GFKM Leadership Conference 2024: Direction Well-being | 20.09

Date: 20.09.2024
Time: 10:00
Building: Star
34th floor
199 zł - for residents
199 zł - for non-residents

GFKM Leadership Conference 2024 “Direction Well-being” is the seventh edition of the conference organized by the Gdańsk Foundation for Management Development.
The event gathers leaders, practitioners and business specialists who want to share their knowledge, experience and skills.
It is a space where people who face various business challenges on a daily basis can change their point of view, broaden their perspective and be inspired by the experiences of industry partners, while establishing new relationships.


This year, we will focus on the role of leaders in building happy organizations that care about the well-being of their employees.
The leitmotif is the search for answers to the following questions:

  • How to take care of well-being in an organization?
  • How can a well-being approach benefit business?
  • What tools can a leader use to take care of their company, area, department, team, but above all themselves?
  • What do employees of modern organizations expect and need from leaders?

We will focus on key issues related to leadership in an era of dynamic change, uncertainty and diversity.


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During the lectures, the guests invited by GFKM will focus on effective management in the context of building positive organizations.
We will talk about servant leadership, the economy of happiness and the importance of well-being for the effective implementation of business goals.
There will also be a discussion about the sense of meaning at work and a review of the results of industry research.
Together, we will learn proven tools, techniques and approaches that improve the comfort of work while supporting the achievement of results.


Through inspiring talks, participation in discussion panels and interactions with experts, participants will have the chance to expand their knowledge, acquire new skills and network with other professionals, thus creating a strong support network.
The event is aimed at leaders, managers and professionals from various fields who are looking for knowledge about competencies in the field of caring for well-being in business.


The conference is for anyone interested in a vision of a sustainable future, the use of the latest achievements of science and business, and the implementation of modern management methods.
We invite everyone who wants to constantly develop as leaders and as people.
Join us at the GFKM Leadership Conference 2024 to learn how to create happy organizations and how a well-being approach can benefit both employees and the business as a whole. We look forward to seeing you!





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Max. Number of participants
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