Mindfulness. Warsztat wprowadzający do kursu uważności

Date: 22.02.2024
Time: 19:00
Building: Gate B
Thinking Zone
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

We invite everyone to an introductory workshop to
the 8-week mindfulness course in Thinking Zone.

Find out during the introductory workshop what such a course is, what benefits it can bring you, check if it is for you and decide if you want to make a change.



What it teaches
Mindfulness training


  • active experience of reality and self-efficacy
  • the ability to consciously relax and reduce psychosomatic symptoms caused by stress
  • prevention of recurrence of depressive states
  • recognizing the symptoms of depressed mood
  • rapid response strategies and burnout prevention
  • constructive coping with problems and building good relationships
  • the process of active attention and concentration


Introductory workshop
22 February 2024, 19:00-20:00


Meeting pointThinking Zone | Olivia Gate BAl. Grunwaldzka 47280-309 Gdansk


Katarzyna Sawicka

Trainer of MBCT Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in the Oxford Mindfulness Centre certification process. Kasia is a laureate of the European Innovative Teaching Award, associated with education for twenty years. She conducts courses, workshops and trainings based on mindfulness, addressed in particular to parents and people working with children




Eight-week MBCT Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Mindfulness Course


Mindfulness training using the MBCT method is an 8-week program during which participants will learn how to cope with stress, difficult emotions and a multitude of thoughts, anxiety and insomnia.


MBCT Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Mindfulness Training was created to help with a wide range of psychophysical health issues. MBCT combines elements of cognitive therapy with meditation practice and aims to develop an appropriate response to stress, pain, anxiety, depression, emotional problems, as well as to achieve well-being and better functioning. The method teaches how to achieve peace and balance, regain time for yourself and a sense of meaning. It helps in defining real needs and building healthy relationships.


The meetings are intended for adults.











Max. Number of participants
Thinking Zone
Thinking Zone
Email: hello@thinkingzone.pl
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