11 golden W + 2H. Pytania, które zbudują Twoją Strategię sprzedaży

Date: 24.11.2022
Time: 09:00
Building: Four
O4 Coworking
500 zł - for residents
500 zł - for non-residents

How to sell easier and more effectively? You have to ask yourself uncomfortable questions and question the answers to them. “11 golden W + 2H . Questions that will build your Sales Strategy” is an interactive workshop and work on your business. We will introduce you to a world stripped of illusion, where you will find a real customer, without wasting time on those who are not your customers.


Moderator: Rafał Liebrecht, marketing and sales strategist. One of the TOP10 of the Polish-language Linkedin. Speaker at many conferences. Author of expert articles for trade newspapers. Author and trainer of the 11 golden W + 2H program, creating a marketing and sales strategy based on primary questions. He specializes in creating blue ocean strategy. Her work is largely based on the use of the schema of cognitive errors and heuristics that guide people in the purchasing process. She advises CEOs and conducts workshops after which you will sell more, more effectively and more easily, because you will know “HOW?”.



  • If you are a member of the 04 Coworking community, you can get a 50% discount. Details below.


What will you gain by participating in the workshop?


You will learn and learn how to:

  • build a sales strategy in which you don’t have to sell to the customer, but make them want to buy
  • create the perfect CUSTOMER AVATAR, i.e. the one who will actually spend money with you
  • create a sales support group
  • conduct inbound marketing activities so that your customer comes to you on their own
  • talk to the customer so that he wants to buy
  • you have to look on the market so that the customer knows that it is worth buying from you
  • Create a strategy plan in 13 steps.


You will answer the following questions:

  • Where are your customers and how do you find them?
  • What tactics to choose in the assumed strategy?
  • What and who will you need to carry out sales activities?


The entire workshop is based on 13 primary questions divided in a way that gives a clear and lucid picture of building a marketing and sales strategy. Participants build a strategic framework based on their product and service, and then the group conducts a discussion in which we show the strengths and weaknesses.


Who is the workshop aimed at?

  • The workshop is for those who want to sell their products and services easier and more effectively.


When and where?

  • 24 November, at 9.00 – 15.00 (including 30 min break)
  • O4 Coworking, building: Olivia Four, Olivia Centre


How to join?


How much does it cost?

  • Cost of participation: PLN 500
  • Are you from the O4 Coworking community? Write to Martyna to receive an authorization CODE to receive a 50% discount.


Join the O4 Coworking community and benefit from lower prices! How to do it?

  • Sign up for the Flow Club: FLOW CLUB PACKAGES
  • Orbuy access to the O4 Coworking space:


Do you have any questions?


Buy your ticket here



Max. Number of participants
O4 Coworking Workshop
Martyna Czarnobaj-Borowska
Email: martyna.czarnobaj@oliviacentre.com
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