Business dream map. Spotkanie Klubu Flow

Date: 11.01.2023
Time: 17:00
Building: Gate A
O4 Flow
99 zł - for residents
99 zł - for non-residents

The workshop and networking as part of the Flow Club meetings will be led by: Magdalena Poborca from the Symphony of Awakened Senses and Anna Mikians – event manager, organizer, photographer.


What will you learn at the meeting?

The end of the year and the beginning of the new year is a good time to make your STOP stop – one of many. We will meet to summarize and close activities, as well as to open and outline new activities. The workshop will be aimed at working through the development of your companies / businesses or projects that are important to you.

It will be a very creative time. Our goal is to go with you through the process of looking at your businesses with eyes full of joy and motivation for further action. We will encourage you to open up to your intuition and set new goals for 2023 in harmony with yourself and your abilities.


What will you get as part of the workshop?

  • Know-how and methods to summarize your achievements
  • dedicated individual and group exercises
  • creative workshop activities
  • working on a new concept for the development of your company / business / project
  • Networking with great women
  • 3 hours of work in feminine energy!


What’s more?

The first part of the workshop will be devoted to the summary of 2022. We will devote time and exercises to look at ourselves, our plans from the previous year, resolutions and assumptions. We will focus on extracting from the maze of activity what you think was of the greatest business importance. We will create a picture of the stage of development of your business projects.

In the next part, we will stop at building a roadmap to reach the next stage in your company/business/project. We will consider what is important on this path, what activities would be useful to you. Thanks to the workshop we are preparing, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of the potential of cooperation and work out ways to actively act on the spot.


Who will conduct the workshop?

Magdalena Poborca Symphony of the Awakened Senses

“I inspire and invite every woman on a beautiful and extraordinary journey… a journey to your inner self. Each of us wants to discover our potential, follow our heart, follow our dreams, live slower, calmer and lighter, while realizing and fulfilling our private and professional dreams. Everything is possible, you just need to stop for a moment and put yourself first. Free and intuitive movement, relaxation, aromatherapy, creating a creative dream map or painting are the tools I use to take women on this journey, both during workshops and individual meetings. I invite you to this journey as well!”


Ania Mikians – event manager, organizer, photographer

“I help others get to know themselves in the context of organizing work and running projects. I support women and small/start-up businesses in finding the best ways to plan and lay out a guiding outline of action. All this in accordance with your needs, capabilities and intuition. I approach planning as a helper, not a tormentor. Such running of you and your company consists of the experience of 15 years of work on various projects: Marek Kamiński’s expedition, 6 years of work and life in Barcelona, working in a corporation in an international team, teaching bilingual Polish traditions to children in a school for Polish-Spanish families, conducting marketing campaigns and organizing conferences for 2000 people, a recorded online course on organizing time at work and running your own business.”


January 11 at 17.00 – 20.00


O4 Coworking, Olivia Centre – Olivia Gate A building
O4 Flow 1st floor


How much does it cost?

Join the Flow Club and attend the meeting. How can I join? Sign up!

Or write to
and find out more.

  • Are you an O4rian? You can join the Flow Club for free!
  • Already in the Flow Club? Write an e-mail that you will be at the meeting!
  • You can also buy a one-time ticket and see if it’s something for you!






Max. Number of participants
Flow Club
Karolina Rymarczyk
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