Olivia Prize 2023 award ceremony. Lecture by prof. Marcin Piatkowski’s “Polish Golden Age”

Date: 31.01.2024
Time: 18:00
Building: Star
34th floor
Not writable
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

We would like to invite you to the award ceremony in the Olivia Prize competition! For the fourth time, we will award the projects of employees and companies from Olivia Centre. The special guest of the event will be prof. Marcin Piatkowski.
Registration required.



Agenda of the meeting


18:00 Opening

18:00-18:10 Welcoming guests

18:10-19:10 Lecture by prof. Marcin Piatkowski’s “Polish Golden Age”

19:10-20:00 Olivia Prize Awards Ceremony

20:00-21:00 Closing / cocktail



Lecture by prof. Marcin Piatkowski’s “Polish Golden Age”



Marcin Piatkowski

Professor at Kozminski University in Warsaw and leading economist at the World Bank in Washington. Previously, he was a visiting economist at Harvard University, chief economist at PKO BP, economist at the European Department and advisor to the executive director at the International Monetary Fund in Washington. Former advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Republic of Poland. Author of several dozen scientific publications, lecturer at leading universities in the world and active commentator on economic events in the Polish and world media.


Author of the book “Europe’s Growth Champion. Insights from the Economic Rise of Poland.”, also published in Poland, where in 2019 it received the award of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the best book on economics, and in 2020 it won the first place in the Economicus competition of “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna” for the best book promoting economic knowledge.


“The Golden Age. How did Poland become a European leader in growth and what does the future hold for it?”


  • Why are some countries rich and others poor?
  • Why are some able to get out of economic backwardness, while others are stuck in poverty?


The author provides answers to these questions on the example of Polish and its unprecedented economic success after 1989, when we achieved the fastest growth rate in Europe and one of the fastest in the world. As a result, in just one generation, Poland joined a small group of high-income countries and entered its economic golden age. It also analyses the causes of the earlier centuries-long backwardness of the state and emphasizes the key role of inclusive institutions, culture, ideas and individuality as sources of Polish success. In addition, it points to threats to further development and proposes a new growth model that would allow Poland to catch up with the West for the first time in history.


Olivia Prize Awards Ceremony


The Olivia Prize is awarded in four categories:

  • Olivia Business – for an economic or business project, carried out individually or in teams by Olivia Centre Residents.
  • Olivia Pro Bono – for a social project, carried out individually or in teams by the Residents of Olivia Centre.
  • Olivia Eco – for an ecological project, carried out individually or in teams by Olivia Centre Residents.
  • Olivia Impact – for the project that in 2023 had the greatest positive impact on the environment, in the business, social or ecological area. This special prize is awarded at the Jury’s choice from among all submitted initiatives.


The winners will receive vouchers and statuettes prepared by the Prof. Tomasz Sobisz.


Prof. Academy of Fine Arts dr hab. Tomasz Sobisz

He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk in 1998. Habilitated doctor, works at his alma mater at the Faculty of Sculpture and Intermedia. Currently, he is the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Sculpture and Intermedia. His sculptural output has been honoured with many prestigious awards, including the award of the Minister of Culture and Art, the award of the Mayor of Gdańsk in the field of culture, the award of the Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, and the award at the First Triennial of Pomeranian Art. In 2012 he received the PRO PATRIA Medal, and in 2014 he was awarded the Skra Ormuzdowa and the Medal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland. He has presented his sculptural achievements at many exhibitions, including at the Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko (2011) and in Gdańsk at individual exhibitions: MEMORANDUM, STABILE (Gdańsk City Gallery, 2012) and BATTLEFIELD (State Gallery of Art in Sopot, 2015).

Max. Number of participants
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