48 Energy Droplet

Date: 18.05.2022
Time: 08:30
Parking C Olivia Centre
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

On May 18, we invite the residents of the Tri-City, Friends and Donors to participate in a mobile blood donation campaign as part of the DROP OF ENERGY (www.kropelkaenergii.pl).
Due to COVID-19 and your safety, strict eligibility criteria still apply.


Useful information: – donor registration from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m . – each participant must have a face mask on their face – each participant will be tested for temperature and fill out an additional form in the tent (details on site) – disposable gloves on the participants’ hands will be welcome


To take part in the campaign, you need to sign up by sending an e-mail to: twojakropelka@gmail.com


The action will take place in the car park C of Olivia Business Centre (between the Olivia Hall and the Olivia Gate building). This is a special time, hence the request to you to follow the above guidelines.
If you have any questions, call Tomek or Piotr on the phones below.


Tomasz Rubanowicz (tel. 604 543 456) and Piotr Krysiński (tel. 601 529 929) are responsible for the efficient course of the action and providing organizational information. The action will be coordinated by the Organizers directly at the ambulances.


People who live outside the Tri-City or will be on holiday at that time can donate blood at the nearest blood points throughout the country with the password: “Kropelka Energii” (here are the addresses: http://www.nck.gov.pl/sluzba-krwi/rckik/ and local branches: http://www.nck.gov.pl/oddzialy-terenowe/). After donating blood, please send us information about the donation (confirmation) for statistical purposes to the following address: twojakropelka@gmail.com


What are the conditions to become an Honorary Blood Donor? Before donating blood, we encourage you to read the guidelines that must be met to become an Honorary Blood Donor. Detailed information can be obtained in the “For Donors” tab on the website: http://www.krew.gda.pl/ or consult a doctor directly in the ambulance.


REMARK! If you are planning to donate blood, you need to remember to: – be healthy, i.e. you cannot have symptoms m.in.
colds (e.g. runny nose, cough, herpes); – do not take medications such as: aspirin, paracetamol, anti-allergic; – do not donate blood on an empty stomach, i.e. be sure to eat a specific non-fiber meal and drink 1 liter of still water; – be well-rested and well-rested; – two hours before donating blood, do not smoke; – do not drink alcohol, also on the day before donating blood; – be sure to take your ID card or driving license, – replenish fluids in the body – drink 1 liter of water.


After the Covid vaccine, blood can be donated:– 2 days after the Pfizer or Moderna vaccination;– 14 days after Astra Zeneca vaccination

RCKiK encourages convalescents to donate plasma, which takes place only at the Blood Donation Station. More information on the website of the Regional Centre for Blood Donation and Treatment in Gdańsk www.krew.gda.pl


Bone marrow donor database People interested in registering in the bone marrow donor database should report it to the ambulance. For more information on how to become a bone marrow donor, please visit: http://przeszczepy.wordpress.com/pytania-i-odpowiedzi/ or https://www.dawca.pl/jak-zostac-dawca/dawstwo-szpiku


In accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Act on Public Blood Service of 22 August 1997, persons who donate blood are entitled to a fully paid leave from work on the day on which they donate blood and the day after donation (this is a new privilege during the epidemiological state). We suggest that you agree to participate in the action with your supervisor in advance. In our everyday surroundings (family, friends) there are situations that require blood transfusions. The need is obvious… There remains the question of courage and willingness. We cordially invite you to donate blood, because “We like to help… and to be a Giver is a great honor…”

Max. Number of participants
Kropelka Energii Foundation
Energy Droplet
Email: twojakropelka@gmail.com
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