Webinar for parents: My child chooses school – what you should know | 20.03

Date: 20.03.2024
Time: 16:30
Online event
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

The webinar My child chooses a school – what you should know is a meeting for parents and guardians on supporting young people in choosing a secondary school. Those interested will receive the necessary information to help eighth-graders both in choosing the right school and in the formal recruitment process.


During the webinar:

  • we will discuss the emotions of eighth graders and their families during the preparation for the exam and recruitment,
  • we will talk about the importance of predispositions and professional interests in choosing a school,
  • we will discuss the schedules of activities in the recruitment procedure, criteria and regulations,
  • We will present possible educational paths.


The webinar will be hosted by the Centre’s career counsellors: Beata Butkiewicz and Milena Chomik.


A link to the meeting will be sent at least one hour before the event. If you do not receive an e-mail, please check your SPAM folder or contact us – informacja@centrumtalentow.pl, (58) 500 56 30.




Max. Number of participants
Talent Development Center
Talent Development Center
Email: informacja@centrumtalentow.pl
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