IX edition of Global Entrepreneurship Week

From 14 to 20 November, Global Entrepreneurship Week takes place. The Pomerania Development Agency is the regional coordinator of the project, to which Olivia Business Centre invites its Residents. Today (i.e. 31.10) until the end of the day you can register on the www.tydzienprzedsiebiorczosci.pl and become a ŚTP2016 Partner.

Global Entrepreneurship Week is a cyclical, international initiative promoting entrepreneurship among people around the world. At the same time, thousands of meetings and events are taking place around the world. The project is addressed to all people who want to broaden their knowledge about entrepreneurship.

The catalogue of possible events is very wide and includes, for example, meetings with entrepreneurs, trainings, seminars, workshops, lectures on entrepreneurship, conferences, as well as open days, games, competitions, exhibitions, performances, lessons and many other activities.

The main theme is the social aspect of business: social entrepreneurship, CSR and social startups. However, this in no way excludes other topics related to the labor market or other aspects of business.

The Pomerania Development Agency encourages Pomeranian business environment institutions, companies, schools, universities and offices to organize events as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, e.g. in the form of conferences, workshops, meetings with experts or business games related to entrepreneurship. The growing popularity of the initiative is evidenced by the fact that last year in our province 160 events were held, attended by 5500 people.

The Global Entrepreneurship Week Foundation strives to build a community of people who represent various sectors and industries and want to work together to increase innovation and entrepreneurship among Poles.

Information about the events organized as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week will be posted on the national website of the event, as well as on the website of the regional coordinator of the IDA.


Let’s show the strength of the Olivia Business Centre community as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week. Let’s meet, get to know each other better and get involved in the development of joint projects.

Recruitment for the Java course at infoShare Academy is underway – start on December 3rd!

Java Developer is one of the most sought-after profiles of programmers in the IT market. If you program in C, C++, Python, PHP, Perl, JavaScript or any other language and would like to become a Java Developer – join us! On 3.12 the Java course at infoShare Academy will start.


What you will learn during the course:

  • you will learn the basic programming tools used in the daily work of a programmer
  • you will learn programming in Java in the Standard version
  • you will learn the key elements of the Java platform in the Enterprise version and the Hibernate framework
  • you will use TDD, a technique for writing an application that enables automated testing
  • you will understand the need and practical advantages of code refactoring
  • you will learn how to effectively use the GIT version control system
  • understand the value of code reviews
  • you will learn how to properly secure web applications
  • you will learn how to effectively use the Continuous integration environment
  • you will understand the importance of basic UML diagrams and design patterns
  • correctly define and implement an API on the Java platform
  • you will learn how to work in Scrum, a popular methodology of agile software development


The course will take place from 3.12.16 to 25.06.2017. Classes are held in the Olivia Four building (O4) on weekends, from 8.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Details and applications are available on the website or at kontakt@infoshareacedmy.com

Become a Java Ninja – we look forward to seeing you!

9th edition of the Global Entrepreneurship Week

The Global Entrepreneurship Week is held on 14 – 20 November. The Pomerania Development Agency is the regional project coordinator to which the Olivia Business Centre invites its Residents. Today (i.e. 31.10) is the last day of registration by the end of the day at
and become a partner of GEW2016.

The Global Entrepreneurship Week is a regular international initiative promoting entrepreneurship among inhabitants all over the world. At the same time, thousands of meetings and events are held all over the world. The project is addressed to all those who wish to expand their knowledge on entrepreneurship.

The catalogue of events that may be carried out is very extensive and covers e.g. meetings with entrepreneurs, training, seminars, workshops, lectures on entrepreneurship, conferences, as well as open days, games, competitions, exhibitions, performances, lessons and many more activities.

Social aspects of business are the core theme: social entrepreneurship, CSR and social startups. By no means that excludes other subjects related to the labour market or other business aspects.

