Thursday hike after work – streams and streams of the Oliwa Forests

Date: 26.05.2022
Time: 17:30
Gdańsk Oliwa, ul.
4 Bytowska Street, forest car park in the Schwabe Valley
14.99 zł - for residents
14.99 zł - for non-residents

Olivia Business Centre and Grupa Rekreacyjna 3miasto invite all lovers of hiking to afternoon and evening tourist hiking trips combined with relaxation in the bosom of nature.


The subject of the next trip are the streams of the Oliwa Forests.
On our route, we will not only see local streams meandering among the forests, but we will also cross them several times.
Great fun and lots of adventures await us.





The main goal of our journey are the streams flowing into the Oliwa Stream.
To see them, we will hike towards the upper part of the stream, to the Valley of Joy.
For a good start, we will get acquainted with the most interesting, cascading section of the river in the vicinity of the historic Oliwa Manor.


The Stream of Clean Water also flows nearby, and on the other side of the valley, in a deep riverbed, we will meet the murmuring Powder Stream, where at the edge of the forest, at the technical facilities of the zoo, we will also get acquainted with an old water mill.
After a short break, we will return to the valley and the Clean Water Stream, and then we will hike towards the Coal Road.
The last point of our journey will be the Bernard Stream, which is the first tributary of the Oliwa Stream.


Who is the route aimed at, how to prepare for the trip?

  • Thursday’s hike is addressed to adults, hiking enthusiasts who like hiking combined with relaxation in the bosom of nature.
  • Young people and children can take part in the hike under the care of their parents or legal guardians. Pets are also welcome.
  • Our route will lead through numerous hills and hills of the Tri-City Landscape Park.
    In total, we will cover a distance of approx.
    12 km.
    It is suitable for both younger and older people.
    Our journeys connect generations.


How to dress, what to take?

  • For your own comfort, it is worth dressing in sports clothes, so that the clothing does not restrict movement.
    Taking into account the quite varied terrain, we suggest trekking shoes with a hard sole, and when it is damp, preferably ankle-high.
  • For better coordination and balance on the hills, nordic-walking or trekking poles will come in handy.
    When we cover the route after dark, it is necessary to have a good flashlight, preferably a headlamp.
  • You should also take provisions for the hike, especially something to drink, so that your throat does not dry on the way.


Distance to cover: max.
12 km / difficulty: easy  

Pace: touristy, but without silting up


The ticket price includes:

  • Supervision of guides on the route (leader and closing the group)
  • First aid kit with equipment for walkers
  • Commemorative photos up to 2 days after the event


Starting and ending point of the tour:

Gdańsk Oliwa, ul.
Bytowska 4, forest parking lot in the Schwabe >>> Valley See the exact location of the meeting point on the map (set it as a destination and follow the directions of the Google map) – Meeting at 10:00 p.m.
17:30 – Tour duration: max.
3 hours





Each participant of the hike accepts the RULES OF PARTICIPATION.


The tour is led by:

Krzysztof Kochanowicz, Grupa Rekreacyjna 3miasto contact: Mail: Tel.
+48 502 778 115


Max. Number of participants
Olivia Centre
Communications Department
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