Diagnosis: Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism. What’s next? – warsztaty z cyklu “W głowie i na talerzu” | 17.06

Date: 17.06.2024
Time: 13:00
Olivia Six
Talent Development Center
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

We invite you to the next workshop in the series “In the head and on the plate”. This time a topic for a specific audience: “Diagnosis: Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism. What’s next?”. If you have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s disease and you can’t find your way around the maze of contradictory nutritional advice on the Internet, and despite taking medication you still feel unwell, then this workshop is for you!

The meeting will be hosted by Aleksandra Rodziewicz – psychodietician, biotechnologist, PhD student at the Medical University of Gdańsk, specialist in the field of clinical trials. As part of her doctoral dissertation, she studies the impact of a gluten-free diet on the health of women with Hashimoto’s disease. It combines reliable scientific knowledge about nutrition with psychodietetics. She specializes in diet therapy of thyroid diseases and insulin resistance. Author of the e-book “Diet in Hashimoto’s”, training “Diet in insulin resistance step by step”, online program “Master hormones and kilograms”, menus for women with thyroid disease and insulin resistance, and numerous webinars.


During the meeting you will learn m.in:

  • Do you need to eliminate gluten and dairy?
  • Is it worth doing food intolerance tests?
  • Is soy really that bad for the thyroid gland?
  • Are Brazil nuts a good source of selenium?
  • How to take thyroid medications so that they are better absorbed?
  • What and when is it worth supplementing?
This workshop is for you if:
  • Despite regulated thyroid hormones, you are still tired, lack energy and willingness to act, and have problems with concentration (the so-called “brain fog”).
  • Because of hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s, you have gained weight and/or cannot lose weight.
  • You are taking medication (e.g. Euthyrox, Letrox), but you still have a problem with lowering TSH.
  • You are not taking medication yet and want to take the best care of your thyroid to postpone the start of treatment.
  • You don’t know which information about diet in thyroid diseases to believe, because everyone says and writes something different.
  • You’ve tried different things (e.g. expensive supplements, gluten-free, dairy-free, low-carbohydrate, intermittent fasting, Dabrowska fasting), but you still don’t feel completely good


Take part in the workshops, gain practical knowledge and skills that will help you take care of your health and well-being through conscious food choices.


The workshop will take place on June 17, 2024 . from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m . at the Talent Development Center.

Participation in them is free of charge, but the number of places is limited.




Max. Number of participants
Talent Development Center
Talent Development Center
Email: informacja@centrumtalentow.pl
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