What can ChatGPT do for you at work? #GodzinkazCHATGPT

Date: 21.02.2024
Time: 11:00
Online event
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

Wondering how this famous AI could help you with your work? Or maybe you’re just looking for a way to use it a little? You’re in the right place! In the world of work, ChatGPT opens the door to a plethora of new possibilities!


We invite you to a WEBINAR that will reveal to you practical ways to use ChatGPT in your daily work that will CHANGE it forever! By automating tasks that have traditionally consumed a lot of time – from developing a new project to generating reports – ChatGPT will allow you to reorganize your workday!


On Wednesday, February 21, together with Małgorzata Siedlik, we will show you how to SERIOUSLY put ChatGPT to work for you, which will make fulfilling your daily duties faster, more enjoyable and more effective.

Instead of focusing on monotony and routine, you will direct your energy towards creativity and strategy. It’s a shift from “I have to do this” to “what can I do better now?” Effectively create commands, create content, design ideas, write emails… These are just a few of the topics that we will discuss during our webinar!


Join now and learn how to use ChatGPT to do the job for you in a simple and effective way!


Date: February 21
Time: 11:00


Instructor: Małgorzata Siedlik – Business Trainer, specializing in artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT and Canva. Since 2020, through trainings and workshops, she has been helping others build an effective image and use modern technologies to develop their business.


ChatGPT is not just another technological tool, but a symbol and catalyst for change in the way we work, learn, and communicate on a daily basis. Find out how to use it!




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Just Join IT, RocketJobs.pl
Just Join IT, RocketJobs.pl
Email: marketing@justjoin.it
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