First Time Manager – training

Date: 23.04.2024

Two-day training
Olivia Six
984 zł - for residents
984 zł - for non-residents

The role of a manager – leader is usually associated with someone who is a kind of visionary who is followed by people. They follow because they want to, and they do not run away from it by working out of a sense of compulsion. A good leader can motivate his team to set and achieve goals, triggering enthusiasm and commitment in himself and others. He is able to bring out and develop the strongest character traits and competences. A leader cares not only about the quality of his team’s work, but above all about satisfaction with the activities performed.


How to become a manager overnight – a leader and authority for your colleagues and subordinates – through work and change of behavior? – this is what we will learn during our workshops.


This workshop is intended for those taking their first steps in a leadership position and for those who will take up a managerial position in the near future.


By participating in the training:

– you will learn the basics of team management according to the concept of K. Blanchard

– you will receive proven team building tools

– you will learn techniques of communication with the team and employees in typical managerial situations

– you will learn to build your boss authority and deal with your new role in the team

– you will learn the ways and mechanisms of arousing motivation and commitment of the team

– you will learn how to deal with conflict and difficult situations in the team

– you will learn techniques for controlling your own and others’ emotions




Max. Number of participants
Pomerania Development Agency
Pomerania Development Agency
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