GFKM: Finance for Non-Financiers

Date: 02.03.2023
Time: 08:30
Olivia Gate B, GFKM
2050 zł - for residents
2050 zł - for non-residents

The Gdańsk Foundation for Management Training invites you to the training “Finance for Non-Financiers”. Profitability, liquidity, EBIT, ROCE – these and many other concepts in the field of company finance should be well known to every manager, including those who do not deal with finances on a daily basis. A good manager should also properly understand these parameters, be able to draw conclusions from them and make appropriate decisions based on them.


During the training, you will learn how to read and interpret financial data. On the basis of selected case studies, we will practice together the behavior, the power of impact and the interconnections between various financial parameters describing the state and effectiveness of the company’s operations.


You will find that as a non-financier, you have a much greater impact on shaping the results and important financial parameters of the company than you previously thought.


Three days of training:

March 2-4


For whom?

For a wide range of managers and all employees of the company who want and are required to understand important financial indicators and data.



Benefits for participants

After completing the training, its participants will be able to:

  • evaluate and influence the company’s success factors in achieving financial goals,
  • correctly interpret key financial data and ratios contained in financial documents and statements,
  • use methods of analysis of the current financial situation of your own company and business partners, e.g. to verify their payment credibility,
  • use useful indicators and parameters to set financial goals,
  • make decisions aimed at achieving financial goals.


Additional information

  • Training participants receive a complete set of materials
  • Class hours: 8:30 – 15:30
  • 23% VAT should be added to the price of the training


Price: 2050 PLN + 23% VAT






Max. Number of participants
Jolanta Jagłowska
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