer activities. We invite you to cruises to the sunset: every Wednesday and to beach volleyball classes every Thursday.



We live by the sea, so we can’t help but sail! We invite you every Wednesday for a cruise on the Bay of Gdansk. Into the sunset. Olivia is on a roll:) We invite all intrepid – beginners and experienced. Those who want to enjoy the summer to the fullest. Taking part in a cruise does not require sailing experience, but it is possible to gain it and catch the bug for an activity that can change your life!

  • Sunset cruise.
  • We start from the most beautiful marina in Poland, located at the end of the Sopot pier. This is also where we end our cruise.
  • We depart at 18:00
  • We return at 20:00



It’s also time for beach volleyball! We invite you every Thursday to the beach volleyball court at Olivia Park! Ahead of you is a training session during which everyone will find something for themselves.

  • Classes are held on a full-size sports field.
  • The first class runs from 5:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.
  • The next group sees each other from 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m
  • During the training, we will learn the classic for this discipline batting in teams of two, bounce techniques, positioning and communication.
  • Each participant will have the opportunity to learn or practice moves typical only for beach volleyball.
  • Everything will always end with a match game.



Bicycle novelties in Olivia

Did you know that there are as many as 851 kilometres* of cycling routes in Gdansk? So switch to a bike for health and beauty and speed to Olivia on your two-wheeler. What do we offer to lovers of two wheels?


Novelty! Rent a bicycle locker

With My Olivia you can rent a BICYCLE LOCKER from THIS SPRING.It’s easy!

  1. Download My Olivia from the App Store or Google Play (if you don’t already have it)
  2. Click on the BIKE icon in the app (if you don’t have it yet, wait a moment, we will enable this option gradually)
  3. Go through everything STEP BY STEP (takes a minute or two).

What are your options?

  • cabinet in the garage hall;
  • cupboard in the garage hall (with shower);
  • locker in the bicycle locker room (with shower).

How long can you rent a bike locker for?

  • 90 days
  • 180 days
  • 360 days

How much does it cost?

  • locker in the garage hall – PLN 30 for 90 days,
  • locker in the garage hall, with access to a shower – PLN 60 for 90 days,
  • locker in the bicycle locker room (with access to a shower) – 90 PLN for 90 days.

How to do it? Step by step.

  1. You choose the building where you WANT to have a locker.
  2. You choose a service (e.g. a locker in a garage hall).
  3. You indicate how long you want to rent it for (90, 180, 360 days) and click “next”.
  4. You check if the order is correct.
  5. If you want to receive an invoice, tick the “Invoice” checkbox.
  6. You pay for everything and rent a locker.

You will receive a confirmation of your purchase with the e-mail address you provided when registering in the My Olivia application.

We have two working days to complete all the formalities and contact you to issue you with the locker key. That’s it:)


What else should I know?

Bicycle racks are located inside the garage halls on the “-1” levels and outside Olivia – you can see them on the attached map.

We have two bicycle repair stations in Olivia:

  • at the Olivia Six building;
  • at Olivia Point.

Charity for children from Ukraine

Conferences, lectures, yoga and concerts have already taken place in Olivia Garden, but there has never been a magic show! On Thursday afternoon we were visited by Bill Herz, one of the most renowned illusionists in the world. Over the many years of his career, Bill has earned the title of “King of Corporate Magic.” No wonder – it has performed for almost all Fortune 500 companies.


Now she performs for charity for the youngest audience. Especially the one whose carefree moments were taken away by the war. For the past few weeks, Bill has been traveling around Poland, visiting cities where a particularly large number of Ukrainian families have found shelter. He is accompanied by writer R. Cooper, editor of The Atlantic, who describes the places he has visited in order to publish the final report in the next issue. Bill’s performance was co-created by his lovely wife, son, and assistant. They were in constant contact with the audience, and each of their lines was translated into Ukrainian by the translator Anya.


Over 120 people took part in both screenings. There were toddlers taking their first steps, preschool toddlers and adult schoolchildren. More than one face opened in surprise.


Our guests and artists were impressed by the garden, the viewing floor and the atmosphere. We, on the other hand, are impressed by Bill’s incredible energy, humor and magic.


Sail with us on May 8th!

Do you love the vastness of the sea, extraordinary adventures and wind? You are in the perfect place, that is in Olivia:)

We invite all the intrepid. Beginners and experienced. Those who are simply driven by the spring weather and want to do unique things. Taking part in our spring cruises does not require sailing experience, but you can gain it and catch the bug for an activity that can change your life!


