We invite you to the third final of the Olivia Prize competition! Przeżyjmy to razem!

Date: 22.03.2023
Time: 17:00
Building: Star
34th floor
Not writable
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

On 22 March, on a special evening, the jury will announce the winning initiatives in four categories: Business, Eco, Pro Bono and Impact. The last one is a special award, which will be awarded to the project with the greatest positive impact on the environment. The Olivia Eco Award is granted in partnership with the United Nations Global Compact Network Poland.


Olivia Centre is made up of people full of ideas. Although they work in various organizations and industries, they regularly implement valuable initiatives that make everyday life easier. The competition for the Olivia Prize was created to appreciate unconventional projects and outstanding activity of Olivia Residents. The authors of the awarded initiatives will receive commemorative statuettes and vouchers to be used in the restaurants and conference spaces of Olivia Centre. The author of the design and the contractor of the statuettes is prof. Tomasz Sobisz, winner of many awards and scholarships, as well as the author of monumental and small architecture projects in Poland and abroad, m.in. in Germany, Sweden, Canada and Spain.


The prizes were awarded as a result of the work of the competition jury composed of:

Grzegorz Borowski – founder and CEO of InfoShare, Mirta Hegedusic – Managing Director thyssenkrupp Group Services Gdańsk, Mateusz Kusznierewicz – sailor, businessman and speaker, Marta Moksa – CEO of O4 Coworking, Piotr Nowosielski – CEO of Just Join IT and Remigiusz Wojciechowski – Head of Bayer GBS Gdańsk.


Schedule of the event:

  • 17:00 – opening of the event
  • 5:10 p.m. – lecture by Marek Wikiera : Everyone has their own desert, or when the impossible becomes possible
  • 18:00 – speech by Kamil Wyszkowski:
    Green financing
  • 6:30 p.m. – announcement of the winners and award ceremony
  • 7:00 p.m. – end of the ceremony and refreshments


Marek Wikiera
– a mentor and confidant of business owners, boards, managers, leaders, who supports them in crossing borders and achieving goals in business and personal life. Passionate about extreme ultramarathons and triathlons. In 2014, as one of 47 people in the world, he completed in one year – 4 Deserts – a gruelling series of 4 ultramarathons, placed by THE TIME magazine on the 6th ultramarathon. place in the TOP10 of the most difficult human endurance challenges.




Kamil Wyszkowski – Director General of the UN Global Compact in Poland, expert in the field of UN and EU policies, in particular in the field of activities at the interface of business and administration and the involvement of the private sector in the implementation of UN goals, policies and standards. Specialist in development cooperation, multilateral cooperation and knowledge transfer.







We invite all Olivians and Olivians to participate in the Olivia Prize award gala, reservation is required.



Max. Number of participants
Olivia Centre
Małgorzata Szumała
Email: komunikacja@oliviacentre.com
Bicycle racks
Car wash
Scooter stands
Parking lots
Parking cash registers
Olivia Garden
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