On April 16 , 2025, we are meeting again as part of the Linkedin Local – Tri-City initiative!
LinkedinLocal is a global, grassroots initiative to bring virtual connections from the LI professional network to the real world and build real human relationships.
We plan two very interesting lectures and time for coffee, something to eat and, of course, networking.
Attorney-at-law, author of articles on tomaszpalak.pl and in the press. He has been on the podium of the I Love Marketing conference seven times, he has also appeared at Infoshare, TEDx and other events. Lecturer at WSB, WSAiB, WSEI and UTH. An expert asked to speak by external entities – m.in. DD, TVN or prawo.pl. Author of the book “Internet and the law – how not to stumble?”
Owner of Plona Group, an external finance department that combines the services of the Financial Director and Accounting, making small and medium-sized entrepreneurs go from chaos to hard data, thanks to which they make confident business decisions. Author of the podcast Finance in Your Company, the online course Embrace Finance and the organizer of the only conference in Poland devoted to finance for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.
The hosts of the #LinkedinLocal – Tri-City meetings are Wojciech Wołoszyk and Kacper Wołoszyk