The future created by everyday life: Workshops on the power of habits |22.05

Date: 22.05.2024
Time: 15:00
Olivia Six
Talent Development Center
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

“The Future Created by Everyday Life: Workshops on the Power of Habits” is an offer for anyone who already has a specific goal that they are ready to work on. The road to success leads through the development of systematic, planned activities, which after a certain number of repetitions become our habits. By paying attention to small but regular activities, we can achieve significant results.


The workshop program is based on the best-selling book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear.


During the workshops:

  • you will learn why creating good habits is a key element in the process of achieving goals,
  • you will build awareness of your daily habits and receive effective tools to make the expected changes,
  • create a detailed and tailored action plan that brings you closer to creating the life you expect,
  • You will receive valuable tips and support from other workshop participants.

The workshops will be conducted by career counsellors: Joanna Falicka and Iwona Gryś.


Remember: a prerequisite for taking part in the workshop is that you have a specific and specific (any) goal you want to work on.


The workshops are aimed at adults. Participation in them is free of charge, but the number of places is limited.



Max. Number of participants
Talent Development Center
Talent Development Center
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