Ceramic sneak peek – workshops from scratch.

Date: 27.02.2023
Time: 17:00
Building: Four
Jupiter Room, O4 Coworking
Not writable
49 zł - for residents
249 zł - for non-residents

I know that it’s not only my heart that beats faster when I look at beautifully made plates or hand-decorated mugs. Ceramics not only conquers our hearts, but also our homes. If you also think that it would be fun to create something yourself, you want to try ceramics, but you don’t know how to start, you have a creative soul and a desire to create – this workshop is for you!



During two two-hour meetings, you will learn one of the techniques of creating clay objects by hand.


  • At the first meeting – you make it.
  • On the second one – you decorate (glazing and painting with engobe).


You will create your own unique mug, soap dish or platter… In fact, you are only limited by your imagination! You will experience clay meditation and relax while creating. The teacher will talk about the process of making clay objects and guide you through it step by step.


  • “Ceramic Sneak Peek” consists of two meetings (February 27 and March 6).
  • Duration of each meeting: 2 hours.
  • The price includes a two-day workshop, all the necessary materials, the care of the teacher and the cost of firing the work twice.
  • The number of places is limited.


The classes will be conducted by Natalia Zaleska, co-founder of the art studio W O L N O / Ś S I O S T R O M. She creates clay vessels and sculptures. She conducts workshops and thus invites others into her world.



I highly and sincerely recommend,

Let’s meet at the workshops!

Ela Nowak-Barczuk

Olivia’s Communication Team







Max. Number of participants
Olivia Centre
Olivia's Communications Department
Email: komunikacja@oliviacentre.com
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