As always, we are coming to you with two proposals for cruises on the Bay of Gdansk. When? This Sunday, May 8th!

  • A full-day cruise to Hel. Another expedition on the Bay of Gdansk this season. SOPOT – HEL – SOPOT | 9:30- 18:00 | Buy a ticket
  • Sunset cruise. SOPOT – SOPOT | 18:30- 21:00 | Buy a ticket


What to take (apart from a good mood)?

  • A comfortable set consisting of a waterproof windproof jacket, long pants and full shoes will be perfect. Layering is the key to success.
  • Shoes: sporty, with white soles.


Do you have any questions? Write to Kasper!

Kasper Orkisz

Tel. 501 094 461

The Power of Olivia’s People

#Razem can we do more #Sercem with Ukraine


When planning events and campaigns for the current year, we did not know that we would have to face the need to organize rapid aid for war refugees from Ukraine. We were accompanied by feelings of uncertainty, sadness, and the incredible strength of our community!


We have been working intensively since the first days of the war. In response to the demand reported by the Polish Red Cross, we started collecting donations, brought the articles, sorted them, and finally, thanks to the courtesy of Omida, we transported them to the PCK warehouse, from where they were handed over to people in need. Together, we collected almost a ton of needed donations!


At the same time, we launched a fundraiser to equip nursing rooms for babies and mothers. The war in Ukraine has driven thousands of women and children from their homes. Many of them, in search of safety, reach our city, Gdańsk. Together, we collected almost PLN 12,000 to equip nursing rooms for the youngest war refugees from Ukraine! With the money raised, we bought and delivered comfortable baby feeding chairs, changing tables, cabinets, travel cots, soft blankets and a lot of necessary care trinkets to Gdańsk Helps Ukraine points.


You have trusted us. We received phone calls and e-mails asking what was needed, where to donate money and how to get personally involved in volunteering. And we responded. Everyone tried to help as much as they could: with their knowledge, talent, free time, helping hands. At that time, on the initiative of the Olivia Centre Choir, we started working on a charity concert “Heart with Ukraine”. We engaged artists, created a script, and organized a safe space. It was a touching and unique event – on March 28, 2022, on the stage of the 34. Almost 100 Polish and Ukrainian artists performed. Thanks to your generosity and commitment in the purchase of tickets for the “Heart with Ukraine” concert, we have collected over 180% of the necessary amount! We used it to buy layettes for Ukrainian babies and their mothers. Thanks to you, babies and their caregivers will have everything they need to be cared for and wrapped.


That’s not all! In cooperation with the City of Gdańsk and the UP Foundation, we have opened a charity shop called TAKE&GO, where war refugees from Ukraine can stock up on the most necessary things free of charge. Natka and Natka Bistro decided to donate vouchers for lunches to volunteers who are on duty at the point 6 days a week. The store is located on the ground floor of the Olivia Four building and is open every day, from Monday to Saturday, from 12:00 to 18:00. You can stock up on cosmetics, household chemicals and school supplies. If you feel that you want to support this initiative by providing articles in this field or in the form of service, we invite you to contact the coordinator Karolina Weiner at:


Thank you for your trust, commitment, open hearts and helping hands. Although our initiatives for Ukrainian war refugees are noble and necessary, we fervently desire that as soon as possible… turned out to be unnecessary.




Eco Olivia: circular paper economy

We are the first business center in Poland where Tork PaperCircle is implemented – an innovative recycling service for used paper towels. Tork PaperCircle is the world’s first project to recycle recycled paper towels. It enables the implementation of circular economy in public facilities, which is crucial in terms of rational resource management.


Paper towels are currently the most popular method of drying hands, but only 1% of them are recycled today. After the implementation of Tork PaperCircle in Olivia, exactly 100% of the towels will be recycled and can be reused. The scale of the undertaking is considerable; Employees of companies with offices in similar facilities use more than 11 million paper towels annually. From now on, all towels that end up in the containers will be transported to Essity’s local factories and processed into new paper products.


This type of waste management has another important dimension. Thanks to its implementation, the reduction of CO2 consumption generated in connection with paper production will reach 40%.


