IDA training: change management

Date: 15.05.2023
Time: 09:00
306 zł - for residents
306 zł - for non-residents

Pomerania Development Agency invites you to the next part of the implementation of managerial competences. As part of the online training series, three important topics will be discussed:

  1. “Managing Change in a Rapidly Changing World”. – 15.05.2023, 9:00-12:00
  2. “Manager’s effectiveness – how to take care of managing your energy, motivation and time”. – 29.05.2023, 9:00-12:00
  3. “Managerial communication with employees from generations X, Y and Z”. – 05.06.2023, 9:00-12:00




– for the application for the entire cycle: PLN 189.00 net / PLN 232.47 gross – for each topic

– for applications for individual topics from the series: PLN 249.00 net / PLN 306.27 gross – for each topic



“Managing Change in a Rapidly Changing World”


Nowadays, change in a company is something inevitable. It is often the result of the need to adapt to changing law, market requirements, technology or the labor market. As humans, we subconsciously strive for stability that supports our sense of security, so sometimes it is hard to believe that the immutability in the sphere of operation of our companies is just a dream. So how do you lead an organization through change? How to see this as an opportunity for development? How to do it to keep employees motivated?


During this training, we will look at how employees react to change, look for solutions to minimize resistance to change, and develop a change communication plan.



  1. Change in the organization – sudden or planned? Onboarding and employee perspectives
  2. Man in change – employee reactions to change and reasons for resistance
  3. How to manage change to pull an employee from the line of resistance to the line of experimentation
  4. Manager tools for implementing a change


Małgorzata Kamińska – a trainer with several years of experience. She started her professional career by working in positions related to sales and marketing of services. He has experience in managing a team of several employees in one of the largest telecommunications companies in Poland. In addition, as the Head of the Sales Support Section, and then the Manager of the Training Section, she was responsible for observing and organizing the work of subordinate employees and acting for their personal and professional development. Currently, he is a trainer, coach and consultant in business in the field of strategic human resources management and a lecturer at the WSB University in Gdańsk and Gdynia.






Max. Number of participants
Pomerania Development Agency
Pomerania Development Agency
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