The Pomerania Development Agency encourages business environment institutions from Pomerania, companies, schools, universities and authorities to organise events within the Global Entrepreneurship Week, e.g. in the form of conferences, workshops, meetings with experts or business games related to entrepreneurship. The growing popularity of the initiative is reflected in the fact that last year there were 160 events attended by 5500 persons in our province.

The Global Entrepreneurship Week Foundation has been trying to gather a community of people around the initiative, who represent various sectors and industries, and who wish to support innovation and entrepreneurship among Poles.

Information on events organised within the Global Entrepreneurship Week is published on the national website of the event as well as on the PDA, the regional coordinator’s site.


Let us see the strength of the Olivia Business Centre community in the Global Entrepreneurship Week. Let’s meet, get to know each other better and get involved in the development of common projects.

Smart Metropolis Congress on November 23-24

I cordially invite you to participate in the Smart Metropolis 2016 Congress, which will be held in Gdańsk on 23-24 November at AmberExpo. The event is organized in partnership with the Ministry of Development. The aim of the Smart Metropolis Congress is to create a discourse on metropolises and their role in the modern world.

The main theme of this year’s edition of the Congress will be ” Openness and Security” of European metropolises, which we will try to look at in various contexts. During the plenary sessions and panels, topics such as factors influencing the security of metropolitan areas, as well as the role of urban-rural connections in the sustainable development of regions and countries will be discussed. An attempt will be made to identify the threat to which metropolises are exposed and to consider the extent to which their prevention is needed. In this context, questions will not be omitted about the scope of tasks, the coordination of which on a metropolitan scale is conducive to, or even necessary, to ensure the broadly understood safety of residents.

Among the dozens of confirmed panelists, we will hear m.in. Rolf-Barnim Foth – responsible for the development of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region, Jose Ribeiro – member of the board of the Porto Metropolitan Area, Prof. Saskii Sassen co-creator of the most important international ranking of metropolises (GAWC), and Nicolas Beets – Special Plenipotentiary of the Netherlands for (the Netherlands reformed its largest metropolitan areas in 2015 and in 2016 led to the adoption of the Pact of Amsterdam as part of the EU’s new urban agenda).

Programme of the Congress


We cordially invite you!

Unleash the idea! Venture Day at Olivia Business Centre

The Venture Day (VD) conference starts today at Olivia Business Centre (OBC). This unique project has been implementing the concept of combining many diverse environments for four years, supporting the Polish innovation ecosystem and integrating the world of science with the world of business. The event takes place as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week.

For the first time, representatives of venture capital funds, private equity, small and medium-sized enterprises and large corporations, start-ups, scientists, practitioners and business theoreticians will meet in Olivia Business Centre – the largest and most modern business center in northern Poland.

“We couldn’t have chosen any other place. Olivia Business Centre fits perfectly into the assumptions of our project, identical to those of Olivia, such as exchange of knowledge, inspiration and cooperation. This year we are meeting in o4, Olivia Business Centre co-working space dedicated, of course, to innovations – said Izabela Disterheft, President of the Management Board of the Pomeranian ICT-Interizon Cluster, co-organizer and co-author of the Venture Day.

Venture Day is intended to help establish relationships and cooperation between representatives of various business environments. The programme of this year’s event, held at Olivia Business Centre in Gdańsk, includes: m.in. lectures on issues related to the commercialization of innovative solutions, transfer of technology to business or support for the development of innovation in enterprises. Important elements of the Venture Day are networking sessions and individual meetings of originators with potential collaborators/investors (capital funds, corporations) organized in the speed dating formula. They will take place throughout the whole day of the conference, in three rooms of the OBC.

In Venture Day, the speakers will be m.in. representatives of Gdynia Maritime University, Medical University of Gdansk, National Centre for Research and Development, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, Energa SA, Lotos, Orange, Intel, IBM, KPMG and representatives of Blac Pearls VC, Experior Venture Fund, Inovo VC, Innovation Nest and Kondracki Celej.

