EXPORT and ESG. Webinar | 25.06

Date: 25.06.2024
Time: 10:00
Building: Online
Zoom Platform
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents
One of the most important aspects that affects the operations of companies is ESG.
This abbreviation stands for “Environmental, Social, and Governance”.
It is a set of standards and criteria that are designed to assess the company’s impact on the environment, society and management.


Over the next few years, the ESG reporting obligation will apply to a wide range of companies.
Reports will also be submitted by companies cooperating within the supply chain, which will be a challenge for them.
Therefore, we invite you to the online meeting EXPORT and ESG, which will take place June 25, 2024 at 10:00-11:30 on the Zoom platform.


Creating a good ESG strategy is becoming a necessity today for those who export and want to expand their foreign expansion.
Sustainable development in business will be another option for evaluating the offer, such as price, quality or transport.


The meeting is organized as part of the Pomeranian Export Broker 2030 project of the Pomerania Development Agency SA.
The partners of the event are TerGo and Zarzycka Export Services.

Where and when?

June 25, 2024Hours.
10:00-11:30 on the Zoom platform.



Max. Number of participants
Pomerania Development Agency
Pomerania Development Agency
Email: szkolenia@arp.gda.pl
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