Sales process design and negotiations – training

Date: 22.04.2024
Time: 10:00

Two-day training
Online event
738 zł - for residents
738 zł - for non-residents

We cordially invite you to participate in a 2-day online training that will provide you with new perspectives and skills necessary for success in business. The program contains practical tips on how to implement the proposed solutions in the organization.



Training program


1. Sales process design

During this module, you will learn how to set up your sales process in such a way that it is consistent with how your customers want to buy. You will learn how to define your buyer personas and what is important to them. You will gain knowledge about which stages of the process to distinguish, how to qualify the customer for the next stage of the process and what measures to use to verify the effectiveness of activities. sales at a given stage.

1. Sales process vs buying process
2. How a B2B and B2C customer buys today
3. Who is our customer, i.e. buyer personas
4. Adapting sales activities to the customer’s purchasing process
5. Isolating and naming the stages of the process and assigning tasks to the stage
6. Conditions for qualification for the next stage of the process
7. Measures in the sales process and process improvement


2. Negotiations

During this module, you will learn what the negotiation process looks like “from the inside”, you will learn the key areas that need to be taken care of during each negotiation. You will learn how to prepare for business negotiations. You will learn the rules of probing and the types of questions in negotiations. You will learn how negotiation tactics work and how to control your emotions to achieve negotiation success.

8. Preparing for negotiations
9. Negotiation strategies and planning possible scenarios for the course of negotiations
10. Building negotiating power and analyzing the negotiating position
11. Analysis of the negotiating partner
12. Probing in negotiations
13. Negotiation tactics – how to recognize them and not be manipulated
14. Emotions in negotiations – how to recognize and control them so that they are an ally, not an enemy during negotiations

Organizational information: online training is conducted through the ClickMeeting training platform. After receiving information from us confirming the organization of the training, you will receive an activation link to the training no later than one day before the planned date of the event.




Max. Number of participants
Pomerania Development Agency
Pomerania Development Agency
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