– Olivia is eager to implement any innovations that are conducive to environmental protection, circular economy or improvement of the natural environment – says Bogusław Wieczorek, Plenipotentiary of the Management Board of Olivia Centre. – Tork PaperCircle is our next eco-friendly project. Recently, we have prepared a nesting house for the peregrine falcon, which has set its sights on the top of our tallest building, Olivia Star, and regularly lives there. Environmental responsibility is close to our hearts already at the design stage of each building; each of them is subject to strict BREEAM certification, obtaining grades ranging from Very Good to Excellent. -Adds.


“It is very important for us to promote such a policy among residents, hence the annual Olivia Eco award for companies whose projects contribute to the improvement of the natural environment. This year, the title was awarded together with the United Nations Global Compact. The awareness and activity of our residents in this area is impressive: in 2020, ABAX planted 100,000 trees, and in 2021, ZR Trade implemented a #ZeroWasteWorking project, assuming the introduction of good practices in everyday work, which not only contributed to more efficient management of resources, but also to the perfect integration of employees – says Bogusław Wieczorek.


Entre Gdańsk – let yourself be drawn into the city!

Have you ever thought that while walking through the main streets of Gdansk, you passed a lion devouring a man, or a guy resting with a skull under his arm? We talk to Mikołaj Witkowski, the creator of the first app in Poland for exploring the city using riddles, about an unusual view of the city.

Mikołaj Witkowski – Master of Science in Automation and Robotics, graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Currently, he works at Olivia Center at Speednet as a Java Developer. An amateur of basketball and volleyball, after hours he creates mobile applications that are hard to break away from.


Małgosia Szumała, Olivia Centre: Entre Gdańsk is your first mobile app?

Mikołaj Witkowski, Entre Gdansk: Yes! Whenever I wanted to get to know an unknown city and see what it could see, I was guided by maps, not even knowing how many interesting things I passed on the way. I thought it would be nice if someone prepared such a map “step by step” so that I wouldn’t miss anything important. I’ve always wanted to grow, so I started acting. It quickly turned out that the work was going in the right direction, then Sylwia and Łukasz joined the team, whose advice was invaluable.


Why Entre Gdansk? Where did the idea for the name of the app come from?


I was inspired by the recently popular escape rooms, in which the player’s goal is to get out. In my app, it’s the other way around – the goal of the game is not to get out, but to enter the city even more carefully. Hence the “entre”. I really like this way of exploring the city, so I thought maybe there are more people who will like it too.


Is Gdańsk your hometown?


Almost. I moved here when I was a toddler. I feel like a citizen of Gdansk, so it often happened to me that I was showing my friends around who were visiting our city for the first time. When I told them about Gdansk, mentioning monuments such as the armoury or the torture chamber, it turned out that they had never heard of them. Overall, while working on the app, I listened very carefully to my friends’ suggestions. I’ve always been like that myself, paying attention to details and I thought that this is the kind of attention to detail I want to promote in my application.


Details can be time-consuming. How long did it take you to work on the app?


I’m a Java Developer and in order to create an application I had to learn the right technology first. Of course, I thought it would be a good idea to make an app for two platforms at once (Android and iOS at the same time) so that even more people could use it. I became interested in the Flutter technology and it was in it that I created the app. I also needed time to figure out from A to Z how interesting it should look. The first version wasn’t perfect, but we saw that it made sense and that people enjoyed exploring the city through puzzles. I sat on the application after working hours, in the evenings. Simply out of passion. I also consulted with my team. It’s an app that I knew from the beginning that I wasn’t creating for a drawer, that I wanted to show it to the world. I can’t imagine such a project not consulting with other people, not checking other points of view. Sylwia and Łukasz’s perspectives were very important to me. Sometimes I found them paying attention to things that I wouldn’t have thought of at all.


What was it like to work on each puzzle?


I wanted to show popular places in Gdansk, but from a slightly different point of view. I had to take the time to learn about the history of the places and, of course, consult the riddles with a professional guide. A nice example of a new point of view is Neptune. In the game, I don’t ask what he’s holding in his hand, because we all know what he’s holding, but what Neptune’s trident is pointing to. I had a lot of fun preparing puzzles myself. I also read books and articles about Gdansk. Of course, I already knew a lot, but I still had to read more. The riddles are formulated in such a way that it is not enough to look for the answers on the Internet. You have to look carefully and find a solution yourself. The city is full of ambiguities. One time I walked up to the Green Gate to take a closer look at it, and suddenly I saw a relief of a lion eating a man — I thought: who even came up with this? I go on and look, and at the entrance to the tenement house there is a sculpture of a guy lying there holding a skull. I love walking through streets that I’ve looked at hundreds of thousands of times and looking at them in detail. In the Entre Gdańsk app you will find puzzles that make you just have to move. The app motivates you to be active outdoors.



