Oliwa Children’s Day with our Neighbor

Date: 04.06.2022
Time: 11:00
Primary School No. 35
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

Together with Primary School No. 35 in Gdańsk Oliwa, we are pleased to invite all small and large Residents and Friends of the Olivia Centre to participate in the Oliwa Children’s Day!


On Saturday, June 4, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Where? On the playground of Primary School No. 35 (yes, they are our close neighbors), at ul. Wąsowicza 30 in Gdansk


For whom?
For all friends of Olivia Centre and Primary School No. 35

IN THE PROGRAM (among others)

  • Performances of rock bands, including: Tymon Tymański & Kosma
  • Performance of the Olivia Centre Choir
  • “Got Talent” Contest
  • Dance shows
  • Football match
  • Quizzes for the audience
  • Learning to skate


Stands & Workshops

  • Hockey
  • Figure skating
  • Handball
  • Bouncy castles
  • Artistic
  • Reading
  • Baby Zone
  • Fancy Faces
  • Small Builder


Family Competitions

  • Tug-of-war
  • Football matches
  • Orienteering
  • Acrobatic Track


There will also be a Food Truck zone, access to free water for all participants, a café and a lemonade stand.


Mark your calendars, bring your family and friends!

Let’s meet on June 4th!


Agenda of the event:


MAIN STAGE 11:00-11:10 Welcoming all gathered 11:11:10-11:25 Choir of Residents and Friends of Olivia 11:25-11:30 I entrance of Gdańsk Umbrella 11:30-11:35 Scottish dance show 11:35-12:00 Generational music – Tymon and Kosma Tymański 12:00-12:25 Got Talent – school edition 12:25-12:45 Quiz about the School, Olivia and the district – (1 of 10) 12:45-12:50 ACK – show of dance pairs 12:50-13:10 Zumba 13:10-13:15 II entrance of Gdańsk Parasolka 13:15-13:25 Dance performances of students of Primary School 35 13:25-13:35 ACK – show of dance pairs 13:35-14:00 Concert Nawia (Ola?) 14:00-14:20 Election of the nicest graduate 14:20-14:35 Skating pairs on stage 14:35-14:55 Final of the Gdańsk Umbrella lottery, Jerusalem dance 14:55-15:25 Concert Ilia

SCHOOL Exhibition of the Provincial Photo Competition “Oliwa” Reading Room – school chronicles

“BALLOON” 11:00-11:30 Hobby Horse 11:30-12:00 Games for the youngest 12:00-12:30 Celtic dance workshops 12:30-13:00 Kin-Ball 13:00-13:30 Competition of 75 throws on goal for handball 13:00-13:30 Tug-of-war competition of graduates, parents, employees of Primary School 35, residents of OBC 13:30-14:00 Game of Rope 14:00-14:30 Family fitness games m.in.: hula hoop circles, jumping in sacks parent with child  GYMNASTIC HALL 11:00-14:00 Gymnastic path, trampolines  MULTIFUNCTIONAL PITCH 1:00-12:00 Inline skating lessons 11:00-14:00 School sports   stations SAND PITCH 13:00-14:00 Volleyball match  

Square at ul. Wąsowicza 11:00-15:00 Orienteering  Competition Square behind the pitch 11:00-15:00 Bouncy castles  






Max. Number of participants
Primary School No. 35 Olivia Centre
SP 25
Email: sekretariat@sp35.edu.gdansk.pl
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