Volleyball with Olivia on March 23. Gramy w SP nr 35!

Date: 23.03.2023
Time: 16:45
Primary School No. 35
Not writable
15 zł - for residents
20 zł - for non-residents

We cordially invite you to volleyball trainings. If you are advanced and intermediate, be sure to drop by! All under the supervision of master Piotr Ilewicz. There is no boredom, no lazing around. We play on Thursdays at 4:45 p.m. at Primary School No. 35 in Oliwa. Matches are always preceded by a solid warm-up.


When do we play?

  • on Thursdays at 16:45 – 18:15


Where do we play?

  • in the gymnasium at Primary School No. 35 in Oliwa, ul. Stanisława Wąsowicza 30


How to get there?

  • from Olivia it’s 3 minutes on foot


Who is in charge, i.e. who conducts training?


Piotr Ilewicz associated with volleyball for over 18 years, he played in m.in leagues. in Germany and Portugal. As a “boy from the seaside”, he also plays beach volleyball. He has won 3rd place in the World Cup, the European Academic Championship and a bronze medal in the Polish Cup. In addition to active playing, for several years he has also been a coach, training youth and adults – from enthusiasts and amateurs to professional volleyball players.



Max. Number of participants
Olivia Centre
Olivia's Communications Department
Email: komunikacja@oliviacentre.com
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