Challenges for entrepreneurs in 2023. Szkolenie ARP

Date: 12.01.2023
Time: 12:00
Olivia Six, Pomerania Development Agency
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

The Pomerania Development Agency invites you to a free training as part of the SPEKTRUM project: challenges for entrepreneurs in 2023.


Training program:


Legal risk management and liability of members of the company’s governing bodies in the context of the business judgment rule


From October 13, 2022 managers’ responsibilities have increased. The recent amendment to the Commercial Companies Code introduced the so-called the principle of economic judgment, according to which the manager must prove that he acted within the framework of a justified economic risk when making the decision. The increase in the risk of civil and criminal liability of managers forces them to collect appropriate data. Attorney Jarosław Ostrowski will answer to the questions:

  • What does “reasonable economic risk” mean?
  • What if we do not manage a given risk and an event occurs?
  • Will your procedures help or hurt?
  • How to prove acting within the limits of reasonable risk?

The training will be conducted by Jarosław Ostrowski, attorney-at-law, tax advisor, managing partner of Ostrowski & Partners Law Firm.


Panel Q&A


Indexation of public procurement in times of extraordinary changes in relations caused by war, inflation, pandemic, disruption of supply chains


What to do to increase the remuneration, avoid penalties or extend the deadline for the performance of a public procurement contract? Despite the current situation and in the face of numerous problems related to price increases or disruption of supply chains, how to valorise contracts? Artur Kołcz, attorney-at-law, will talk about the implementation of public procurement from the perspective of the contractor and the contracting authority. During the seminar you will learn:

  • What are the legal options for changing contracts?
  • How to calculate the claim for an increase in remuneration?
  • How should a request for a fee increase be prepared to the contracting authority with legal and factual justification?
  • How to safely conclude an annex/settlement between the contracting authority and the contractor?
  • What to do if the contracting authority refuses to conclude an annex/settlement?


The training will be conducted by Artur Kołcz, attorney-at-law, managing partner of the Ostrowski & Partners Law Firm.


Panel Q&A

  • The training will take place on January 12, 2023, at 12:00 – 15:00 at the headquarters of the IDA al. Grunwaldzka 472 D, 80-309 Gdansk
  • Free admission – registration required. Remark! The number of places is limited
  • The training organized as part of the project “SPEKTRUM. Pomeranian System of Consulting Services”. The SPEKTRUM system is financed from EU funds implemented under the Regional Operational Programme of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020, Measure 2.4.1.



Sign up for training



Max. Number of participants
Pomerania Development Agency
Pomerania Development Agency
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