HR Club meeting: hybrid work in Poland

Date: 15.12.2022
Time: 12:00
Building: Tower
Olivia Sky Club
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

We invite you to the last meeting of the HR Club this year.
The guest of the club will be Dr. Anna Szabowska-Walaszczyk from Deloitte, who will present the results of the Deloitte study on the state of hybrid work. They are included in an extensive report: “The state of hybrid work in Poland”. We will find out what are the best practices for hybrid work, what are the barriers to its implementation, what affects motivation in teams working remotely or hybrid…



NOTE: meeting only for members of the HR Club



Anna Szabowska-Walaszczyk

An expert in employee experience, employer branding and diversity management with over 14 years of experience. As a manager in the Workforce Transformation & People Analytics team, he focuses on projects related to the future of work. She holds a PhD in social sciences in the field of occupational psychology – employee engagement and well-being, and still cooperates with Polish and international centers as a lecturer.


About the study

Polish organizations have been experimenting intensively for several years, looking for the best solutions in the hybrid work model. In order to respond to the needs of the market, Deloitte conducts consulting projects and regular training to help effectively implement hybrid work. To complement these experiences, in September 2022 a National survey of the state of hybrid work. The aim of the study was to check the effects of implementing the hybrid work model and how it works in Poland.

The results show that while we are definitely moving in this direction, many organizations have not yet taken care to introduce clear rules shaping the new work model, which often translates into negative employee experiences and reduced team effectiveness. The data also shows that the possibility of partially remote work is of great importance to employees. Since this form is effective and allows organizations to optimize space-related costs, it should be expected that the hybrid work model will be a standard for office workers in the coming years.


Key findings of the study:

  • More than 70% of organizations have implemented clear remote/hybrid work policies. Where such policies are not in place, it is seen as a “lack of idea” for how work is organized, leading to an overall less positive employee experience.
  • Nearly half of the respondents declare their willingness to change employers in the event of increasing the number of working days in the office. At the same time, one in three surveyed employees would agree to lower wages in order to obtain or maintain a satisfactory number of days of remote work
  • 37% of respondents do not receive any support from their employer for remote work. There is a “support gap” between expectations and what employers offer.


The meeting is only for members of the HR Club.

Join the HR Club.

The HR Club is an initiative established in Olivia in June 2018.

The partner of the project is the Gdańsk Lodge of BCC.






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