Was that the most important goal of your application? Motivate users to be smart?


There were several goals. The aim of the application is to show the points of the city, already known to tourists and Gdańsk residents, but from an unusual side, to encourage people to be mindful and to show that learning history can have a very interesting form. After solving the puzzle, we get information about the monument. It’s nice that we can both read and listen to it, both in Polish and English. I want to show Gdańsk in an interesting way. In Entre Gdansk there are both the most important monuments and places that I would simply like to recommend. It can be an attractive way of sightseeing for a tourist, or someone who wants to spend time in an interesting way.

An additional goal for me and my team was to create something that we would be proud of, that would allow us to learn something new, broaden our horizons. I also wanted to have an interesting project in my portfolio. For now, I’m treating app development as a developmental one, it’s my passion, but I don’t rule out that in the future creating will be a source of income for me.


Who is the Entre Gdańsk app intended for (what kind of recipient is it aimed at)?


It’s definitely not just for tourists. Entre Gdańsk has a clear element of fun – I didn’t want to make a typical informational application, I wanted a project that would give the audience fun, but also have added value. Since we visit cities with phones in our hands anyway, why not use them for a more educational purpose. I recommend our app to people who want to show the city to children, I recommend it to residents who want to get to know the city and its history well. There are a lot of people who work here, but they haven’t found the time to explore the city properly. We have tried to make the application as intuitive as possible – readable for children and adults, and even the elderly who also use smartphones on a daily basis. I can also recommend an app to use during an unusual history lesson. After all, the goal of parents and educators is to inspire. The game can be played together, in a group, as a duo or solo. Of course, there are also other apps designed to visit cities. However, I didn’t notice that there was the element of the game that Entre Gdańsk provides.


What tools did you use to create the app?


I used the cross-platform Flutter technology. It’s called “cross-platform” because one code can be translated into Android and iOS at the same time, and even into web apps. I was intrigued because I’d never written in anything like this before and it would be good to give it a try. I really enjoyed working with this framework.


Do you already have plans for the next apps or is it time for a firecracker?


The worst thing is that I have a lot of more ideas I just don’t have enough time! I also have an idea for an app to inform users about very mundane matters that we sometimes don’t think about at all. I’m going to tell you a little bit about it, but I can’t reveal too much because I hope that one day I’ll really be able to make this app. However, I’m sure it will be an educational app again. As pathetic as it may sound, it is by creating such applications that I feel a mission. I want my apps to have added value, to be something interesting for both me and the users of my apps. I’d also like to make a similar game for Warsaw (the cool thing about my app is that it’s very scalable). When my friend and I were walking around Warsaw, inventing riddles, she told me that after using Entre Gdańsk she would never look at the city in the same way again. This app simply teaches you to be mindful, you immediately have a different focus on monuments, details, bas-reliefs, or paintings. I hope to spread this way of looking at the city a bit. Recently, someone in the city centre asked me what to visit in Gdansk, because the old town is boring. But I think that Gdańsk is incredibly interesting, not only because it differs in the construction of streets from other old parts of cities in Poland. I think that our streets simply have their own character and unique atmosphere. If my interlocutor had paid attention to the details of the old part of Gdansk, he would certainly not have said that it was boring. It may not be an innovative way of looking at the city, but it’s very satisfying.



In that case, I wish everyone to pay attention to detail when visiting cities and have as much fun developing their passions as you do!


I think working on the app was a lot of fun for me and my friends, even though it cost us a lot of work, sleepless nights, and after-hours commitment. I often didn’t start work until my fiancée went to bed. I also had to make sure I didn’t work on the app all the time. It just gave me a lot of fun, especially since I did it on my own initiative, no one imposed it on me. Working on the app was very inspiring for me.


Are you planning to expand the Entre Gdańsk app then?


Yes, absolutely! I have a feeling that it will be a continuous work. I would also like to make such an application for other cities, and my little dream is to make such a game abroad. Because why not? I also have some base for coming up with puzzles, now I would like to transfer the idea to other places, to other cities, districts. This is not a closed project.


We are looking forward to the next editions of the Entre Gdańsk app and your next apps!