Technostress – how to function effectively in the AI world?

Date: 20.10.2023
Time: 09:00
Online workshop
500 zł - for residents
500 zł - for non-residents

The Pomerania Development Agency invites you to an online training.


Want to know how technology affects your life and work? Join us and learn about the issue of technostress! Together, we’ll explore how technology can be both a blessing and a curse, and discover if you’re at risk of technostress. Don’t worry, simple ways to live a healthy life with technology will be presented, so you will learn how to live and work more safely, more efficiently and more satisfied. We will also look to the future and consider how we can prepare for the upcoming technological changes. Finally, ask questions and share your thoughts in an open discussion. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn more and engage in a conversation about technology and our lives and work!



    1. Psychological theory of technological stress.
    2. What is information overload and how to deal with it?
    3. Why do new tools cause us fear and uncertainty?
    4. The consequences of filling the work environment with modern technologies.
    5. Remote work and online meetings and their psychological consequences.
    6. Practical tips on how to avoid the negative effects of the intense presence of technology around us.




Kamil Czajkowski – studied philosophy and psychology with clinical specialization, gained practice at the Crisis Intervention Center and the Center for Assistance to Victims of Violence. He is a manager with several years of experience in middle and senior level positions, he has been running a psychological practice as a psychologist, business trainer and advisor for years. He is a certified ICF coach, completed postgraduate MBA studies at the WSB University, and is currently working on his doctorate at the University of Gdańsk. She is an academic teacher teaching psychology of marketing, sales, customer service, as well as managerial competences, leadership and motivation.

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Max. Number of participants
Pomerania Development Agency
Pomerania Development Agency
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