Venture Day, Olivia Business Centre, 17-18 November 2016

More on the website of the organizer of Venture Day

Event programme: Gdansk

Rödl & Partner training: Amendments to the Accounting Act 2016

We are pleased to announce that our Resident, Rödl & Partner, is resuming the “Let’s meet at Rödl & Partner” training courses and invites you to a meeting devoted to the amendments to the Accounting Act 2016.

During the training, the issues that most often raise doubts of entities conducting business activity will be discussed.Particularly noteworthy in this topic are:

  • Origins and justification of the amendments to the Act
  • New categories of entities
  • Simplifications acceptable
  • New template of financial statements
  • Comparative Data Transformation
  • New definitions of links between entities
  • Amendments to the Activity Reports
  • Other changes: materiality, settlement of goodwill, consolidated financial statements and planned amendments to the Act for 2017

Moderator: Małgorzata Guzińska-Błońska. A graduate of economics at the University of Gdańsk. In 2003 she became a member of ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants). From 2009 to 2015, she was an inspector of the Polish National Council of Statutory Auditors. She has been with Rödl & Partner since 2001. Małgorzata Guzińska-Błońska is the Head of the Audit Department in the Gdańsk office, where she audits separate and consolidated financial statements (including public companies), transforms financial statements prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Accounting Act into IFRS/IAS, US GAAP or in accordance with the German Balance Sheet Law (HGB). She specializes in consolidated financial statements

The meeting will take place on November 30, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Olivia Sky Club in the Olivia Tower building, al. Grunwaldzka 472A in Gdansk.

Applications until 28 November 2016 are accepted by e-mail

Marta Sikorska-Kierst

The number of places is limited, the organizer can ensure the participation of one person from a given company. In order to participate, it is necessary to receive an e-mail confirmation of the registration of the participant.


Rödl & Partner: training course “Amendments to the Polish Accounting Act – 2016”

We are happy to inform that our Resident, Rödl & Partner, resumes their training series “Let’s meet at Rödl & Partner” and it takes opportunity to invite to a training course on “ Amendments to the Polish Accounting Act – 2016″

During the training course, issues will be discussed, which most often present a puzzle to businesses. In this context, the following topics deserve particular attention:

  • Background and reasons for amendments to the act
  • New categories of entities
  • Simplifications for enterprises
  • Financial statements – new template
  • Comparative data conversion
  • New definitions of links between entities
  • Changes concerning management reports
  • Other changes: significance, accounting for goodwill, consolidated financial statements and amendments to the act planned for 2017

Speaker: Małgorzata Guzińska-Błońska. Małgorzata Guzińska-Błońska is a Master of Economics from Gdansk University. She became a member of the Association of Charted Certified Accountants (ACCA) in 2003. Between 2009 and 2015 she was an inspector in the Polish National Chamber of Statutory Auditors. She has been with Rödl & Partner since 2001. Małgorzata Guzińska-Błońska heads the Gdansk Audit Department and deals with auditing separate and consolidated financial statements (of public companies included), converting financial statements prepared according to the Polish Accounting Act into the IFRS/IAS format, US GAAP or the German accounting law (HGB). She specialises in consolidated financial statements.

The meeting will be held in the Polish language on 30 November 2016 in the Olivia Sky Club in the building Olivia Tower at al. Grunwaldzka 472A in Gdansk.

Registration till 28 November 2016 via e-mail Marta Sikorska-Kierst


Please note that the number of participants is limited and Rödl & Partner can only guarantee one place per company. E-mail confirmation is necessary.

O4Family family meeting

We cordially invite you to the O4Family Family meeting, which will take place on December 3, from 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m., in the O4 coworking space (Olivia Four). During the meeting, thinking critically, you will be able to talk about family and upbringing, learn how to compose meals, defend yourself and plan an economic, yet fascinating journey for the whole family.


Agenda of the meeting

Let’s talk about family

11.00-11.20 – Family relationships – how to build them?

