Mindfulness techniques for caring for yourself and your child. Warsztat Thinking Zone

Date: 19.10.2022
Time: 18:00
Building: Gate B
Thinking Zone
35 zł - for residents
35 zł - for non-residents

We invite you to a workshop entitled “Mindfulness techniques in caring for yourself and your child. Stress reduction and depression prevention”.


  • How to achieve peace and balance?
  • How to regain time for yourself and a sense of meaning?
  • How to determine your real needs and build healthy relationships?


The answer to these questions may be
mindfulness training using the Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy method
, which will soon start at the Thinking Zone school!


MBCT Mindfulness Training is an 8-week program that will start in November. However , this Wednesday, October 19 at 6:00 p.m., we invite you to an introductory workshop on the topic: “Mindfulness techniques for caring for yourself and your child.”


The workshop will be a meeting to introduce the topic of mindfulness before deciding to participate in this two-month Thinking Zone program.


The aim of the MBCT Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy training is to reduce stress, prevent mental life, prevent recurrence of depressive states, strengthen mental resilience, prevent parental and professional burnout, as well as develop new reaction habits.


The workshop is led by Katarzyna Sawicka, MBCT Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy trainer in the Oxford Mindfulness Centre certification process. Kasia is a laureate of the European Innovative Teaching Award, associated with education for twenty years. She conducts courses, workshops and trainings based on mindfulness, addressed in particular to parents and people working with children.





What do we learn during Mindfulness training?

  • Constructive problem management
  • active focus of attention and focus on reality
  • reducing the level of stress, anxiety and anxiety of controlling the flow of thoughts
  • conscious relaxation and reduction of psychosomatic symptoms caused by stress
  • building good relationships, developing empathy and acceptance
  • increasing the sense of happiness
  • developing new habits
  • take care of yourself and your loved ones


Who are we seeing on Wednesday 19.10.2022 at 18:00?





Max. Number of participants
Thinking Zone
Thinking Zone
Email: hello@thinkingzone.pl
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