11.25 a.m. – 11.45 a.m. – How the media affect the self-esteem of girls and women, Fearless

11.50 a.m. – 12.20 p.m. – Critical thinking, Maciej Winiarek

12.25-12.45 – Common meals – how and why? Anna Dutkowska

Let’s have fun! (workshops for parents and children)

11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. – Animations for small children

11.00-11.30 – Family meal composition, Anna Dutkowska

11.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. / 12.30 p.m. – 1.30 p.m. – TOC – critical thinking in the family, Maciej Winiarek

11.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. – Family acting workshops, Malwina Tkaczyk

11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. – Meeting with Ela Pałasz

12.00 p.m. – 12.30 p.m./12.30 p.m. – 1.00 p.m. – Self-defense, Patryk Pilas

1.00 p.m. – 2.00 p.m. – Travel workshops

During the meeting, you can freely participate in those modules (talks and workshops) that are of interest to every family.


Everyone will receive a gift from Ziaja and Adamada, will be able to taste the delicious products of the Bakra company – sweetness coming from nature. Participants will be able to measure their blood pressure and measure their body composition on a body composition analyser thanks to Medicover.

During the meeting, there will also be family competitions, during which you will be able to win, among others, books from the Adamada publishing house.

The entire amount obtained from the sale of tickets will be donated to the Gdańsk Foundation for Social Innovation as help for children and young people in a difficult socio-economic situation.

Sign up for a series of 8 O4Family workshops! The number of places is limited.

O4Family is a series of 8 workshops for parents and children aged 8-14. We spend time creatively with TOGETHER! We learn to communicate, cooperate, notice and meet each other’s needs.

For more information, please contact urszula.matlak@o4.network



Subscribe to the Job Office database and find a job!

In the Job Office you will find the current offer of the Public Employment Services and comprehensive information on the current offer of services of the District Labour Office in Gdańsk addressed to employers looking for employees. The choice is very large, and the full range of forms of support includes, m.in. internships, training and financial support for the creation of new jobs.

From now on, there is an application form for candidates who would like to find a job through the Job Office or reach out to corporate employers. Anyone can upload their CV on their own and log in via the (very short) application form https://joboffice.traffit.com/public/an/7

Get to know the Job Office

Following in the footsteps of Google – Sii creates a creative office with a slide in Olivia Business Centre

In 6 months, Sii will move to the modern and tallest office building in the Tri-City Olivia Star in the Olivia Business Centre complex. Within six months, the second largest IT employer in Northern Poland will create creative interiors inspired by Silicon Valley giants. Work is underway on the arrangement of work, relaxation and sports zones and the construction of a slide connecting the adjacent floors.

The company’s goal is to create the most comfortable and modern workplace, which is to accommodate nearly 1,100 employees within 5 years. In May 2017, more than 700 engineers will occupy 5 floors of the office building with a total area of 6,500 sqm. Sii’s new office will include a gym, a climbing wall, relaxation rooms and games zones with billiards, table tennis, game consoles, a room for breastfeeding mothers, a space for children and many other attractions.

Michael Desmurs, Director of Sii Gdansk says – Our office will primarily be a workplace where we conduct technologically advanced IT projects. However, we know that comfortable conditions, team integration and the opportunity to regenerate contribute to greater satisfaction, satisfaction and, above all, greater efficiency of employees. Then they identify more strongly with the employer, they are more motivated and thanks to that we all benefit from it.

visualizationreception2An employee-friendly office will be created in Olivia Star, which will stand out among IT companies in Poland. Office spaces that consist only of standard workspaces such as desks and armchairs are a thing of the past. There is not much time left before Sii’s move, so the work on the interior design is advanced. The official opening of the new headquarters in Olivia Star is planned for May 2017.

Employing nearly 2,700 top-class IT engineers in Poland, Sii is the fastest growing company in the IT and industrial engineering sector . The company has 8 offices in the largest cities in Poland. Sii carries out international projects for clients from all over the world. Sii Gdansk is looking for experienced programmers, testers, analysts, system architects, automation engineers and robotics specialists for its current projects.

More information:

Dominic Arendt

Specialist PR & EB


Tel. +48 536 988 882,

+48 587 674 141